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Easy Sudoku for 10/March/2015


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Submitted by: basscom4life

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   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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10/Mar/15 7:45 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Tigger doesn't whee.
10/Mar/15 7:46 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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He bounces!
10/Mar/15 7:46 AM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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So you've still got to mind your head.
10/Mar/15 7:47 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Well THAT was eventful! I went out to feed hay to all the cattle and horses, and couldn't approach the tractor. An obviously sick skunk was guarding it and I couldn't get near without being sprayed. So I went back into the house, got my gun, and shot it from a good distance away. THEN I got into the tractor, took off the bucket (from plowing), put on the hay spear and fed everybody on the dryest ground I could find.
Skunk Tally so far: Sandy -3. Heidi-1
10/Mar/15 7:51 AM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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Greetings from Columbia SC. We're in the ''big'' city tonight to see Garrison Keillor.
10/Mar/15 8:08 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Good afternoon to all! That wrinkled dog is back. Didn't ant of you volunteer to iron it?
10/Mar/15 8:21 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Enjoy the show Hal. With his track record on marriages, I hope your not considering a change!
10/Mar/15 8:24 AM
   Peter  From 42⁰ South
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A size 5 dog in a size 10 skin.
10/Mar/15 9:14 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Oh, Serena, that does clear up some of my confusion.
Don't think we have ever explained what the difference is, though we did have the question, 'What is that?' That was a question for Daddy.
10/Mar/15 9:19 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Canuk Greg, you are so funny. Thinking that anyone on this site would actually volunteer to iron. That is cracking me up.
10/Mar/15 9:21 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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We had a skunk smell this morning. I have not seen a skunk in this area since we moved here. Since we go out for the yellow limo ride in the middle of the night, I don't want to have to be on the look out for a po kitty.
10/Mar/15 9:24 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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My day was stopped by a blinding headache. Tried to ignore it, but when I changed my font size to 200% and still could not read the screen, I decided to put my pillows to work. Laid down for an hour and woke up starving, with just a dull pain. Ate some toast, still could not see my screen, so thought I would try the nap thing. Nap time is not like it used to be. One, Man must have the TV on and he sleeps on the bed wrong.
10/Mar/15 9:28 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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We were both startled awake, by what we thought was the sound of the yellow limo dropping the girl off. Since the Kinder was riding the bus alone today, and it was rainy the driver will drop her off at our front door. Went flying out of bed, only to realize it was my favorite men picking up their treasures.
10/Mar/15 9:30 AM
   Karen  From Texas
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Now I have one child picking on the other and a head that is telling me that any second it will explode. There was a lady at the store, that said she is having the same problems, a head that is giving warning and she is also having to use her glasses more today, to see anything. We are chalking it up to weather.
10/Mar/15 9:33 AM
   Silvergal  From South Carolina
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Serena, I chuckled, remembering an incident when my daughter was about 2-1/2. I was babysitting one of her playgroup friends, a boy the same age. He needed a diaper change so I proceeded to do so on the floor where we were. My Li'l Girl, observing, pointed and said 'What's that?' Rather than getting into specifics, I replied 'Little boy parts.' She was fine with that answer!
10/Mar/15 10:14 AM
   Silvergal  From South Carolina
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CP, I still remember the song Tigger sang about himself...'His tops are made out of rubber, his bottoms are made out of string / He's bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, bouncy, fun-fun-fun fun-fun!'
10/Mar/15 10:16 AM
Mads  From New Zealand
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Yes, Silvergal, my twin granddaughters aged 2 were utterly intrigued by the spectacle of boy cousin, six weeks older, having a nappy changed. They sat on either side of him to keep a close eye on the proceedings. They were more accustomed to a larger version perhaps being of the age where parents rarely get a toilet stop unaccompanied. They find such things very funny!
10/Mar/15 12:11 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth
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Morning everyone.

Those that are interested.

GannieMo is on her way, plane left Singapore about a hour ago, and will arrive in about 4 hours (2.40pm Perth Time)
Anne is driving up from Albany and will be at my place before I need to head to the airport to pick up Mo.
Tomorrow Morning we catch up with Mary/Bibra Lake for morning cuppas.
Tomorrow Afternoon we head to Margo/Mandurah's place for 3 nights, for touristy and leisure time.
Anne heads home on Thursday, I will continue to stay at Mandurah.
Saturday Luncheon with some of the Perth Sudokuists and with Victoria/Fernlands QLD and her husband (in Perth from Qld for 2 week holiday)
Mo will be staying with Billy Saturday Night.
On Sunday Mo flys to Melbourne.
10/Mar/15 1:50 PM
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