Spicebush Swallowtail Caterpiller (Papilio troilus)

Happy Halloween! One of the most enjoyable things I did in 2009 was ride my bike the 17 miles around Shark Valley Trail in Everglades National Park. Able to go at my own rate, I was able to spot and investigate things like this caterpillar, crossing the one-lane, perfectly flat road. March 6, 2009.

Happy Halloween! One of the most enjoyable things I did in 2009 was ride my bike the 17 miles around Shark Valley Trail in Everglades National Park. Able to go at my own rate, I was able to spot and investigate things like this caterpillar, crossing the one-lane, perfectly flat road. March 6, 2009.

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Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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"I'm looking at you ... looking at you ... looking at you ................................"
24/Oct/09 1:22 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
Check out my page
This guy is almost as beautiful as he will be with wings!
24/Oct/09 6:08 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Ah, which way is he facing??? The end that has what looks like huge eyes looks like the back end but it is the bigger end. Oh now I'm confused!
24/Oct/09 2:31 PM
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