Sudokuaholics Anonymous 10

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

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   Julie  From IL, USA
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Gekko and Hi, Everyone! So good to get here before 11 p.m. (barely)!

June, sounds like Laura is a sharp one! Good for her doing Sudoku already! Well done, Laura!

Suzy, exciting news about the Pride girls and the Easter show! I hope all goes well and they have an appreciative audience!

Theresa, I hope you got some well-earned sleep and have had a better day today! Hope the grandie who was sick is doing better today! With all the time and help you provide for D and her family, you're essentially doing the work of a full-time job. No wonder you're exhausted!

Tami, I hope all of the students and teachers have survived the testing! And now, to get back to teaching!

Heidi, I hope you are resting/sleeping after your epidural today! I hope you were able to get all of the prescriptions you needed!

Quite a lot of links on this page, so I'll try to remember to check them after I've posted comments. I just don't want to run the risk of losing them.

Cyn, I'm glad you told your son's EX that you had other plans for Friday. Seems like you owe her nothing! I enjoyed your Beatles ballad about someone's 64th birthday! Don't you sometimes wonder what happens inside men's brains? Does he still have nothing to do with his parents? And we should his own children have to take the blame for his idiocy! Wow, sounds like good riddance! Sounds like the stepmother is of the wicked variety.

Loving the discussion on directions. I was obviously WAY too tired when I read them and had not idea they were wrong.

Did most of the DUG's get a shortened version of autumn this year? Seems like many of you jumped from Air Con weather to jumpers and thick socks. April brings fickle weather on both sides of the equator, it seems.

Ah, another link, this time for Bad Romance. I hope I don't forget to come back to this page!

Vicki, I hope you get your scarf done soon! Rolanda, are you also about to start your third ball of wool? Keep knitting, girls, as the cool weather is on its way!
14/Apr/11 3:00 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Looks like someone got a few posts in while I was reading and typing!

What vitamin helps make good friends? B1.
14/Apr/11 3:02 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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And now I have a full page to read. Back later.
14/Apr/11 3:03 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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I'm about to head for home. I have a long weekend ahead including a girl's lunch on Sunday. Hubby and I will get some stuff done tomorrow before he goes for drinkies with the boys in the afternoon. I think Saturday may have a very slow start.
No mothers or MILs this weekend, I hope. Hubby has been with his mother twice this week - first to the optometrist on Tuesday and today to the dentist.
If I don't get back before next week, I hope you all have a lovely weekend. Rolanda, enjoy your 4 days R & R. You certainly deserve it.
14/Apr/11 4:27 PM
   Victoria  From Fernlands Qld    Supporting Member
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for tomorrow. I'm sure you will have a wonderful day.
14/Apr/11 4:29 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Ah, a newsy TOPP from Broni! Glad to hear that Pete's Mum is out of hospital. Thanks, also, for the update on Rayray! Thank goodness he's not ill!

Suzy, Alie not only has blossomed into a singer/performer, she also is creative enough to design and make the hats! Well done, Alie! Many times I have wished for a small stool or maybe 2- or 3-step step ladder, but hubby insists there's nowhere in the K room to put it. We could keep it in the basement. Right, like I want to go to the basement and drag it upstairs to reach something, then drag it back down to the basement. I don't see it happening any time soon.

Theresa, your D must be committed to her physio with an hour's drive each way! I hope she doesn't get discouraged from the time commitment and keeps up with her exercises! I'm sure you feel awful about the confusion with your grandie's medicine. It's so easy and understandable that there would be confusion. It even happens in hospitals, so please don't blame yourself. A good pharmacist would have made the family aware of the change when the prescription was picked up. The good news is that your grandie should soon be feeling better!

Suzy, what a terribly sad situation that family finds itself in. There absolutely must be some kind of support available when a family gets hit with so much! I hope they find strength and support somewhere! I'm sure your listening was helpful, as you shared the burden. Positive thoughts and prayers for that family!

June, I'm so sorry to hear of your friend's pain. Could it be that nerves are regrowing, and that's why she's feeling the pain? I've heard that nerve regeneration can be very slow.

Tami, sounds like a big job to organize the end of the year school field trip! I hope you can designate some of the work to others.

MizT, I've never heard of blackberry winter. I hope you have a good crop of blackberries for those cobblers! I remember the blackberry jelly (spread/preserves) and blackberry pies my mom made after our family picked blackberries!

Rolanda, I'm so sorry to hear about your accident with the hot slidy thing! I know we have one of those somewhere, but I don't know exactly where - maybe in the basement hanging out with the small stepladder? Luckily, we haven't really had a use for it recently! I hope your burn isn't too severe! Did you get ice on it right away?

Heidi, I am SO glad to hear that your epidural was a REALLY bad/good one! You have really been dealing with a lot of pain, so I hope this one lasts all the way until July 20!

June, so glad Ken's plane arrived safely, if late! Enjoy the weekend together!

Rolanda, I hope you enjoy your weekend away! Yep, the guys will need to fend for themselves, it seems!

