kobold from Shorewood

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   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
Check out my page
to Sudokuland, kobold! Hope you enjoy your time here on the site. Blessings!
18/Jan/11 3:17 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
Check out my page
to your own page, kobold!
I'm glad you've joined us!
19/Jan/11 7:37 AM
kobold  From Shorewood
Check out my page
1. {(3)a8=c7-e7=f8-f2=e1} # -3a1.c2
// SS(1), -1a3.df2
2. (7)a4=(7-9)c4=c5-g5=g1-a1=a3 # -7a3
3. (5=7)f7-(7=9)f9-WR(39)c5f8=(3)f2 # -5f2, SSTE
// FXW(6), -6h1; YW(47.1)h1cg2, -1a1
10/Sep/11 3:17 AM
   Shiela  From MI
Check out my page
So... you are a single malt scotch fan?
What's your favorite?
08/Dec/11 2:48 AM
kobold  From Shorewood
Check out my page
9.0 mystery *****

1. { (6=789)abg3-(157)d346=SS(6)d34.ac4a5 }
# -89e3, -1e5.d89, -5d9

2. (1)h5=ab5-(1=4)c6-f6=ef5 # -4h5

3. KBox(2)B5 # -1i46

4. aur(15)ei.79::(1)a7=*(5)f7-f6=(5-1)d6=d4-b4=b1
# -1a14, MW(61)d4/c41.b1, -1b4

5. KCell(479)b4 # -7c12

//xyc:(47)b4,(79) i4,(9)ie1,(98)e2,(84)c2 # -4c6
28/Dec/11 7:30 AM
kobold  From Shorewood
Check out my page
8.9 mystery **** level
// FSF(7) -7h3, MW(92)h7/c7.ade9, -2def7

1. (4=3)i6-h56=h8-(3=1)g8-i7=i4 # -34i4

2. (15')d37=(5)d1-(75=3)bg1-g9=h8-(75=3)h56-(5)h3
* = MR(29)h3/i7321-(156')dei7=(1)d3 # -529d3 ssts
* = MW(75)b1/g13.e3 # -5d1

3. SS(3)f28.h8g9=f5-(3=247)ade4-(4)g4=(4-3)i6=i12 # -3g2

4. (1)c5=c2-(146)abg2=XW(5)bg12-g4=h5 # -5c5
29/Dec/11 12:33 PM
kobold  From Shorewood
Check out my page
9.0 mystery **** but long.

// SW(21)g2i1.i9.g976, -2g6
obscure kraken to break ice:
1. KColumn(7)I # -3a1
(7)i 1

"Five Easy Pieces"
2. (2=7)i1-(7=3)g3-ef3=(358')e12f1 # -2ef1
3. (2)e6=(2-6)c6=(6-5)c9=c1-b2=e2 # -2e2, -5e9
4. (7)b6=b2-(7=2)d2-d1=(2-7)i1=g23 # -7g6
5. (6)c9=(6-4)a8=a1-(47=5)c13 # -5c9
6. (3=2)f4-(2=4)c4-(4=379)ceg3 # -3f3, MW(96)f3/hfd7, -6f89

8. (4=378)aef1-SS(7)eg8.g12i1=(637')ahi8 # -4a8
9. aur(23)hi58::(4)i5=*(6)h8-(6=458)a8b89-(4)b5=i5 # +4i5
03/Jan/12 6:29 AM
Molly  From The Hawkesbury
Check out my page
Hi there, I was reading yesterdays posts and am wondering what the more challenging puzzles are you are referring to. I often wonder what all those postings with all those numbers mean.
18/Aug/13 1:28 PM
kobold  From Shorewood
Check out my page
Y-3 (unsolved) has only one advanced step:

1. DK: (89=134)ab9c7 - (1)a7=deh7 # +1de7, STE.
[(1)de7=*(1-3)h7=(3-28')gi9=(8)i8 - SS(8)ib5*.c48=(8-9)c5=(9-1)e5=e7]

// ext. als-xz: (134)b569=SS(8)b59*.g94 - (8=4)i5; -4c5
// MW(98)c5/(8)i5g4.(9)g6; -9a6
// HW(98)c5/(8)i5g4.(2)a4; -9a4
// x:(4)i8=h7-c7=c1-g1=g4-f4=f3; -4e1.i5
dk(1.25 + 1 + .75) + p(4 * .25 + .25) = 4.25**
SG=12.25, SE=8.8
11/Sep/14 2:09 AM
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