Shannon from A Forgotten Timezone

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   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hello Shannon, and welcome to the site and to your own page! Nice to see you joining in the conversation, and yes, I am suffering World Cup withdrawal as well. Enjoy my traditional page warming gift, a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa. Cheers!
02/Jul/10 5:29 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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to the insanity of Sudokuland, Shannon! Lots of fun to be had here. Occasionally, we even do a puzzle or two!
If you need help with avatars, just give a shout out on 'easy'. Someone will always be there to guide you along.
Glad you're here!
02/Jul/10 5:46 AM
   Debby  From Michigan,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello Shannon! to the wonderful world of Sudoku! We do have fun here. There is never any reason to be bored. There is always someone to talk to or something to do. Be sure to check out the "Forum" and the network sites. Please stop by for a visit some time. If you need help with an avatar, check out "your page." If you still need help, just ask. Most of us will be glad to lend a helping hand.
02/Jul/10 6:06 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Shannon, You have entered the wonderful world of Sudokuland, just sit back relax and enjoy. Oh, commenting is always nice.
02/Jul/10 8:09 AM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Hi, Shannon! Glad you've joined the nonsense. I wish I had more time to spend in Sudokuland than I do, but it's still fun to just drop in from time to time. I love Colorado and assume you are a skier. Steamboat is one of the few ski areas in Colorado that I've not been to. I haven't skied in 10 years, but I just joined the Jacksonville (FL) ski club and plan to take a trip with them this winter. I don't know where yet - their trip list doesn't come out until August. I'm hoping to go to Europe (if they go somewhere I haven't been yet). Otherwise, anywhere in Colorado will be fine with me. I am particularly fond of Aspen since my hubby and I skied there many times and even spent our honeymoon there! Anyway, welcome and I hope you enjoy this site as much as I do! Cheers! Jane
02/Jul/10 11:42 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Hi Shannon just passing, thought it was time I welcomed you to the Sudokuland.
14/Jul/10 12:10 AM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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Shannon - I realized later yesterday that I might have been a bit harsh in my comment to you! I hope you will accept my assurance that it was all in fun! It is good to see you on here regularly (at least it seems that way on those irregular days I get here!).
24/Jul/10 8:20 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Shannon! Welcome! Sorry I missed your debut...but so glad to have you with us and posting on the puzzle pages. Where abouts are you in the Rockies? We love to travel to Colorado. My hubby and I live in the Sierra mountains in CA...not quite as awesome as the Rockies. I have relatives in the Denver area and a good friend in Fort Collins who is originally from Evergreen. Anyway - glad to have you aboard!
27/Jul/10 12:47 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hey Shannon! So great to read your post. We've traveled through (and stayed in) Steamboat...I can see why you would want to retire there. I look forward to chatting with you on the puzzle pages. The picture uploader is fairly simple...I'm not techy at all, and I did it!
30/Jul/10 1:46 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Shannon, I see you are a JD fan also. Are you old enough to remember him from 21 Jump Street?
I loved that show and he was soooo young then.
01/Aug/10 1:59 AM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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Shannon - thanks for the note! I will be checking in periodically as I am able.
21/Aug/10 8:18 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Oh, Shannon, you are wonderful to comment on my girls. In the past week of chatting with each other, you may have noticed they are my favorite topic. They drive me completely insane, and I would not change a thing. I believe that is their purpose in life and they do a fine job of doing it.
I too, enjoyed the topic. The site can be very mean on topics, but I love to get into and as Jerry would say, stir the pot. So many views, so many outlets, so many opinions, and such worldly people, that is to be expected. But after tempers calm down, we all come back to give each other weather reports.
Since, the surprise arrival of my girls, I do tend to stay gone for long periods, but I am always here. So if whenever you want to give a shout out or have a grumble session, I am just a few clicks away.
I was introduced to my prego buddy here, thinking that after our darlings were born, that would be the end, but for the last 20 months (give or take) we are still chatting away on a daily basis. Please join in, our conversations, mainly thank each other for jobs we do in daily living, that no one else seems to notice, like when they have clean undies. Still surprises my husband how that works.
22/Aug/10 10:26 AM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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A belated welcome to this crazy site,Shannon. I see that you have already cottoned on to what this mob is like and joined in the fun.Cheers.
31/Aug/10 2:16 PM
   Sarah Beth  From Back in Kansas    Supporting Member
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Shannon, I was born in Kansas and spent the first 27 years of my life here, mostly in Salina. I went to school in Lawrence and Wichita. I moved to Lakewood 26 years ago, then Denver, then Littleton for 21 years, then back to Lakewood. I had actually dated and fell in love with the Tin Man 25 years ago, but met my X and thought he would make a better husband. Always go for love. Anyway, after my divorce, I reconnected with TM (he had been through the wringer relationship wise, and said he didn't have a heart left. I was the girl from Kansas who helped him find his heart...and he helped me get back to Kansas...hence the Tin Man). 8 monthe later, here I was! Very happy. Colorado will always be there, and I can visit. One son lives in Durango, and the other is moving to Fort Collins soon. Friends still in the Denver area. I had assumed from what I've read that you live in Steamboat, then you say you live an hour from Boulder. Maybe we can get together sometime when I visit. Maybe a skiing SA meeting. Thanks for the Birthday wishes. I will probably get taken out to dinner tomorrow, then to the State Fair on Friday (I am a farm girl now!)
08/Sep/10 8:27 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Oh, Shannon darling, we do not need people. Haven't you heard our slogan here, we don't use the 911 service for a reason. We take care of things ourselves. Really cannot convict if there is no evidence.
At the moment she is having to deal with her family. Her mother called her names, that mother's should never call their daughters and Dad is talking disinheritance. Though he has threatened that before. (Daddy is CEO of an IT company in Dallas).
08/Sep/10 9:28 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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As for the courting tale, remind me later and I will tell all. Right now, there are way too many people helping me with dinner. There is only 3 of us here, but it seems like a million.
08/Sep/10 9:29 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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We really could be living parallel(?) lives. Both thought the other would change after the 'I do's' were said. Bridezilla was in a threesome relationship with the guy she is living with now. The woman in the threesome committed suicide a few weeks ago. Does that say dysfunctional to you?

