The Hired Help from The Labour Exchange

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Joyce  From Flower City
Check out my page
Welcome to your page & being a great substitute while Kayo gone traveling! Hope others find & appreciate your comments & coming to the rescue!
23/Nov/14 3:27 PM
   Silvergal  From South Carolina
Check out my page
Indeed! The daffynitions and Factoids are enjoyable, and it's good of you to step up to the plate.
26/Nov/14 3:07 PM
   HalT  From S Carolina
Check out my page
Nice transition.
04/Dec/14 2:21 PM
   Kayo  From Elsewhere
Check out my page
I've looked back on some of your submittals. You've done an excellent job and I thank you again for your work. Please stay close by as I'll be travelling again in mid January.
12/Dec/14 12:27 AM
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