Charlietoto from San Jose

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   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Welcome to the site Charlietoto, and I hope you have fun here. I'll leave you with my traditional page warming gift, a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa. Enjoy! As to your query about saved games, you should send your question to Gath, the site administrator. Simply click on the Contact Us link and scroll to the bottom and you can email him directly with your query. Cheers!
16/Aug/08 6:56 AM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hi Charlietoto and to Sudokuland!
I'm just about 4 hours northeast of you in the Sierra Nevada mountains (Grass Valley).
Hope you enjoy your time here.
Drop by my page anytime...just watch out for the cat!
16/Aug/08 7:07 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Hi Charlietoto! to our sudoku family! I leave a housewarming or should I say pagewarming gift of California and my favorite chocolates Belgium Leonidas!
16/Aug/08 8:11 AM
   mariana  From utah
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hey there Ctoto! you could get addicted the site. if you look around you will meet some amazing people. stop by my place to meet the family and have a drink (diet coke) with me!
16/Aug/08 9:33 AM
   Viv  From Pt Macquarie, Aust    Supporting Member
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A BIG to this great site Charlietoto from the 'Land Down Under'
16/Aug/08 11:27 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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to Charlietoto.

Great to have you with us.

16/Aug/08 12:24 PM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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The endo of a week of nice cool summer weather and the weekend is looking good. My youngest is going back to school next week - so all those little before school errands will be run this weekend. Enjoy your day, Mary
16/Aug/08 1:00 PM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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♪♫♪♫ do you know the way to San Jose, I'm going back someday.......can't remember the rest of the words.....♪♫♪ I always loved that song. I will never make it on -- do you know the lyrics - a new game show on TV --- Takes for the trip down memory lane --- take care, Mary
16/Aug/08 1:01 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
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to you to Sudokuland, along with a Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie for you and your guests.

There’s lots to do around here, places to visit and chat. I'm just around the corner; stop in anytime for more pie and a video.

16/Aug/08 6:42 PM
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