Vicki, enjoy your weekend! So glad you don't have to work on Friday! I hope you had a great haircut! I need one, too! Are many of us on the same schedule for haircuts? Apparently Suzy and Rolanda are also due for hair cuts.
14/Apr/11 5:04 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Vicki, have a wonderful and restful weekend!

Gail, Happy Birthday! Enjoy your day and celebrate with cake or something else yummy! Hopefully you'll get nice presents and maybe even flowers! !

Turning into a pumpkin here, so sending , positive thoughts, {{{{HUGS}}}} and prayers for Everyone! Good Night!
14/Apr/11 5:08 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, my husband used to complain bitterly about the stool being in the way, but I insisted and persisted and now he has seen me use it so many times he doesn't complain anymore. Either that or I just wore him down! It's a wooden, single step thingy.

14/Apr/11 6:13 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Alie is funny, we were just talking about the show and how much money she will have and she said 'when is the show'. I said Sunday, Oh she says, I should probably practice the songs then shouldn't I? Well, duh!
14/Apr/11 6:18 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Anybody seen my watch and rings ? They seemed to be AWOL!
14/Apr/11 6:47 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Phew found them Thankgoodness !!!
14/Apr/11 6:56 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Pleased you found your watch and rings Rolanda. It is an awful feeling when they are not where you expect them to be.
My watch went missing one day. It is the watch Richard bought me for my 50th birthday (extremely expensive). I had put it on the window ledge in the bathroom and forgot to pick it up. I went the next morning and it was gone. Richard had moved it and hadn't told me, he was at work and I was dreading having to tell him I had lost it when he got home. I'm very careful where I leave it now.
14/Apr/11 7:51 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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I must make an appointment to get my hair cut before we go away in May. I have a feeling that my hairdresser will be busy as we have four public holidays starting with Good Friday next week, then Easter Monday, followed by a special one for the Royal Wedding on the Friday followed by May Day holiday on the Monday. We go away on the 14th.
14/Apr/11 7:55 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Pleased to hear that the epidural was a bad one Heidi, hopefully it will last until the next one is due....try not to do anything to aggravate the back.
Theresa hope your eldest grandie is feeling better now.
June hope you friend can get some relief for the nerve pain.
14/Apr/11 7:59 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Just a quick stop. Mitchell's bus is running late so I have to drive him in. He still has one more test today. See you all later.
14/Apr/11 8:30 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Suzy, I did not expect you to gate crash the party. We are going to Minnamurra Falls and then to the Jamberoo BOWLING club for lunch. Hope it is a nice warm day.
Sorry I have been out a lot today and have not read any of the posts yet.
14/Apr/11 8:43 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Also Suzy ,we are going to the show on Monday so will miss Alie singing.
Where are you going this time Brenda?
How is the burnt arm Rolanda?
I hope Heidi is having a lovely sleep and will wake up feeling so much better.
14/Apr/11 8:48 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Morning all. Lack of sleep here ... need coffee. Oldest grandie was taken to Emergency last night, I looked after the youngest. Oldest was vomiting. She has some type of flu - it's not the effects of the accidental over-medication. They didn't get home ubtil after 1:30 AM.

Happy Birthday, Gail. Hope you get spoiled because you deserve it!!!!
14/Apr/11 9:12 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Proud mother anecdote: A while ago Alie asked me the difference between discrimination and racism, and then she posted the following status on facebook.

today is the tomorrow of yesterday, and the next day will be the same. but in those days are different events and emotions. every day is a day but if they were the same then what would be special about them?
moral of the story, differences are not a bad thing. so why do some people descriminate against people? are they afraid of change? because in my oppinion if nothing changed then life would suck.
14/Apr/11 9:26 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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June we are going to Pooley Bridge (or just outside it) in the Lake District. We are going to stay in a 'Log cabin' on the lake side. Will be there for 7 days, just hope the weather stays dry as when it rains in the lakes it really does rain.
14/Apr/11 9:38 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Gekko everybody!
I woke up this morning with NO pain in my back!!!
14/Apr/11 11:15 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Brenda.... since reading about the Lake District in Pride and Prejudice, as a teen, I've wanted to see it myself. I hope you have a wonderful, relaxing time.
14/Apr/11 11:23 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Sorry to say Heidi that Pride and Prejudice was set in the Peak District of England which is a little further south than the Lake District. It is still a lovely area to visit. The hills there are rolling hills rather than mountains.
14/Apr/11 11:34 PM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Oops forgot to say I'm pleased you have no back pain and that I hope it lasts a long time
14/Apr/11 11:35 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I know that, Brenda, but Pemberley was in the Lake District, and Elizabeth's favorite aunt in the book waxed poetic on it's beauties.
14/Apr/11 11:46 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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When the basement flooded a few days ago, I told IH to call the plumber to get the sump pump replaced, unless he wants to bail out the basement again tomorrow when it rains again. I found out this morning that he hadn't called. Fortunately, the Plumber called today after he ran into Robert, and Robert told him about the defunct pump. So he'll be by later today to install a new pump before the rain starts.
15/Apr/11 12:20 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Hey the Arm is fine, just a little burn mark!

Bedtime here..
Not sure if I will be on here in the morning, depends on how organised I am in getting up and moving.. Said I would be at MIL's around 9.00amish.

