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Easy Sudoku for 22/November/2005


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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So Pengy dare I ask HaHa?
Marching Girl  From stumped
Oh crone where are you
I feel sure this is true
Do apples grow near you? Pengy HaHa?
Penguin  From returning to iceberg
I must now go, sorry to say
My time is up, I'm now away.
But I'll be back never you fear
Cause in my heart you remain so dear.
If this rhyming gets to you
Then you're a mean-hearted lump of p..
Penguin  From forgot something
No not Di, that's not I
neither do I live in Mackay!
Amber  From Michigan
Glad to join the bolly swim in that case
If only to laugh a lot and save some face

Awful I know...good times to, but now I must go
restej  From sidedownup
marching girl - you're from oz
what makes me think so? er ....just because...
but what your name is ..tis hard to tell,
gloria? cathy? Ted (no, and just as well)
Mo perhaps or fraz or Susan?

(I'm thinking hard and brain cells loosin')

I'll take a chance 'cos bolly you like
It's Gloria ..... a bubbly delight!
Beatrice  From San Diego
2:27 Yea!
Marching Girl  From Teleporting home
Come down at once jester do
Aussie yes, Gloria? boo to you
Off now at once fear Tweety has flown
Doing this just won't get my lawn mown.
tweety bird  From huh where my ride?
hey girl, where have you marched off to?
now, you know i cant come looking for you
i know i promote play, play play,
bot food on the table that does not lay
i am at work, oh miserable day
which is why i had nothing to say
but now that you are mowing your lawn
hmmm... should i too mebbe rest...yawn??
jester  From the pantry
A cave of wonders here indeed! More bolly and hocolate, cream and mead! Fromage a plenty and whisky galore! Olives! Vermouth and much much more!
Stand back you peepers
Finder's keepers -
unless you can unmask me
be my guest

i'm off right into the azure sky...

jest rest  From the couch
There there tweety bird

All that bolly has made you jolly
it's too much for a little wren
now sleep it off....then drink again!
tweety bird  From flying the coop
u're right jester, i must rest..
but with all this bolly - surely you jest
oh well i shall write no more
and cover your ears if you hear a SNORE!!!
alisha  From melb aust
2:11 easy
Chikur  From India
Have a great day every one! Easy puzzle this time!
lady in red  From reclining in bed
Hello all, how are you doing? Is anyone here just sudokuing?
A paw here and a tail there and wait... yes I see a feather, I think I'll go and garb all in leather.
No, no wait I cannot be that mean
We'll never be able to wipe off Ted's beam.
The Red Pens are around somewhere both the King and the Queen. Shall I dress as a koala especially for Dean?
How about I dress as a Bucko. No, there's so many around I'd be lost in the gusto.
party panther  From To costumed sudokuists
To confuse and tease is my beat
To post out of normal times is my feat
I have been quietly slinking and readingthe prose
And waiting until tweety is under my nose
Have no fear dear bird it's true
You have too many feathers on you
I like my meat served up and ready
With just enough bolly to make me heady
Eddie  From Minnesota
Just found out about this type of puzzle. With winter coming on it'll be nice to have something to do other than shovel snow.
party panther  From TO Mistress Kitten
Where is the little ball of fluff
hocolate and party - has she had enough ?
Surely that tigrrrrrrrrrr has not been bad
Do not scare that kitty or I will be mad
With a flick of my tail and a quiet purr
I am off to look for that ball of fur

lady in red  From continued
I'd like to be the lady in red but who has my heels? Is it Brian or Ted?
Oh dear, what will I be - I cannot come to the masque ball as ME.
Wait, I know what to do. I'll wear the red leather all dipped in hocolate goo,
So now et al please may I come too?
Carl  From California
finally a fast time 2:08. I've been close a few times, but never this fast. Great weather here today in Los Angeles, 82F.
party panther  From To Lady in red
Welcome my lady all dressed in red
Don't worry about heels, they look good on Ted
The bolly is flowing the hocolate is good
So come to the party perhaps as red riding hood !
Charlie  From VA
Finally broke 2 mins with a time of 1:57 without cheat helpers on.
zannie  From vancouver canada
Hi I'm a newbie. You guys/gals are all a hoot. There are some very strange (enjoyably so) conversations going on here!!
What do you mean 'starting with 1s' or 'starting with 9's'? Do you find ALL the 1's or 9's before you go on to the next number?
col,  From Vic,
MO - how did your tests go today ?
JSHERP - How did the job interview go ? Did you enjoy the drive (you didn't have paws on th wheel by any chance did you ?)
Red Riding  From The Hood
Thank you kind panther, Red Riding it is
Sans hood if you don't mind
and plenty of bolly,oh I do like the fizz.
The heels I've forsaken. You do tell the truth
And Ted is quite taken. I just wish he was couth.

(Don't mean it Ted. The word just seems leap in there by itself)xx
party panther  From To Red Riding Hood
Caution and beware to you madam Hood
I fear that some others may not be good
when they see a small girl from a nursery tale
Manners from a wolf may miserably fail

(do we have a wolf yet)
party panther  From restlessness
So long for now - but I will be back
I will go hunting for supplies that we lack
Warm up the hocolate and pop open the bolly
For this cruise on the 'Lady' is our current folly
Paul  From St. Louis
Marching Girl  From helpless
Hello zannie welcome aboard

party panther so sleek and black
Pray may I have a ride to the bolly pool and back
I need to refill but can't march a straight line
Please help me o delectable cat so fine
party panther  From limosine service
Please climb aboard upon my back
We'll find the bolly - it's a well worn track
Careful when the batons twirl
and don't fall off dear marching girl
tweety bird  From relieved to find my ride
oh marching girl, you creature divine
where did you go, how i did pine
never mind now, i have regained my perch
mind you, despite the bolly, DONT LURCH!

tweety bird  From on marching girl's beret
who is resting her feet on pp's back
it may be a well worn track
and dont we make a dshing stack?
beware of ted, pp and m'girl, hes been known to go for black
Theiss  From Denmark
3:09 - Have a nice day.
party panther  From another on my back ?
Tweety, tweety, how much you trust
when with a cat, caution is a must
You ride upon my back with ease
Lucky that I aim to please
tweety bird  From to lady in red
lady in red, hoodless for sure,
but wow! in that red so pure...
sway slowly, lest i should fall,
for i have flitted over to your shawl
no marching girl, i have not thee abandoned
i'm just matching colors for this paint i've opened...

tweety bird  From to party panther
oh sleek black feline dear
there's many things i fear
being devoured by you is not one of 'em
i know u're sated on hocolate, bolly and penguins...ahem(yuck!!! rhyme)

party panther  From to: tweety bird
(lol) Ah here we are at the pool so clear
The bolly's sparkling so nicely here
The taste of course is second to none
And now back to the party to have some fun
tweety bird  From to party panther
Ian  From Hersham
3:21 Best time ever!!
adam  From australia
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