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Easy Sudoku for 22/November/2005


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Jim  From Tyabb, Vic. Aus
2:14 Off to great start. Andre, I am pleased my sad sense of humour made you laugh yesterday, as i find your jokes and thoughts for the day amusing.
dmd  From Toronto
3:08 So closeee! That's what they all look like when I tell them to go and play outside in the snow.
dmd  From Toronto
4:27 Getting worse not better.
dani  From west oz
damn i forgot to set the timer.
disgucting baby though....i feel sorry for the parents
me  From the previous person, u know
* disgusting
Opossum Stew Lover  From Lynchburg, TN
2:06 that baby looks like he's upset. probably because everyone ate opossum stew and left him none.
Chrissy  From Canberra
Thanks guys for all the jokes and humour, it keeps me smiling all day long. Fiona you are such a character, that's why you're a paradox. French chic and attitude mixed with Anglo wit is a treasure. The 'straight hair set' is a term coined for women in Australia who fit a particular profile. Typically they would NEVER be seen in anything other than matching undies.
Chrissy  From Canberra
Whoops! Have given the wrong impression there. I meant of course that under their clothing, their undies would be matching.
The Crone  From The Witches Cauldron
To Wart yes you do have to worry, as I just may have a plan for you? and Panther if you try to eat me I will turn you into a gnat, how would you like that!(I know!). We need to gather toghether, as I can not cast my spells on you, do not worry as they will not hurt! it's only to help you to PARTY. Chrissy dear are you joining us on our wonderful cruise?
Bill  From Brownsville
These puzzle are getting way to easy or my buddy chuck knows the secret to solving Sudokus
cathy  From country, south australia
Hi everyone! that was quite a good comment Chrissy, and of course we knew what you really meant! the guys would be the only one's to think otherwise??
Robyn  From Adelaide
Tracy  From Denver & Wales
Marching Girl  From costume ball
Tweety bird, you could always camouflage yourself among the yellow feathers on the top of my beret. I'm off for a long march around the deck, but Tweety, you didn't have to take poop deck literally!
Deejaye  From Perth, Australia
3.41 - first time I have timed myself!
I have pulled that baby face many times.
The Crone  From The Witches culdrone
Marching Girl, are you sure you want a pooping bird on your beret? with your feathers so fine! And Marching Girl, I think I see your face? but I will wait, just to be sure.
tweety bird  From to marching girl
thanks for the lift - and other servies, now if only your hat also had some tp..... oh well if i go on much longer you may actually feed me to the fiesty felines instead of protecting me, so m'lady i apologise!!!
Brad  From Mackay Australia
2.16 my best yet. cute kid
tweety bird  From marching girl's hat
cease and desist wicked crone,
and leave marching girl alone,
not all cast wretched spells like you
some are persons good and true
alas i'm not one of them,
but i'm better when i'm bad... ahem??!!

(yuck but nothing else rhymed??)
tweety bird  From to marching girl
fair lady, in your marching path
could we possibly stop and bath
i think a see a bolly pool
that makes my little tongue drool
my rhymes have gone very wry
me thinks bcoz my throat is dry!!!
rosemary  From wangaratta
WOW 2.33 the fastest I have done the easy puzzle with no helps!!
I cannot believe the party still rages
however my poems I have left on other pages
too much work today for such frivolity
maybe tonight I can return with more joviality.

have a great day, off to do more puzzles and lots of work.
The Crone  From The Witches Cauldron
Do not ruffle your pretty feathers just yet Tweety, I do not cast wretched spells. As I am a person good and true, I only seek, to get people and the world to live in harmony! if you are not one of them,then are you the pretender? though you will not tell I fear! Then I should make a potion for discovery!
Cheryl  From Savannah
3:17...fastest I've ever gotten. Crazy looking baby, but cute!
Amber  From Michigan
Not in costume--but must remind all those who have forgotten their wedding memories already...
I showed up to the pre-wedding party to find Susan, Ted, Chrissy and HH already deep into the drink...and quickly accused all present of starting to eat the chocolate with out me. To which HH replied 'Amber, sorry I started on the hocolate without you. Hope you all realise ladies that since it's andre's wedding we have to take responsibility for disciplining Ted - who's just asked for more aaaaaaaand
Bill  From MI
1:51 no guesses
Amber  From cont..
aaaaaaaand THWACK there it is, not sure who enjoyed that more, me or Teddy....hey, Kate, pass that bottle!' And from there hocolate shows that we can enjoy what we eat even though we are too drunk to know how to spell it!!
hocolate, chocolate, who gives a...
cathy  From country, south australia
cathy  From country, south australia
See what happens when you leave a pc and a little darling alone to answer the front door! a matter of a few seconds. I wish door to door salesman, would read the sign on the front door? guess they can't read plain english?? Well i have to go!! so it's Byeeee!!!! from me.
tweety bird  From to amber
hey amber, tis good to see you
been ages, where were you??
busy with work you say!!!
but doesn't one need to play too!!!
jsherp  From illinois
Trevene: hocolate is what you dip penguins in when you want to serve them for dessert. Mmmmm, hocolate covered penguins! Better than Smarties and M&M's combined!
Amber  From Michigan
Ahhh Tweety, thanks...wish I had been actually keeping up on all your posts in costume so I could make guesses as to who you all are!
Have been playing...just the old fashioned way (amazing...paper and pencil just not as entertaining as you all) in between working and cleaning house for holiday guests! Its refreshing to be back though
The Crone  From The Witches Cauldron
So Tweety, I see you are still there on Marching Girls beret? What Tweety says is true amber! you need to play, so come and join us on this masquerade and have a ball! Hocolate dipped penguins would never have thought of that combination. I better go and see what's happening around the cauldron, there is quite a group gathering?
The Crone  From The Witches Cauldron
Who ever that is in the clown costume put down my broom and tiggerr stop drinking from the cauldron. That's my socks in there soaking. I'd better go and chase them away, be back! I don't know when? but definately later!
Malvino  From Sydney
tweety bird  From to the crone
HAH!! hear that? its me laffing
my disguise is so tight its chaffing
cast your spells, find me out...
but you'll meet failure, i do not doubt!
mb  From taiwan
Amber  From Michigan
2:44--weird how I use different strategy when playing online vs. playing on paper.
Chrissy  From Canberra
Thank you crone, I am at the party but alas in my magnolia leaf costume, I just seem to have blended in with the decor to such an extent that I have gone unobserved. I did at one stage immerse myself in a delicious tub that was hocolate filled. To my amazement Amber wandered in and began licking my toes and I made a hasty retreat lest it was me and not the hocolate she was after. I am now rummaging through the cupboards to find a little something else to slip into.
Marching Girl  From on way to bolly pool
Oh tweety you sweety
I will carry you
Till this party bids adieu
Fiesty felines you need not fear
None will get you while I am here
Amber  From Michigan
Chrissy how did you see through my disguise?!? granted, me dressed up as a twenty-something with nothing better to do then puzzles online wasn't all that far-fetched--but still!!!
It was too bad you left....I was just getting past the hocolate coating!
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