The family is Catholic also, though it seems they pick and choose what they want to use and justify the rest. Oh, and everyone has been in continous therapy since birth. There are so many things you find out after the 'I do's' are said.

My kind hearted brother, said he could forgive her and live with the open marriage. I am ready to go all Texan on him and kick some major tush.
08/Sep/10 10:46 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Sweetheart, I understand dysfunctional families, you could come up with a yahoo story and I would believe you.

Oh, you will not believe the latest. OK, you will.
Wifezilla, who apparently is getting a daily dose of her family flack, told my brother today, she would be willing to come back, but his family hates her now. Duh.
This is not our first with wayward SIL's, my husband's, brother's idiot, got mad and stayed the night over BIL's BFF's house for a week, with discussion of splitting almost two years ago. Broke up a great friendship and till this day, there is speculation of who the daddy is to my nephew. Anyway, I still cannot stand her or trust her. She is one of those people who should have never reproduced.
So wifezilla, is correct, life will never be the same if my brother looses all his senses and takes her back.
BTW, your sounds like it deals more with finances, where mine is sleeping around. I would have used the inf. word, but could not remember how to spell it. (infidelity?)
08/Sep/10 12:12 PM
   Jane  From St. Simons Island, GA
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Hi, Shannon! Thanks for the lovely Irish toast! My birthday celebration was wonderful, but I'm a little tuckered out by it all. Got to rest up now for next year's BIGGGG bash. hehehe
16/Sep/10 5:01 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Shannon, darling, please watch your vocabulary this month, for me. For instance, pregnant woman is not a good one, concieve, conception, men, hanky-panky...just to name a few.

