Sudokuaholics Anonymous 11

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

Here is is, the newest version of SA, with hopes it will be easier to post now.
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   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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12.45am here and I can't sleep.
Still no Heidi, and she missed her birthday a few days ago.
We're settling into our new abode well. Going to the Valentines Day dinner in the restaurant. Very early start - 5pm. Oh well, I guess we're all old here and some like to go to bed at 7pm. Yawn!
14/Feb/24 1:49 AM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Oh darnit! I turned the page without realising.
Now to find a thought for the top.

'There's nothing better than a friend.
Unless it's a friend with chocolate.'
14/Feb/24 1:58 AM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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That is so right!

Good to hear the 'dust is settling' at the new place, CynB. I usually have no trouble falling asleep when I first go to bed. It's going back to sleep after a middle of the night sleep ''interruption'' that gives me problems.

16/Feb/24 6:27 AM
Midge  From Ferntree Gully
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Unlike Heidi to be awol for so long. Hope all is o.k.
Glad to hear you are settled in CynB - a new start to enjoying yourselves.
We are in Brisbane at the moment and back down to the Gold Coast on Tuesday to visit rellies. Just trying to work out where to go for the weekend - Pink is doing her shows here this weekend and the motels have more than doubled their rates whilst she is here. Really milking it. Taylor Swift is in Melbourne and everyone there is going nuts so I am glad not to be around.
Heading for home next week, I think at snail pace - I also want to visit some of the beautiful beaches on the way.
Hope everyone is keeping well.
16/Feb/24 1:24 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Morning, all y'all. Nearly two weeks since Midge's last comment. Guess with more seasoning of our ''seasoned citizens'', life is getting in the way. For me, individual days seem, frequently, to pass slowly, yet the weeks are flying by. I had hoped to do some traveling, this year, but it seems not to be happening. It would be nice if I could do some before the summer crowds. I've heard that for some with back pain, sleeping in a recliner works. For me a hammock works.

Re: Midge's comment about Taylor Swift, I see her picture all over the news, but, you know, I couldn't name one of her songs. Growing up, my family wasn't privileged to have money for concerts, records and such. I never have been able to see the point of paying good money to join a huge crowd to listen to what I could hear on the radio. MTV? I heard of it, but I don't remember ever watching. So much for reminiscing, Take care of yourselves and do drop in from time to time if only to say ''Hi''.

28/Feb/24 1:34 AM
Midge  From Ferntree Gully
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Same here about Tay Tay - I am so sick of reference to her. Now if she were something like the Beatles or Stones I could understand .........
We arrived home late yesterday after a slow drive down the east coast re-visiting some towns we have not seen for many years. Sorry to be home as I am back at work already with heaps to do.
We have a high fire alert here today but luckily doesn't seem to have developed into the 'catastrophic' description.
Really happy to see our sons - the eldest back from overseas the day we left, another getting ready to go back to Darwin in a few days and another one arriving home from Thailand tomorrow. Will be great to have them all together for a few days.
Whilst we were away we had a large storm that managed to re-arrange the branches on our huge gum next to the house. Sons had plenty to do with the chainsaw - will have heaps of wood for next winter.
28/Feb/24 6:39 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Two weeks since the last post and still no sign of Heidi.. Guess most everyone has ''bailed'' and gone over to TOS. Shame that the page that has brought so much enjoyment to so many is ''withering on the vine''

Midge , You know, trees can be a real asset or not... More than a few of mine have, with the help of Mother Nature, decided to enter into contests of strength with my fences. Some have just decided to block a few of the trails. Best case scenario is time with the chainsaw and chipper. Some, however require the fence to be mended, in addition. The fence repair has priority, with just enough brush removal to facilitate said repair. The ground is still way too soft to support the equipment required for the gathering of firewood and chipping the rest.

Somewhere, spring has sprung. The daffodils are in bloom and days are getting longer and warmer though the nights remain cool, occasionally freezing.

In closing and with St Patrick's day fast approaching, I offer this..........

May your joys be as bright as the morning,
and your sorrows merely be shadows
that fade in the sunlight of love.
16/Mar/24 4:42 AM
Midge  From Ferntree Gully
Check out my page
Lovely sentiments.
Very quiet here. I hope all are going o.k. and just too busy to visit this page.
Two sons are now driving to Darwin in a 4 wd son bought for $4.5k. 19 years old VW Tourag - thank goodness his early career was as a VW mechanic. They are camping out under the stars in the desert - wish I was there too except they may be held up by some floods halfway to Darwin from Alice Springs. They sent a video of one of their stops - they were in a hurry to leave and visited the Australian Pinball Museum on their way!!!
Eldest is heading off to New Zealand on Sunday -which will leave us home alone for a week or so. Our house has a revolving front door and I love it.
In rejection at the moment so having a fair bit of treatment at the hospital so fingers crossed it can be curtailed.

Weather is starting to behave like Autumn with cold nights and light sunny days.
22/Mar/24 2:45 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Out of curiosity, I read through page one of SA 11. It was a fun read, from can you believe it, 10 years ago. Many names appear that we never see any more. Heidi had a memorable ''adventure'' which she related. Ah the comradery before many jumped to the other site and others drifted away........

Here's wishing all the best to those who still stop by, even if you don't post...
01/Apr/24 4:34 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Cyn is OS. The photo from her hotel room in Athens was drool worthy.
There are 8 people living in my house right now. It’s very crowded and noisy. Most people are asleep right now so it’s a bit quieter
20/May/24 10:39 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus
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Hi Suzy!
I'm back from our cruise of the Mediterranean. It was great but Col got sick so we had a few off days. We saw Athens, Santorini Mykonos, all in Greece, Ephesus in Turkey, Naples, Rome, Pisa in Italy and finished in Barcelona, Spain for 3 days.
The flight home was horrendous! 6 hours Barcelona to Doha, 14 hours Doha to Brisbane (with the plane's aircon on 'freezing')! We have been home for a week now and are only just starting to feel normal.
I'd love to see people commenting on here. I miss SA.
08/Jun/24 11:05 AM
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