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Tough Sudoku for 6/June/2006


Choose a number, and place it in the grid above.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Submitted by: basscom4life

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larryville  From ks usa
Rose - Thanks for your help! I meant colors as part of proofs, though.

Meg - ditto. I hang out with a lot of men that much my senior, though, and they aren't leacherous, just appreciative. I'll call us the same.

Sundance - Thank you! I gave the site a glance and saved it. I hope to study in more depth - but not now! I should have gone home hours ago: it's nearly midnight and I've been sitting in front of this machine since about 3:00 this afternoon.
Jodi  From Melton
8.51 - PB
Meg  From Oz
Larryville, perhaps you are already using simple sudoku and still want more clarification than can be gleaned easily from the above-mentioned site. A couple of comments here may help. Colours eliminations always take into account only one number. In today's example it is the 8. Steve has translated it into a chain. It could be expressed logically as: If d2=8 then d7 is not 8.
Also if d2 is not 8 then g2=8 so i3 is not 8 so i7=8, so again d7 is not 8. So either way, d7 is not 8. The use of linked colour pairs makes this easier to see. Simple sudoku for today's puzzle uses green/blue and orange/pink. Generally there will be a green in the same col/row/block as the cell from which we are trying to eliminate a number. There will also be an orange in the same block/column/row as that cell we are looking at. See if you can follow the logic as per my explanation above. I could ramble on at greater length, explaining in more detail, but at least this much may point you in the right direction.
joy  From bendigo
Great looking son and niece, Deb
nic  From massachusetts
what a hottie...how old is he?
bluey  From Port Kembla    Supporting Member
No Rose, just an alert and aware woman!! At least speaking for myself as well!! I also have followed Glenn's advice and don't time any more, and find myself enjoying the puzzles more with less performance anxiety!!

Great maEn everyone
george  From greece
with a guess
david  From texas
07/08/06 poss , one guess (right)
sotir  From New York
Check out my page

05/Sep/10 8:57 PM
tom  From vancouver    Supporting Member
Check out my page
05/Oct/19 10:38 PM
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