This is my conception month and the year for conception, so I have to be very, very careful.
02/Oct/10 1:31 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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I read your email two minutes ago and now cannot remember your question. What a day today was. Thankfully, they are going to the Antique Tractor Show and a birthday party tomorrow and I do not have to go.
To hopefully answer your question. Kendall's first due date was July 4, she had other plans and came June 28. Morgan's first due date was July 7, then it change to June 28. That would be nice to have the girl's b-day on the same day, but they needed their own date. So, M was scheduled to come out on the 23rd. Being my girls, they are not going to be told when, where or how to do things, they are going to do it on their own. So M tried to come, naturally on the 22nd, but those sadist people at the hospital held her off until the 23rd, then took her out of me.
So, October is NO-NO month, don't even look at me (Man that is). If sequence has anything to do with it, this is the time that K was 15 months. M is now 15 months. I am trying to break the cycle for a lot of reasons. I would love to have more children. (Maybe not today). But age, health...all those things have to be considered.
02/Oct/10 2:44 PM
   Karen  From Texas
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Yippee, it went through.
02/Oct/10 2:45 PM
   the lurker (Playing Hide N Seek)
Thanks for the message Shannon!
I'm embarrassed about the Christmas Greeting - it was from last year when I was trying to find some Oz carols for you guys to enjoy - they are lovely. Guess I should leave it there now!!!
10/Oct/10 6:18 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Shannon,
Where have you disappeared to?
I just wanted to send season's greetings to you and all your loved ones. I know you probably celebrate Christmas, so I hope you enjoy the season and have a wonderful time, and my best wishes for a happy new year as well. Take care, enjoy, have fun and know you have friends out there thinking of you. Cheers!
21/Dec/10 9:20 AM
   Fiona  From France
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Nice to see you back with us Shannon - not frightful at all! Hope you have a good Xmas!
21/Dec/10 10:55 PM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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Hi Shannon - Glad you enjoyed the pictures. I sure enjoyed taking them.
17/Jan/11 1:58 PM
   Amelia  From Medowie    Supporting Member
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Thank you Shannon for viewing my photo of Ella,and thanks for bringing a smile to my face.
As to the green stuff we see it year round here you might need to think about moving down under for the winter months.LOL
12/Mar/11 9:40 PM
   Rayray  From an Egg    Supporting Member
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Thanks very much for posting that link late today about earthquakes. The article is brilliant - well written and full of ideas. It is the best one I have ever read that is in line with what I am trying to do.
15/May/11 11:19 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Thank you for the Irish Blessings for my Birthday. ♥
Hubby and I spent the weekend just gone, in the Caravan, 2 nights at a local caravan Park, we were joined by another couple and their caravan.
Birthday Dinner is next Saturday with the Family at MIL's place, she is cooking Roast Lamb and Veg, Apple Slice and Custard.
17/May/11 5:39 PM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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Johnny Depp was in town 2 years ago -- and I have touched the place he touched on the Bounty - the ship used in his movies --- I do agree
24/Jun/11 6:17 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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for the wonderful b'day greeting Shannon! My birthday was extra special with all my Sudoku family greetings!
19/Jul/11 3:06 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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PS - LOVED the links...thanks!
19/Jul/11 3:07 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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Butter Burgers can be found at the Culvers = just before going into Downers Grove on Ogden - 34 and there is also one on route 59 just south of Fox Valley Mall --- I know the name of the mall has changed - but it will always be Fox Valley to me -- and I think Bolingbrook has one also -- I don't eat at them - the burger is just to big ---
20/Jul/11 3:11 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Thanks, Shannon, for visiting my gallery and your comment on my photo of the clouds.
25/Jul/11 2:10 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Thank you for helping me celebrate my birthday. It was a wonderful day made even better with all the greetings of my Sudoku friends.
27/Jul/11 2:00 PM
   DevilOrAngel  From Somewhere
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Shannon, The "teamsters" union is becoming a mere shadow of it's former self. It lacks the power it once had. I know of more than a few companies that have used various tactics to "bust the unions". Usually they end up changing their company name and re-open for business with non union employees. It seems there is always someone willing to work for less.
30/Jul/11 4:08 AM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Thanks, Shannon. One of Starr's first thoughts was an "anti-wedding dress" - having everyone including herself wear little black cocktail dresses ("everyone needs one," right?) and have the ladies each hold a huge silk sunflower in mixed garish tones to add color and attitude. I have to check to see whether we're allowed open flames. I really like candles, but they are increasingly not allowed places.
04/Aug/11 12:24 AM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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I'm sure you looked "hot" enough as a bride without needing to set the world on fire! hehehe
05/Aug/11 7:49 AM
   Sarah Beth  From Back in Kansas    Supporting Member
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Shannon, that would be fun! Traditional signature quilts were made from signatures that the receiver then embroidered the name (in the days before permanent ink). Another fun thing to do is to make enough patches for everyone, then share; 12 people in a group each make 12 blocks and then share so everyone has the same 12 blocks to set on their own. Another thing the quilt guild I belong to does is block swaps. You bring a block (or two) to the meeting, then you get to choose as many blocks as you brought. I really enjoy quilting (and sewing and knitting and creating, yes, even in that room!) I find it relaxes me.
13/Aug/11 8:09 AM
saylz  From Tassie    Supporting Member
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Hi Shannon
I’m sorry it has taken me so long to get back to you but I have been in Adelaide on a Dog Judging Assignment. The other judges were great fun with three from the USA (Maryland), a married couple from New Zealand and a gay couple (male) from Holland. I was the token Australian. The dinners were hilarious and I put on 2 kilos.
Fortunately this week I have been very strict and have lost 1.8k in 4 days.
Anyway thank you so much for your birthday wishes. They were really very much appreciated. After many years of trying I’ve finally convinced the family not to waste money on cards and presents of things I don’t really want and put their money towards a plane ticket to visit the old folks more often.
At my age, I’m just glad to have the birthday without having all the hoo haa as well.
Again thanks for your best wishes.
Regards, David
26/Aug/11 10:26 AM
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