Chris from Massachusetts

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   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
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Chris to your page! Stop by anytime! Hope we don't get too much snow! Here are some flowers to brighten your day!
27/Feb/08 3:44 AM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Chris, and a very belated, Welcome to your own page here in Sudokuland.
Just had a look at your photo gallery, I must say I love the "Garden in the Woods'. It looks so very peaceful.

to welcome you here to Sudokuland.
Have A Great Day.
20/Mar/08 12:57 PM
David  From Denver
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Chris - Red Sox Nation lives here in Denver as well. It's in the DNA. (born in Beantown!)
26/Mar/08 3:56 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Hello Chris - goodness me, I haven't visited you before or welcomed you to our silly site and wonderful world of sudoku. I didn't realise that you had become a member.
To answer your question on "hard" sudoku, no, I'm not a photographer, although I think I'd love to be. I just take photos for my own pleasure and have always, since the age of eight, owned a camera, or cameras. It's so much easier with a digital camera these days so there's no stopping me when I see something I would like to take a photo of.
27/Mar/08 2:48 PM
   Peg  From Ohio
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Hi Chris - Thanks for your kind welcome! Yes, we had a lovely trip to Italy. I love the pics you have put up on your page too! What a lovely family you have!
31/Mar/08 1:43 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Gday and belated greetings to you Chris. I have been here to look at your photos but apparently I rudely forgot to say howdy!
I look forward to meeting you around the pages.
Feel free to drop into my page anytime and have a look around.
Have fun.
09/Apr/08 12:24 AM
   SweetPhotatoes  From Shelburne Falls
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Chris, What a beautiful picture of the Garden in the Woods. I've never been there, but your photo inspires me to make it a destination in the spring. I'm in western MA, about a 2 hour drive to Framingham. Come visit our Bridge of Flowers in Shelburne Falls.
14/Feb/09 2:44 PM
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