Stirling Ranges, Albany

We took this gravel (unsealed) road, Red Gum Pass Road, back through the Ranges as a scenic drive back to Albany. The drive through the mountains was really beautiful and we stopped often to take photos of wildflowers, the scenery, etc.

We took this gravel (unsealed) road, Red Gum Pass Road, back through the Ranges as a scenic drive back to Albany. The drive through the mountains was really beautiful and we stopped often to take photos of wildflowers, the scenery, etc.

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   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Anne...I'm nothing if not subtle.....but yes, I am rather in favor of The Philadelphia Eagles..... Loved your new pictures...the wildflowers are beautiful...
17/Sep/07 12:22 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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This looks like a fairly smooth gravel road. Our gravel roads can be quite jarring.
12/Oct/07 12:40 PM
   nal  From miami
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Nothing like Loop Road. I agree with Eve...our gravel roads are a jarring, bone rattling, teeth chattering, hold on to your cameras for dear life if you are planning to drive over 15 miles per hour, roads.
29/Sep/08 12:03 AM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
Check out my page
Stunning. You have so many beautiful photos, but this one jumped out of the "thumbnails" at me. I shall dwell on your photos a few at a time over many enjoyable days. Thank you.
23/Mar/09 10:50 PM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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Take me home, country roads...♪ ♫
27/Feb/12 6:36 AM
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