DotCom from Boca Raton, FL

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   Shiela  From MI
Check out my page
DotCom, I like
I spend way too much time on this site! It's very easy to use, lots of options of puzzle shapes & number of pieces, great photos and if you don't like the daily offering, you can search by topics for other puzzles.
05/Jan/21 2:33 AM
   Shiela  From MI
Check out my page
You are very welcome, DotCom! Warning: It's addicting!
05/Jan/21 8:07 AM
   Sarah  From DC, the last colony
Check out my page
Even if the time had come, it is nonetheless a loss and a marker in your life. My condolences.
05/Apr/21 3:26 AM
Malcolm  From England
Check out my page
Thankyou Dotcom for your kind offer of assistance but I am afraid mere extra hints at solving Sudoku puzzles are in my case likely to be insufficient, as my problem is more fundamental. I have been using the same brain for over eighty years now and it’s functioning is becoming rather stodgy. It was never a particularly swift working one when brand new and even after being downloaded for several years with a variety of concepts and data, was never especially swift at assimilating their use. Unlike with computers, it seems there are no available updates one can easily download to enhance better operation. I fear in fact that it may cease to function altogether fairly soon but meanwhile I do enjoy using it on a daily basis endeavouring to solve the daily Sudoku here.
22/Apr/21 3:27 PM
Malcolm  From England
Check out my page
Thankyou Dorothy (DotCom) for your interesting and helpful reply.
Actually, I have been doing that Australian Sudoku for about ten years or so but have only recently signed up to the membership blog. I do two other computer games as such in order to challenge my steadily atrophying brain cells, FreeCell (rather addictive) and Jak Bridge. I used to play bridge with friends whilst living in Canada, having an English partner versus two Canadians, but I’m afraid we usually lost, the same as at golf. (The steady demise of we Brits eh!)
Re your advice. I have always left that Allow incorrect box blank in any case as I don’t consider it ethical to the spirit of completing the daily puzzle to invoke artificial aids in solving it. Re the tedium of moving the cursor about filling in the possibilities, I regard doing this as a test of my diminishing mental acuity powers, making sure as I go along that I am putting the correct numbers in whilst observing adjacent boxes and squares for duplications and consequent redundancies, and, as I am sure you are aware, getting lucky when the occasional correct number is discovered to fill a square. When all is complete, and after a brief clock pause to rest the brain and note down the elapsed time, then my technique, which is probably most peoples’ who have not studied, or like myself are incapable of fully comprehending, the advanced Sudoku solving techniques, is, once spotting doubles and triples, to simply look for likely combination numbers to “call” in the hope I may have guessed correctly and might thus continue to Completion. However, once I trip the dreaded RED, unless accidentally, I immediately quit, generally amid much cursing and swearing at my stupidity. Thus I rarely Complete a Sudoku more than three times a week.
I have been posting my times for quite a while now but only recently breaking them down into Possibilities and Completion since noticing one other person who posts times which I regard as impossibly short, the average time in fact which I take (and I am sure any other normal human being) to simply put the preliminary possible numbers in.
24/Apr/21 10:41 PM
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