Looking up our valley.  The whole state has been covered by smoke for the last 4 days, with no change in sight.

Looking up our valley. The whole state has been covered by smoke for the last 4 days, with no change in sight.

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   HalT  From S Carolina
Check out my page
That must be hard on the respiratory system, Sack.
23/Jan/16 9:18 AM
   Sacky  From Tasmania
Check out my page
I reckon so Hal.
23/Jan/16 12:14 PM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Golly that looks like when I used the oven after the spillage of the New Year day French Toast casserole. The butter sugar mix that spilt on the oven floor burnt with a vengeance and my home was filled with heavy smoke! Ugh! I hope you're able to tightly shut out the smoky air in your home!
23/Jan/16 1:09 PM
   Kate  From Sydney
Check out my page
Still thinking of you..........
23/Jan/16 2:43 PM
jacalmi  From Canada
Check out my page
Hope this ends soon, and that the damage is not too severe.Thinking of you Sacky, and keep your spirits up.
24/Jan/16 6:58 AM
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