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Easy Sudoku for 22/November/2005


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Don  From South Carolina, USA
CB  From So Calif
It is 8:25AM on the 21st in California. Warm day ahead!
JD  From Boston
I understand how the baby feels
im at work
Trevene  From Trinidad
Catherine there is something about hocolate that i still dont understand. Andre tried to explain it but i still dont understand
fiona  From to Trevene
Trevene, after a while, just give up trying to understand - don't lose any sleep over hocolate, forget about the horrible word, destress completely - it'll come to you eventually, I assure you. Col, Cathy, Betsy,André, - can you help Trevene with this 'problem'?
fiona  From to gigi
your jokes hit my humour button bang on - they're the best!!
Cinji  From Kansas
I wish I could save that baby pic to use as a screensaver--what an expressive face!
Gearing up for holidays here, baking cookies, decorating, stressing out.
10:45 Kansas time, clear cold day, fast easy puzzle this time.
to Cinji  From
You can..Just rightclick on the pic and either save or set as background !
catherine  From france
Trevene perhaps is 'hocolate disguised smarties? It's only food? Perhaps 'hocolate exist only on the Lady sudoku? I don't more understand but I research the back door of the boat.
dean  From santa Cruz
6.08 no helpers
I have seen this Baby before
are they repeating Pictures?
Jan  From Rhode Island
3:45. What baby? No picture for me.
catherine  From france
I have also see this picture: it was the day who every one had a different pic.
Ford  From Melbourne Australia
Smarties are M&Ms that taste better. Just ask my 8 year old.
Aileen  From California
same time as yesterday
well, off to run errands before going to work (still Monday 11/21 9:18am)
have a good day, everyone!
Hanneke  From Holland (the Netherlands)
sue  From C in G
3:50 my fastest so far.
that baby looks surley as if it had a shock from cold water. sniff
Marching Girl  From costume ball
OK tigrrrr,mistress kitten,chocolate pot,tweety bird,crone,wart,jester and party panther follow my lead and step in time. There'll be no slacking off. I thought I'd need my baton to keep Ted in line, but it looks like I'll have my work cut out keeping you lot in line. And take your beady eyes off my 'pom poms' tigrrrrr, one tickle from my feathers and you'll be mine.
Trevene  From Trinidad
“Sixty is the worst age to be,' said the 60-year-old man.

'You always feel like you have to pee and most of
the time you stand there and nothing comes out.'

'Ah, that's nothing,' said the 70-year-old. 'When
you're seventy, you don't have a bowel movement
any more.

You take laxatives, eat bran, sit on the toilet all day
and nothin' comes out!'

'Actually,' said the 80-year -old, 'Eighty is the worst
age of all.'

'Do you have trouble peeing, too?' asked the 60-
year ol
Trevene  From Trinidad

'No, not really I pee every morning at 6:00. I pee like
a racehorse on a flat rock; no problem at all.'

'So, do you have a problem with your bowel

'No, I have one every morning at 6:30.'

With great exasperation, the 60-year-old said, 'Let
me get this straight. You pee every morning at 6:00
and have a movement every morning at 6:30. So
what's so bad about being 80?'

'I don't wake up until 7:00.'
Wemaaq  From St. Paul Island, AK, US
AH kaaa!
Trevene  From Trinidad
Girl to her boyfriend: One kiss and I'll be yours forever.
The guy replies: Thanks for the warning
F  From Mallorca
4.16 Fastest yet - but I think it was an easy easy
Trevene  From Trinidad
Why West Indians Can't Be Terrorists.....
1. We are always late; we would have missed all 4 flights.
2. Pretty girls on the plane would distract us.
3. We would talk loudly and bring attention to ourselves.
4. With food and drinks on the plane, we would forget why we're there.
5. We talk with our hands; therefore we would have to put our weapons down.
6. We would ALL want to fly the plane.
7. We would argue and start a fight in the plane.
8. We can't keep a secret, we would have told eve
SAF  From Michigan
depps hot  From little chocolate pot
Marching girl with the pom pom swirl
come dally a while with me
what would you prefer for a little treat
some soothing chocolate or peguin meat
name your taste and it will be
i aim to please pure pleasure you see
fiona  From to catherine
Catherine what are you doing at the back door of the boat??? Please stop searching for anything around there, you might just happen upon Ted and get a really bad fright. En fait tu as compris ce que c'est le hocolate? Je crois, mais trevene est toujours complètement mystifiée! Et les smarties, on en trouve en france, mais ils n'ont pas le même goût que dans ma jeunesse!!
depps hot  From little chocolate pot
Trevene good lady pass the rum
we'll mix together until we are numb
save your kiss for a special knight
who will serve you well and help your plight
now i must go some chunks to make
party on pretty people look out for the fake!
fiona  From the sunday times
to all Depp fans, an article in yesterday's culture part of the sunday times if you're interested. Seems like the wild new raucous debauchery-filled latest film is worth seeing!! We should invite him on our boat, what do you think girls?
3:24, Cant seem to break 3 minutes. Say....that baby's lower lip makes me wonder if he is related to Winston Churchill.
Blood, tears, toil, and sweat. Cool! Let's rock!
J  From Sunnyvale
depps hot  From little chocolate pot
fiona oh woman and true
you must change for the party something blue?
where is your smartie have some of mine
for i am boiling and you are divine

until later when i will stir
have the cats got the kitten so much fur?
Susan  From Pa
cee cee  From florida
3:12, finally I seem to be getting faster. Depps hot . .just fine prose! has the costume party ended already? Is it time for the fancy dress one? I think I finally figured out what I was going to wear.
catherine  From france
salut Fiona. je sors ce soir et je n'ai pas compris le fin mot du délire de Trevene sur les intestins des vieilles personnes. j'ai parlé de back door parce que j'ai entendu ce matin une émission sur les sites internet qui étaient susceptible d'être des chevaux de Troye, je pense que ce sympathique site de sudoku n'est pas dans le lot! bonne soirée, je file dans le froid chez mes amis.
Paul  From Wonga Park, Australia
2:46 - Getting better
LP  From Pioneer
4:03 I would have sworn that I couldn't do it that fast. I remember when it used to take me 10 to 15 minutes. Maybe I'll continue to improve!! Have a good day all...
Peter  From Ohio
When I was young, my parents bought a new television, and foolishly left my brother and I alone with it. This baby has the same look that my father had when they returned home.
Joanne  From Virginia
Took the week off to clean the house and just found out the in-laws can't make it! Think in football that's called a 'bye-week'. Love them but always stressful since we're slobs and she's actually pretty close to perfect (really).
jenny  From TX
4:56! first time under 5 min. getting better
Louise  From Montreal
Yhe best thing about Smarties is that they are peanut-free unlike M&M's
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