A cute little pest

Got a bunch of these guys.

Got a bunch of these guys.

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   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA
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A bunch here in Florida, too. We had to search a long time to find a bird feeder that they couldn't get into!
15/Mar/15 11:09 AM
Judy  From San Diego
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Squirrels are rats with Press Agents!
15/Mar/15 11:15 AM
   Peter  From 42⁰ South
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I find them cute but then we don't have to del with them.
15/Mar/15 11:18 AM
   Keith  From CA    Supporting Member
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Are you saying they're like Wombats, Peter?
15/Mar/15 1:12 PM
   Peter  From 42⁰ South
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Your squirrels are much more numerous, Keith and wombats are not a suburban resident.
15/Mar/15 1:19 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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I must say, he is cute though.
15/Mar/15 1:21 PM
   Silvergal  From South Carolina
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Great photo, but I don't brake for squirrels if they're in the road. They've caused damage to our house, several neighbors' homes and have been noted to cause house fires when they chew on wiring. I like your definition, Judy!
16/Mar/15 1:15 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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They are cute until they try and chew through your screen door.....lol
16/Mar/15 1:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, they're adorable. We don't have many around here because, even though they like to play dodge-'em with cars, they're not suicidal enough to come near my yard. Any of the collies can outrun them. I see plenty of them in the woods where they belong.
16/Mar/15 4:35 AM
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