The old El Tovar movie theater in Crystal Lake, IL

This is what the theater looked like when I was a kid.  It was later renamed and "modernized".  Fortunately, it has since been returned to its former glory!

This is what the theater looked like when I was a kid. It was later renamed and "modernized". Fortunately, it has since been returned to its former glory!

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   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Wonderful - what a nice memory!
19/Aug/10 9:04 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Wow! How marvelous! I'd be too awed to sit quietly to view the movie!
19/Aug/10 10:18 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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I'm sure you would have been one of those kids that got kicked out every Saturday for rowdy behaviour!!!
19/Aug/10 11:31 AM
   Shannon  From Colorado Rockies
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How cool. It's been fun too, when back in Chicago, to see all the restored theaters downtown. The nieces couldn't believe how ornate the theater was when we took them to see Wicked.
21/Aug/10 2:37 AM
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