Claude from Saintes

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   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Claude, I was very sorry to read about your friend's baby girl who is in need of A- blood. I am plain old ordinary O+. Is there no such thing as an international blood bank? If not, that's too bad. I hope someone will be found who can help. Were you able to see any of the Nadal-Djokovich match at the Queen's Club? - fabulous tennis!!!
16/Jun/08 3:11 AM
   Sarah Beth  From Littleton, Co    Supporting Member
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Claude, I am A-. How can I be of help?
16/Jun/08 5:48 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Oh, Claude, I am so sorry for your friends. Unfortunately I'm in the US and also I'm AB+. Rare but not rare enough and too far away. Please tell them that they and their daughter are in my prayers.
16/Jun/08 5:56 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Too far away to be of any help to the baby, all I can do is pray....

16/Jun/08 11:02 AM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Bonjour Claude - a very big merci for your best wishes on the birth of my newest grandson, Bailey.
17/Jun/08 11:53 PM
   Anne  From Albany W Australia    Supporting Member
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Claude - I'm so sorry to hear about your friend's baby. I do hope a donor can be found very soon. It must be terrible for them at a time like this.
17/Jun/08 11:55 PM
   Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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What fun I'm having celebrating my b'day with all of you in Sudokuland! Thanks for the warm b'day wishes,'s a piece of my b'day cake for you to enjoy! no calories!!!
15/Jul/08 6:17 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Claude, belated greetings to you. I have been visiting family this weekend and I think it was your special day while I was away.
If it's not too late for pressies, I've brought along a bottle of Aussie bubbly, a Choc Mud and a bouquet of roses .
Hope you had a truly wongerful day.
28/Jul/08 5:37 PM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Bonjour Claude! Are you back from your trip yet? Did you have a good time? How is your friend's baby girl doing? Did they find a blood donor yet? We had a good time at our beach house & were thrilled to see some baby turtles emerge from their nest & swim out to sea! I have posted some pictures on my Flickr page. Are you watching any of the Olympics? I was amazed that James Blake beat Federer, then crushed when he lost to Gonzalez & there was that controversy at the end about whether or not Gonzalez had touched a ball which went out. The replay clearly showed that he did although he insisted that he did not. Anyway, hope you are well. Miss you.
17/Aug/08 4:54 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Hello Claude, was just passing so I thought I'd pop in.
Hope all is well with you and yours.
Take care.
27/May/09 2:57 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Claude, belated greetings...AGAIN! Seems I am making a habit of this!
Hope your day was wonderful.
28/Jul/09 5:21 PM
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