Bernice from Townsville

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kath  From Victoria, Australia
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Hi Bernice to sudokuland. hope join us all soon. see you on page.
25/May/12 9:31 AM
Bernice  From Townsville
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Thanks Kath...Im addicted....only learnt 2 days ago and have already bought my self an electronic hand held game console to play it LOL...I cant figure out how to post to people on the main page....any help would be appreciated :)
25/May/12 9:35 AM
kath  From Victoria, Australia
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I hope Townsville is a lot warmer than here, in Ballarat today. It is raining and is very cold and my husband went out in it this morning to go to work and I have to go have blood tests this afternoon, not looking forward to it.
Thought if I had a chat, it may make you feel more welcome.
25/May/12 9:43 AM
kath  From Victoria, Australia
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Bernice all you have to do is go to page 1 and do puzzles but if you don't want just join in. Talk about anything. Hope that was a bit of a help.
25/May/12 9:49 AM
Bernice  From Townsville
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I do all the puzzles but would like to say hello, but cant find where to do it LOL....
you are talking cold? hahaha...we are usually about 25-28degC but for something different it is raining LOL...(it doesn't rain in the wintertime her usually) and the temps are down to about is so coldmy dog is cuddled up on the couch with his coat on and a crochet blanky over the top of that hahahaha.......we have just gotten home from shopping and are freezing....getting out the winter jammies today ROFLMBO
25/May/12 11:40 AM
kath  From Victoria, Australia
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At the bottom of the page there should be your name and comments box just go to there. I have just got back from my blood tests and bit of shopping, while the dog was coiled up on our bed.
25/May/12 4:19 PM
Bernice  From Townsville
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what sort of dog do you have? I have a shih-tzu he is adorable, 10years old and is the love of my life lol....
25/May/12 6:28 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Welcome to the site, Bernice. You were quick getting some photos in your gallery. Come and visit my page when you've worked out how to.
I hope you enjoy the site and I see you've already commented on easy.
25/May/12 7:59 PM
   Mr Cee  From SEQ
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What Anne said. Bernice to a FNQ'r from a SEQ'r. Enjoy your time here.
25/May/12 8:03 PM
Bernice  From Townsville
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Thank you all :)
26/May/12 6:51 AM
kath  From Victoria, Australia
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Bernice our dog is a healer, staffie and corgie cross and a big sook, his first owner said he was going to shot him becase he was useless, how wrong he was. He is 5yrs now and we have had him 4yrs, most kind loveing dog I have ever had. A bit warmer today and had 58mm in 24hrs. cheers
26/May/12 9:34 AM
kath  From Victoria, Australia
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if you want to check out my page just push it, you find it right next to my name.
26/May/12 9:45 AM
kath  From Victoria, Australia
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got your message on page
26/May/12 10:36 AM
kath  From Victoria, Australia
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where have you been? I looked for you on page but you was not there, hope to see you tomorrow.
29/May/12 7:23 PM
Bernice  From Townsville
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I have been real busy this has been so damned cold new electric blanket came today so hope fully my sudoku machine will be here over the next couple days....I volunteer at the Australian Coast Guard as a Marine Radio Operator on Wednesdays altho I was called in last Saturday for 4 hours.
Sorry to have misssed you....will try and be more social in the future :)
29/May/12 8:47 PM
   Kate  From Sydney
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Hi Bernice, nice to meet you, your shih-tzu & your husband in your gallery!
about you question today - I did answer on the sudoku page, but thought you may not go back there, I'll re answer it here!
On the left are city skyscrapers with the Museum of Contemporary Art in the foreground. Not so easy to see the individual buildings on the compressed jigsaw image!! I've upload a medium sized image to my gallery if you want to see it a bit more clearly!
I've been to Townsville twice, first time in 1952 when I was 4 months old!! The second time was in the 60's! I might get there again sometime in the next few years - my husband has said we might travel north in the winter for a holiday!!!
02/Jun/12 12:06 PM
   Kate  From Sydney
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Hello Bernice. Thanks for trying to count the 'feathers', and I'm sorry for confusing you - the 6457 nos are the last 4 digits of the photo no & are included in the title so I know which photo I've uploaded & won't upload it again!
07/Jun/12 8:49 PM
Bernice  From Townsville
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HAHAHA....OOps....I was having a go actually...didn;'t mean anything, just sumpin tos ay....thanks anyway Kate and I must say it is nice to see someone reads what has been said LOL
08/Jun/12 8:36 AM
kath  From Victoria, Australia
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hello Bernice, were have you been? missing you
26/Jun/12 11:32 AM
Bernice  From Townsville
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HI THERE Kate:) Have been so busy...Had our 4th wedding anniv. last week, and have been very busy with volunterring for the Australian Coast Guard...Both my husband and I are Qualified Marine radio operators and put in a few hours. Havent had time to do any sudoku...sorry :)
Thanks for missing me :) (((HUGS)))
26/Jun/12 2:24 PM
kitkatsavvy  From tsv
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Hi - I am starting a Sudoku club here in Townsville. The first meeting will be at 7pm on Tuesday night 9th april.

If anyone is interested in coming along, have a look at or for details.
02/Apr/13 4:22 PM
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