Scooter from New Jersey

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   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Well Scooter, I don't know how long you've been around, but welcome to the site. Your Cape May sunset photo is awesome, and I said the same thing on the picture. Enjoy my traditional page warming gift, a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa. Thanks for your photos! Cheers!
14/Jun/08 7:45 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gday and belated greetings Scooter. Great to have you here with us. I tried out that beach sudoku, thanks! I do NOT need another addiction!
Feel free to drop into my page anytime. I love having visitors.
Have fun here in Sudokuland, we all do!
15/Jun/08 9:44 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Scooter, Sorry I missed saying Hi when you joined. Enjoyed seeing your post yesterday. Hope to see you post more often.
16/Nov/13 1:41 AM
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