Panama Canal

Eastern locks of the Panama Canal

Eastern locks of the Panama Canal

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   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
Check out my page
29/May/08 8:33 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Wow! Would that I could see it for myself!
09/Jun/08 5:17 AM
   Colo Jim  From the Springs
Check out my page
Dave - That's actually the Gatun Locks entering the Atlantic Ocean. I lived in the old Canal Zone for 4 years (back in the 60's). Finally went back for a HS reunion in Panama last January and got to see a lot of HS classmates I hadn't seen for years.
22/Oct/08 6:10 AM
   Colo Jim  From the Springs
Check out my page
Dave -
Actually the Gatun Locks are the northern or western set of locks that open to the Atlantic Ocean... (small bit of interesting trivia...) Take a look on and zoom in on Panama. BTW I lived on the Pacific side near Balboa & Panama City.

Glad you enjoyed your trip up Pikes Peak on your Goldwing. We love it here.
23/Oct/08 3:46 AM
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