pdp189 from New Bombay

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   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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and pdp189. Just dropping in to say Hi It's a hot summer day near Chicago and I'm just relaxing before the start of my workday. I treated myself this morning and sharing with you my trip to Starbucks for a vent soy chai and some triple berry muffins along with a meditation walk on our labyrinth - a maze located on our Riverwalk in Naperville - it was cool in the shade and quite relaxing by the river. Enjoy your day,,, Peace, Mary
03/Aug/07 12:27 AM
cyril  From south africa ( durban)
Hi im just relaxing after long working hours, enjoying my chock chip with hot chocolate.
03/Aug/07 12:44 AM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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to Sudokuland! Brought some Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie & to welcome you to your new abode. Stop by any time to chat, laugh or go on a safari.
03/Aug/07 2:23 AM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hello pdp189! Welcome to the wonderful world of Sudoku! It is so nice to have you join us. I have left a bouquet of fresh flowers on your table to enjoy.
03/Aug/07 6:13 AM
   PJH  From NP    Supporting Member
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Welcome!!! I brought a merlot and chocolates. I was a pjp, now I'm a pjh; I'm Pam, what does your 'p' stand for? Glad to have you, enjoy! Have a wonderful weekend.
03/Aug/07 8:49 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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pdp! Nice to meet you! I live on the East Coast of the United States very near the Chesapeake Bay where blue crabs are plentiful. I am leaving a big pot of Cream of Crab soup for you and your guests. Hope you enjoy it Stop by my place anytime, door's always open
03/Aug/07 12:30 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, pdp189! Welcome to your page. This was the first time I saw a post from you. Unfortunately, your post was shortly before the start of the new page, so probably most people did NOT see it. (I always try to go back to the previous day to read the comments posted after I go to bed.) I brought some apple cider and apple streudel for you to share with your guests, as well as a vase of flowers I'll put here on the table. We're glad you could join us.

I'm not sure what BUG you were asking about in your post. Maybe you can ask again on the Easy page when it is "morning" in Australia (between 12:00 am and 11:00 am on the time stamp).
22/Aug/07 8:11 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
Check out my page
Hi, pdp189! Gosh, it looks like not very many people have found your page yet. This is a belated thank you for the yummy mangoes you left. I'm sorry - was away from a computer until now and also didn't check my Inbox. (It doesn't show up on my screen unless I scroll all the way to the right, which rarely happens.) I hope you are having a great day! Here are some flowers to put in the vase I saw on the table.
05/Sep/07 11:07 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
Check out my page
Gday pdp, sorry I missed the welcoming party but its great to have you here.
Pop into easy page sometime and say gday.
21/Oct/07 4:43 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
Check out my page
Just dropping by to wish you and your family a safe and wongerful

02/Jan/08 12:07 AM
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