Clark from Michigan

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   Orianne  From Ottawa,Canada
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Clark, so nice to have you joined Sudokuland, there is a lot of fun to have here. to help you decorate your page and some maple syrup to enjoy with your pancakes...See you soon whenever you post.
28/Feb/08 1:37 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Clark, this is a fun place to be, hope you enjoy your time here.
28/Feb/08 1:45 PM
goozidi  From Marietta, GA, USA
Check out my page
Clark, Is it true that you guys having only 2 seasons, very cold and not very cold ?. enjoy the games.
28/Feb/08 3:27 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Pleased that you are joining us and that you will also enjoy the puzzles, friendships and chats that we have on this site
28/Feb/08 4:05 PM
   Shiela  From MI
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A belated to a fellow Michigander! Or is it Michiganian? Didn't see you when you joined. Anyway, there are a few of us! Hope you enjoy your stay in Sudokuland!
16/Mar/08 4:11 AM
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
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It is great to see that you still post proofs. It is unfortunate that so few others post them.
06/Apr/08 7:26 AM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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Thanks for the encouragement about doing the Toughs, Clark. When my attention is concentrated on the solving I'm noticing more eliminations are obvious than they were before. I'm sure this will just take some time to let it all sink in.
Great to see you're from Michigan, too! Yooper or Troll?
18/Jun/08 10:52 AM
Alfred  From Sydney
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Clark,thanks for the amazing solution today.(More on the comments page).
19/Jun/08 11:24 PM
   Plum  From SW Michigan, USA
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What was it that caused both you and Alfred to concentrate on 3 in the Tough today? In retrospect it's obvious, but there were other numbers that were "either/or"s. Did you check out all or several of them until you picked up on the 3 or was there some other clue that it would be the key? I'm asking Alfred this also.
30/Jun/08 8:09 PM
Alfred  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Clark,I like your proof using AUR.Usually,three corners would be 27,and the 4th would be 267.Here two corners are 267,disallowing any more 6s in column d.Regarding the terminology,I thought the "U" stood for "undecided".Did you say "unique" because of the two corners being 267, rather than the usual one?
13/Oct/08 4:08 AM
Alfred  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi again Clark. Thanks for your reply. I looked up Sudopedia ( under " Avoidable Rectangle"),and it looks like the "U" can mean either "unavoidable" or "unique".I think a clearer description, than either of these terms, would be "undecided",or maybe "undecidable".See you, Alfred.
13/Oct/08 11:51 AM
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