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Tough Sudoku

for 14/March/2006


Choose a number, and place it in the grid above.

  1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
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Submitted by: basscom4life

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Steve  From US
At 25 filled:
If a1 = 3 or 6, I get e8 = 6 (1 step), but a1 could also be 4 in my setup. If a1 = 4, I needed 4 steps to show row 1 has only 3 numbers for 4 squares.

After eliminating a1 = 4, then e8 = 6 which if I were GB or Ohio Steve would be easy fill to 81 - however I still needed a few eliminations to get there - not totally easy for me. (maybe EF to 81 stands for eliminate and fill)
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
In today's puzzle, at 25 filled, I look at the cells d7 = 258, e7 = 458, f7 = 42. For the purposes of the proof, I could care less exactly what each of those three cells contain, only that the union of their contents is 2548 - 4 possibilities in 3 cells. (n being 3). Clearly, then, amongst the many, many non-native weak links this sets contains, is the weak link b7=5 -- c7=4 and b7=5 -- c7=8. By this, I mean nothing more than that both b7=5 and c7=4 or 8 cannot happen at the same time. H
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Ok - I mean amongst the many, many non-native weak links that the set implies...are the ones i used in the proof. Hopefully this clears things up.
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
Basically, I argue that anything that forbids any two (or more)of the possiblities of 2,5,4,8 from the three cells, d7,f7,e7 is forbidden. Then I just pick which of those forbidden occurences forwards whatever proof I choose to use.
rosemary  From wangaratta
forgot to restart the timer
but had a guess anyway
wish it would stop signing we out
havea great day/night one and all
Steve  From Ohio    Supporting Member
BTW - the penalty for such a step is 3 sets and depth 3 added to whatever other sets and depth are needed in the rest of the proof step.
Jen  From Townsville
Congratulations to Fi on a beautiful photo - hope to get the opportunity to see it in real life one day soon
Steve  From US
Correction - not sure what I was thinking...If a1 = 3, f9 = 9 (not e8). I think its easiest to show that f9 = 6 is impossible, but it takes me quite a few steps, so maybe your method is easier, but you still have to eliminate a9 = 4.
Reg  From G
Con  From Perth
38:20 Now that was tough!
To Steve Ohio  From Kaz
Thanks for the explanation but, my word, it's complicated, don't know if I'd ever be able to put it into practice!
Eden  From Australia
Fi, Nice pic hope there's no crocs
mary anne & andy  From florida
We had an easy time with this one- no set up, just patience and logic, no possibilities and no guessing.
J.D.  From Beechwood (Aus)
Can anyone please tell me how I can populate all the blank squares with every number from 1-9 as possibilities without having to enter each of them one-by-one?
Rose  From Sydney
brian  From texas
10:18, a good time for me. good maEveningn
Valy  From London, UK
Hi Christina, it's good to read from you again. Any new painting?
lyn  From Ballarat
Mine was a bit of a mix between Valy's and Brock's I think. Eliminated the 4 in a9 easily but didn't write it out. I know I used the same x-wing as Valy in the process. Then if a9=3, i9=5 and g8=2,so i8=9. Also If a9=3,b79<>3,so b1=3 -> i1=9. Since i8 and i1 cant both be 9, a9 must be 6. Easy from there. Not game yet to try your terminology, though I can follow it now.
Rod  From Canada
1. Unique placemnts to 25
2. X-wing in 7's R19
3. Hidden triple 375 in b1,b7,b9 and b9,h9,i9
4. If a9 = 3 or 6, then e8 must = 6
5. easy fill to 81

to Rod from Canada  From nic from syd
step 4 must be wrong
if a9=3, b7=5, e8=5
am I missing something?
tammy  From Sydney
am I posting on today's (Still to be done) or yesterday's puzzle, that I've just completed?
SUZ  From MD
19:30 w/couple of guesses.
mb  From delaware
July 2, 2007.
03/Jul/07 3:58 AM
sotir  From New York
Check out my page

05/Sep/10 10:17 AM
tom  From vancouver    Supporting Member
Check out my page
21/Jul/19 9:17 PM
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