Rolanda's Visit June 2012

Here is Rolanda just before getting into the plane for her flight with the flyboy, vdV

Here is Rolanda just before getting into the plane for her flight with the flyboy, vdV

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   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
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Twas a great flight. Thanks vdV
24/Jun/12 7:12 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
Check out my page
A wonderful experience Rolanda. I am so pleased you were able to go up.
24/Jun/12 8:41 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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what a neat thing for vdV to do, take our Rolanda for a birds eye view of the area. Hope you enjoyed it Rolanda!
24/Jun/12 10:20 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Australia
Check out my page
Stephen (son) sent me a whole heap of photos of me climbing into the plane, and getting strapped in.. :)
09/Jul/12 12:50 PM
   Kate  From Sydney
Check out my page
Wonderful, Rolanda!!!
14/Jul/12 1:09 PM
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