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Easy Sudoku for 22/November/2005


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Chrissy  From Canberra
Ahaaa! I've found it. The fridge yielded some whipped cream and delicious strawberries and OH YES, just what I was after - a cherry to pop on top. Hoorah! With my hocolate covered body, I am indeed the perfect parfait!!! Complete with cherry, how about that?
Chrissy  From Canberra
Amber, leave my cherry alone!!!! Have you nothing better to do than chase a hocolate covered body all around the boat? I know I am delectable, delicious and exciting (the hocolate does a wonderful cover-up job), but you really must leave my camouflage (er costume) intact.
Marching Girl  From on way to bolly pool
Crone, your face begins to show
Under myriad warts I did go
To reveal your name
Is not yet time
I must hear yet another rhyme.
Hold tight tweety bird, slide down my arm
Drink from the pool, you'll come to no harm.
(never was good at poetry)

Kyle  From Us
I got 1:56
Tracey  From Sydney
4:24. Hi all. New to this site so not a bad score from me.
tweety bird  From the bolly pool
ahhhhhhh!!! refreshed, renewed, regenerated...
these bolly pools... they aren't over rated
a quick shower may give you the power...
but a bath in the stuff opens heaven's path...

marching girl, my thanks sincere
in return i offer this hocolate here
mind it has a penguin in it
but isn't that why god gave us teeth??
Janelle  From West Oz

A girl  From blondy
hey whats up?what is your best score on sudoku?
ossie  From oswego
late tonite... 3:28 on to the next ..whers the party ?
A girl  From blondy
You dont talk much do you?
Wart  From looking like cherries
Oh Chrissy, I knew it! I knew someone would find a better use for me than sitting around waiting to be used by Crone. What I fear now is the attention you are getting from others. I will be so obvious plopped upon this mass of cream. If one of these so called felines consume me I will 'End' up just another wart again.
tweety bird  From searching for the cats
well well well putty cats...
i wonder where you all are at?
could it be this wee li'l bird
has scared the s**t out of this feline herd???!!
Penguin  From the South Pole
A penguin in a hocolate I be
Goodness gracious I must hastily flee.
They lick your toes, then heaven knows
A minute later, their passion grows.
Oh lordy me, they're up to my knee
why is this happening to me?
Here it is, a touch of smutt
cause now they've moved up to my butt.
I'll be banned I know,
but before I go
Let me tell you

Blondy  From A Girl
No, not that much.Im a shy person.
Nayla  From canada
not too good at this yet!
Blondy  From A Girl
Hey Blondy, you still ther?My computer was being stupid.Sorry.Hey everyone that is doing the poems, they're AWSOME!!And r halarious!!I was never good at them.
Elise  From PA
1:30. Piece of cake
A girl  From blondy
So whats your best time?
Ed  From Lithia, Fl.
No picture, boo. I need to stop reading the comments, they are too much for me to handle. I feel good about myself but gee wiz.
tweety bird  From to blondy
oh my dear, have no fear,
all you need is...(lend a ear)
a penguin or two, lots of bolly
so much so that you know no folly
the poetry will follow then
for you'll have no fear of Queen Red Pen!!
tweety bird  From to a girl
i think i addressed the wrong person, shudder!!
could that be the hocolate i wonder...
oh well, you'll read it anyway,
just know twas your msg but went blondy's way....
Marching Girl  From bolly pool
Aah tweety 'tis my favourite food
Always in a hocolate mood
Penguin inner's just so divine
Washed down with some bloody good wine
Me thinks I know just who you are
From way over the pond and more so far
(no improvement in the poetry yet)
Penguin  From the South Pole
A penguin or two and lots of bolly?
Eating me and my friend will make you jolly?
I'm short and fat, but kinda cute
But you'd gobble me up you horrid brute.
Just one more thing, I'm going to say
Jenny  From Toronto
4:51, it's late Monday night here, and cold.
Amber  From Michigan
Okay, no costume and no prose...forgive me long enough to explain what 'bolly' is? Geeze, have definitely been gone too long...feel like an arse that doesn't know what a drop bear is or something.
david  From perth
Maria  From Rhode Island
Lin  From Bakewell NT
4.57 on my first go at timing... yay
tweety bird  From to penguin
oh oh offended you, have i?
must be your jolly coat that caught my eye
come to my table un-hocolated,
in that form you are invited.
for then you may be the guest of honour
instead of the hors d'houvres....
Marching Girl  From nearly empty bolly pool _ BASI
Oh Penguin dear you are out of place
South Pole you say with a straight face
Sophisticated yet country
Could that be you?
Do you see mountains in the yonder blue?
tweety bird  From all bolly'd out
Janine  From Perth, Ausy
2:58 first time under 3 mins
jester  From the bell and bolly
my friends I see
i'm not alone
in making a fool of myself!
jester  From the chandelier
How flies the time?
how highs the rime?
how sighs the lime?

who doth the crime?
Terri  From Longwood, Florida
That picture made me laugh out loud! Too funny!
Marching Girl  From going on a hocolate hunt
Amber my dear
Rich you must be
To swim in bolly just like me
'tis top quality luxury champagne
Ted's card will surely feel the pain
Come join the fun - spot you we will
Free for you since Ted's settling the bill
tweety bird  From all boly'd out
oh amber, i do not wish to gloat,
bolly's the stuff that makes you float,
makes you fly, makes you sing
(unless of course you have wings)
alas, only some of us are sol blessed
but come, come join us for this fest!
Penguin  From the South Pole
No, no, not a Scottish Frenchie I be
That's somebody else, can't you see?
Although you did come up with one true clue
Tis the gender that you knew!
Marching Girl  From getting closer to penguin
Bollinger is the name
Well known is its fame
Makes you rhyme
Nearly all the time. (just very badly in my case)
Down from the chandelier you jester
At my eye level then I can pester
Unveil you we must
Before the chandelier does rust.
(Now that's really bad!!!)

jester  From the turret
tis di i wager is penguin -ly
di from mackay, is that thee?
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