Judy from San Diego

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   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Hi, Judy!! Yes, my family has expanded to 5 grandkids from 4 yo to 18 yo! The grandson I just got when I joined this site is in high school, ROTC, and Boy Scouts. Yikes! How about you? Besides marriages, anything more?!? One of my sons is in Murrietta near you in San Diego so when the pandemic crisis has settled either by more vaxxed and boosted people or the hospitals are no longer in crisis, maybe we could get together for tea.
18/Feb/22 4:57 AM
   Denny  From Napa Valley CA
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There is a cribbage club in your area. Plays weekly. Contact:
Paulette Gagnon
Also, check out https://www.cribbage.org
11/Dec/22 2:13 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Thank you so much for your lovely birthday wishes, Judy. I've had a lovely day so far, going out for a picnic at a lovely local beach with some of my family who came to Albany for my birthday. Tonight we're all going out to tea at a local restaurant so that should be nice.
13/Feb/23 7:56 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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dear Judy! I hope you have a wonderful birthday as I have just had.
Have a great day, dear friend.
Love and best wishes, Anne
15/Feb/23 4:49 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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All my family were here except for some grandchildren then one unexpectedly (well, for me anyway) turned up today who I haven't seen in quite a few years, so that was absolutely wonderful. They have all gone on their way home now except the grandson, who is in town for two days with his fiance.
15/Feb/23 4:51 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Wishing you a lovely Judy! Have a wonderful time celebrating with you family and have a great time on your special day.
With best wishes and love,
Anne x
16/Feb/24 12:01 AM
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