SA Meeting 8/23/07

Keith/CA and Dave/OR-AZ meet at a wonderful Mexican restaurant to discuss all our great friends around the world.

Keith/CA and Dave/OR-AZ meet at a wonderful Mexican restaurant to discuss all our great friends around the world.

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   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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What a great shot of two of the wonderful guys that contribute so much to our Sudoku site...glad it was fun...but where are the ladies? Were you guys imbibing soooooooooo much the ladies had to hide just to catch you? Or, more likely, Did you know they would show you up? The world of sudoku wants to know...
24/Aug/07 10:30 AM
Judy  From San Diego
Two of my favorite guys ... double beep beep!
24/Aug/07 11:43 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Wow! Dave and Keith in the same place!!!! It looks like fun! I bet you had a great meal also! Yummmy!!!!
03/Dec/08 5:21 AM
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