Sudokuaholics Anonymous 3

The latest home for Sudokuaholics Anonymous.
UPDATE: After 10,000 comments on this thread, it is slowing down too! Time to begin a new thread, And here is the link.
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   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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Our paper is free.
22/Aug/07 11:57 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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CYNDI, we have been under several local thunderstorms, the kind you can drive out of in less than 10 minutes, but although not covering a wide area, we had good soakings from them. We had 3 in one 24 hour period, Saterday afternoon through Sunday afternoon.
22/Aug/07 11:57 AM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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Considering my neighborhood is the forest, Ruby.
22/Aug/07 11:58 AM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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It was nice to see the rain here Sun & Mon.
22/Aug/07 11:59 AM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Terry Fader, the ventriloquist, just won! Ruby, he was very much like the one with the monkey. Right now he is singing with a turtle. (singing Crying)
22/Aug/07 12:00 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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It was worth five dollars.
22/Aug/07 12:00 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Ruby, that seems to be how it goes in these small adds only papers. you pay for the paper or pay for the adds.

STELLA, how is son #1? Is he getting less nervous? able to eat some now? And has he added any more items he wants in his care package??
22/Aug/07 12:00 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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We had enough rain, that on Sunday Al got stuck in the mud when mowing the lawn hehehe. Grass was so high, he could not tell it was kinda wet down under. Got mud on my shiny new red toy!! It was it's first time out!!
22/Aug/07 12:02 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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He seems to be doing ok. I guess he is eating more but he said he lost weight. (and he didn't need to lose any) He said he is doing good at practice but it has been raining nonstop and cool. He only brought tshirts and soccer shorts, so he said he is cold. He said he thinks his roommate got a concussion in tonights practice. They took him to the hospital.
22/Aug/07 12:05 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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Joe Carson at home used to mow his grass on Sundays. When he got prostate cancer and died, Dad just said, "See there." Of course, Dad never mowed the grass on any day of the week.
22/Aug/07 12:07 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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OH NO, that is scarry. I hope his roommate is OK. Glad he is doing good at practice, know you are happy about that. Is he there on a soccer scholarship?
22/Aug/07 12:07 PM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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That' what we need, Miz T. Actually, we need any kind of rain.
Rena, hae oy had to evacuate very much, or, hopefully, have he fires stayed away from you?
22/Aug/07 12:08 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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Being cold probably keeps him moving, which is good in soccer. I hope his roomie is OK. There are no soccer helmets, are there?
22/Aug/07 12:10 PM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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Cyndi, thankfully they have stayed away. We did have one a couple of miles up the road one year but they got it out pretty quick.
22/Aug/07 12:11 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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I have lost 3 posts! lets see if this goes through.
22/Aug/07 12:15 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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Cyndi, how are you feeling these days?
22/Aug/07 12:16 PM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Stea, sorry to hear about your son's roommate. My son didn't eat much when he first went to college. He said he didn't like the food and couldn't afford to go off campus. He finally settled on their pizza, and I think that's the only food besids canteen food that he ever ate on campus. (and he had just spent 10 weeks at army basic training and actualy ate the food there!)
22/Aug/07 12:17 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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He is there on an academic scholarship. I don't know why they don't use some type of head gear. It wouldn't distract from the game but I guess it is not manly. If the pros did it, then everyone would.
22/Aug/07 12:17 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Well, I give up on that particular post, must be a naughty word i do not know in there, it will not post through either browser I have used!!
22/Aug/07 12:18 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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RUBY, sad but funny! It was late Sunday afternoon, and we had just bought the mower and unloaded it from pickup. He HAD to test drive it!! That will probably be the only time he sits his prostate on that mower seat
22/Aug/07 12:18 PM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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It's the censors, MizT.
22/Aug/07 12:20 PM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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Thanks for asking, Ruby, I'm feeling pretty okay at the moment; spent some time in the hospital a couple of weeks ago, and unrelatedly (is that a word?) am going to see a neurosuregon next week, so I'm a little unsettled about that.
22/Aug/07 12:20 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Stella, I thought he was on academic scholarship, but was not sure. he does need to find something the cafeteria serves he can eat, soccer requires a lot of energy!!
22/Aug/07 12:21 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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Naughty word, huh? Well, you better buff up your witty banter and dust off your double entendres, if the new chat room goes through. A thick skin will be helpful also.
22/Aug/07 12:23 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Cyndi, unrelatedly sounds like a word to me! At least I know what you are saying. Firefox spell check does not recognize it though. I hope that everything turns our well at the neurosurgeon. I would be a bit unsettled too.
22/Aug/07 12:24 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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Needless to say, Cyndi. Is there surgery in your future?
22/Aug/07 12:25 PM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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How about some shoulder pads and shin guards for it, too, Ruby?
22/Aug/07 12:25 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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RUBY, I do not go to the current chat room, so I have no plans to go to the proposed one!

AND it was not a naughty word, I do not think. I had used a symbol I think the site did not like. I removed that and the post went right through. the ones avbove the coma n period.
22/Aug/07 12:26 PM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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I don't know< Ruby, but after last year's open heart surgery, I'm not rea sure I want anything more to do with surgery.
22/Aug/07 12:27 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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I don't think surgery will help your vocabulary/spelling, Cyndi.
22/Aug/07 12:27 PM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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My "l" is still not working right. Rea= real.
22/Aug/07 12:28 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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RENA, sounds like you will also need your asbestos panties in that chat room!! flamers playground! it does not take long for word to get around there is a basically unmonitored board till all the flamers and trools in cyberdome come calling.
22/Aug/07 12:28 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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We're bringing him snacks on Saturday morning when we bring him the rest of his stuff and move him to his freshman room.
22/Aug/07 12:30 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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OHS is a major event. I understand.
22/Aug/07 12:30 PM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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It's not my spelling that's so bad, it's my inability to strike the keys hard enough or accurately enough.
22/Aug/07 12:31 PM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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I agree, MizT. That's why I'll stick with this page.
22/Aug/07 12:31 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Cyndi, I hope everything turns out ok!
22/Aug/07 12:32 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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I have been on a couple of unmonitored boards, and some of those flamers can be pretty vicious. they hunt out the most timid posters, and tear into them. I could hold my own, but why bother?? Life is too short for that, Only reason I went to that board, it was a support group for a medical condition and i was posting medical information.
22/Aug/07 12:32 PM
   Cyndi  From sc/usa    Supporting Member
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MizT, I'm not sure that the premise for this second chat room is the best idea. But, I don't use the current chat room, so I guess I don't know what they're facing.
22/Aug/07 12:35 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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CYNDI, do not worry about your typos! If we cannot figure it out, we will ask what you were saying! My fingers get a mind of their own and go walk about the keyboard often. So I understand, you really can spell , but it is the keyboards fault hehehe
22/Aug/07 12:35 PM
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