15/Apr/11 12:45 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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♪♫♪ Happy Birthday Gail ♫♪♫

15/Apr/11 12:46 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, glad you have no pain, hope that lasts a long long time! Amazing to feel no pain, isn't it?
Glad you shall get a new sump pump for the basement. Hope that cures the problem and no more water down there.

Brenda, enjoy your vacation, sounds like a nice place to visit.

About haircuts, I just had about 4 inches cut, and it is so much easier to brush and wash now. My sister was going to cut it twice recently and it did not happen, so AL did it for me the other day. A simple thing to cut mine, comb it all over my shoulders to hang down the back, and cut straight across. I only wear it in a pony tail, so no need for something fancy.

cool start of our day again. I heard of black berry winter from my Dad and granddad. Started paying attention, and sure enough, always a cool cool snap where heat needed again at nights, when black berries are in full bloom. I never put away all my winter weight clothes till after, cause I know I will need them, Same for the winter covers on my bed. I also hope we get a lot of berries this year. Back when we lived on the farm, I picked so many dewberries and blackberries, I made jam, and pies and froze berries for later. I took my dog and walked the pastures, finding berries along fence lines and would come back with a basket full each day.

While we were out yesterday, I noticed berries along other fence lines, how I wish I could go pick those, So much nicer when along fence lines, no thickets of blackberries to wade into, nice clear pastures to stand on while picking, not a lot of places for snakes to hide. In case you do not remember, I do not like snakes!

OH, Al drove me on errands yesterday. I had to pay water bill, and pick up more milk, and he went into hardware store to get a new facet for the back, the one that froze and burst. Said he could install it for me today, I hope so.

Al had a bit of ice cream this week, and a bit of a milk shake yesterday (the rest came home and was the base for his tube feeding) He tried a bite or 2 of oatmeal this morning, I need to check to see how that went. Baby steps baby steps.

Must get bush, things to do today, Hugs to each of you, with extras if needed.
15/Apr/11 1:00 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Gail, hope the celebrations you have planned go without a hitch. Enjoy yourself and make sure you are pampered.
15/Apr/11 2:07 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Brenda,On our fist visit to the Lakes District it rained. We left and have been back again to see its beauty. We are also very fond of the Peak District and have been back there several times.
Rolanda, enjoy your days away.
Thereesa, hope the grandie is soon OK.
MizT, sounds as if Al is starting to feel much better.
Heidi, how nice to wake pain free.
Suzy, amazing how seriously the young ones look at the world around them.
15/Apr/11 6:10 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Not sure if I told you that I did pass the umpires exam. Have to do it again in three years time if I am so inclined to keep umpiring. Nothing like baseball Suzy. With bowls you only have to do a measure or make a decision when asked. I have sat and watched games for three hours without doing a thing!
15/Apr/11 6:43 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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You HADN'T told us, June.
15/Apr/11 6:58 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Great news June.
Heidi, glad the back is feeling better.
Brenda, have a great vacation at the lake. Sounds relaxing.
Suzy, love the proud mommy stories. Keep 'em coming.
Theresa, hope the grandie feels better soon. Sorry to hear she has the flu.
15/Apr/11 7:31 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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To You.
To You.
Dear Gail,
To You.

Hope you have a great day with a big and lots of presents.
15/Apr/11 7:33 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Happy Birthday Gail! Wonder if you're doing a gail today? Have a great one!

15/Apr/11 7:48 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all,
Theresa, I hope your grandie is feeling better today. Although it must be a relief to know it wasn't related to the medication, it probably would have been better if it was as then nobody else would get it.

Vicki, I hope you have a parent free weekend. Just for a change...

MizT, I'd love some of those blackberries! There were some bushes out the back of us but someone poisoned them. I'd also love a mulberry tree, but they are so messy. Maybe in the back paddock?? Glad Al is feeling well enough to drive you around. That is good for both of you.

Rolanda, glad you found your stuff! That can be scary..

Brenda - I'm stowing away! Your trip sounds wonderful!!

15/Apr/11 7:52 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Suzy, I think it helps him to know he is still useful. you know? But I could not get him to drive me today, he was expecting a phone call and would not leave home. Do not think he ever got that call either.

Suzy, if you leave now, you might get here in time for blackberries hehehe. They are just now blooming, I am not sure when to first expect berries. Might be in the journal I kept when on the farm, so I wold know from year to year when to expect what fruit to be ready. IF I can only find the journal


June, congrats on passing your test, we knew you could do it. Yes, I do think he is feeling better. Still waiting for appointment for Cat scan to see how the treatments did, hope they phone soon.

Heidi, do hope the plumber got there today and made necessary repairs to sump pump.

Oh dear, time to fling food, I do not have either my or Al's dinner organized yet. catch you all later, hugs till then.

15/Apr/11 8:44 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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June, did I say congrats! I mean to!
15/Apr/11 9:02 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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a quick goodmorning all.

Am heading out the door, as soon as I close down this pooter.
Hope everyones weekend is delightful, as I am sure mine will be

Happy Birthday Gail, enjoy the Tiramisu this eve.

15/Apr/11 10:26 AM
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