
At the Perth zoo

At the Perth zoo

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   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Have you got any food for me?
03/Apr/08 1:42 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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That Cheetah looks to be a bit close to the photographer - or is it an illusion? Great photo.
09/Apr/08 9:24 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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It is a very tame cheetah and its handler was patting and giving a tummy rub then hand fed it. Made my gandsons' day. Cheetahs are his favorite animals.
15/May/08 12:07 PM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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What a beautiful animal, eaa. I thought she was licking her chops looking at you!
10/Sep/08 12:57 PM
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