Heading back to the cars

Almost time to part company after such a fun time.

Almost time to part company after such a fun time.

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   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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Oh, good! Rob's found an arm rest!
18/Nov/08 6:39 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Is that what Vici's laughing at!
18/Nov/08 7:32 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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At least I had the right "Vici" by the end!
18/Nov/08 7:38 AM
Judy  From San Diego    Supporting Member
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When I was a kid, we would have called Shosho a PLP ... Public Leaning Post! I sure hope Rob's deoderant was working ...
18/Nov/08 9:44 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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I think it was working but I'm slowly recovering!
18/Nov/08 1:46 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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I was laughing at Shosho's expression as Rob relaxed on her head!
18/Nov/08 2:50 PM
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