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Medium Sudoku for 18/January/2006


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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LP  From Pioneer
The cat has similar coloring to the Bernese Mountain dog on the easy puzzle.
Nick  From Utah
j-nel  From brisbane, Aust
3:16 cute cat, mine is curled up asleep beside me. I missed her while in Hosp.
Suzy  From Oz
Sue  From Australia
kt  From bm
7.21 Thanks for the picture gallery - I love it!
Tazmanian Boxers  From North Carolina
8:07. This one was easy, but I still don't have great times -- I've got to practice more.

Tortoise shells and Calico's are females because the male cannot produce more than one color on the body based on a chromosone link. White is not considered a color. A tabby is only one color in the chromosone so that's not two colors. Calico's/tortoise shells can produce two or more colors.

The cats with two blue eyes are usually deaf due to the lack of pigmentation in the ear canal; usually if a whi
Pat  From Winterpeg
Tazmanian Boxers  From North Carolina
usually if a white cat has one blue, one green eye, they are not deaf -- at least in the ear with the green eye because the pigmentation makes thicker skin and the vibrations of sound can be heard.

I just had to study about this recently with one of my puppies. See you all on Hard.
Ruth  From Canberra
Getting better on the medium
joe b ontario  From
off to a fancy dinner with family
no more time for games
poor me
cathy  From canada
Nickie  From UK
That's a gorgeous cat! :) 11:02.
Angry Ant  From Canberra
4:18 - Happy with that. Raining here today - but we need it so badly so it's lovely to listen to. Ree P where you at?
fi  From NT
10:29 Another cat! In NT there is a real problem with feral cats. In parts of Vietnam they are considered a good source of protein.
Clare  From West Oz
11.16 but had to check camera after cat kicked it off the desk.
Guess I should have fed him first.
k  From brissie
6.15 Poor, poor joe b off to a fancy dinner with his family :)
jcv  From mellow sydney
hi and nice drizzle all morning, hope fully will go all through this afternoon.


Theo Saurus  From Catmandu
In the absence of our beloved RPL Royals, it is our onerous duty to observe that Tazmanian pugilists have a consistant chromosomal pattern which results in substitution of 'n' for 'm'.
Stella  From Arnold State
GiGi  From Sylacauga Alabama
joe b ontario  From
chicken stir fry with a cherry flip for desert K
really very good
Joel  From Boston
My first Medium puzzle without marking any 'possibles.'
Yvonne  From NZ
4.52 loving this
Gumbeaux  From Louisiana
I just noticed the givens are symetrical. Are they all like that??
mb  From taiwan
Rebecca  From Karratha
13.86 nanoseconds today, DOH!!
Could have been a lot quicker, but I had to work out Pi to 2398 decimal places whilst I was doing it.
How come everyone else is so sloooooooooow?
john2  From california
6:36- did it during commercial breaks of American Idol. ;)
Sally  From Australia
lily  From calgary
3:38 - I couldn't believe the time when I saw it. Night all
LF  From Calif.
Daughter, age 19, just told me she is dating a man 6 years older! Not too happy about this.
cathy  From country, south australia
Hi everyone!
Deborah  From Mittagong, Australia
Annemarie  From Pretoria
Jim  From Jupiter
6:34 a green eyed cat
drht  From UTA
Nice kitty. What is her name?
val  From bolton england
8:34 not bad for medium.
Hobbes  From NYC
GiGi  From Sylacauga Alabama    Supporting Member
elliĆ©  From Destance
Check out my page
4.06 Check.
05/Jun/09 8:10 AM
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