Sudokuaholics Anonymous

A place to post once the " last to post" competition is over. Please restrain yourselves till then.
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   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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Well, my safe place is a bit better than a closet, with a bed and TV and a computer even, but i prefer my own bed in my bedroom, thank you please. To many tornadoe containing storms comming at night lately.
15/May/07 2:18 PM
encourager  From Ft Worth    Supporting Member
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I had a blast with the competition. I really enjoy having so many people from around the world to converse with. Some of the people on here seem so nice. Sorry, I don't know anything about the smaller prize drawing. I hope Gath can catch everyone up soon
15/May/07 2:19 PM
encourager  From Ft Worth    Supporting Member
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You must have a basement. In Tx you can hardly find a house with a basement.
15/May/07 2:19 PM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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Yes, there was to be a drawing from names of those whohad posted, for a $50 Amazon gift dertificate. Someone was asking about it on EASY today, one of the guys, maybe C Greg? i cannot remember.
15/May/07 2:20 PM
encourager  From Ft Worth    Supporting Member
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How would we find out if he did draw? OK. . . other than ask on the site.
15/May/07 2:22 PM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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NOPE, no basement, We have geodesic domes out back, my husband's office and shop occupy those at the moment. We rode out one cat. one inland hurricane out there a few years ago, 24 hours of wind.
15/May/07 2:23 PM
encourager  From Ft Worth    Supporting Member
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Which hurricane?
15/May/07 2:23 PM
encourager  From Ft Worth    Supporting Member
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We have always lived along the coasts. I don't fear a hurricane nearly as much as a tornado
15/May/07 2:24 PM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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Top of page 6 as well
15/May/07 2:24 PM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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Maybe someone who has his e-mail will ask him. If Gath has to harvest names from all the posts, well that is going to take some time. Or maybe he will just draw for page number, then line number?? That would be easier I think. I really do not know how or when he will do this.
15/May/07 2:25 PM
encourager  From Ft Worth    Supporting Member
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Rola, I thought you were going to lunch at your mums
15/May/07 2:25 PM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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MizTricia, you can contact Gath on the 'Contact Us' at the top right.
15/May/07 2:26 PM
encourager  From Ft Worth    Supporting Member
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see, there is always a way isn't there
15/May/07 2:27 PM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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walking out the door as I type
got all my bits and pieces together first
15/May/07 2:27 PM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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just ask MizTricia about my sleep talking the other night.........

going going gone....................
15/May/07 2:28 PM
encourager  From Ft Worth    Supporting Member
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ROLA ~ you might be a sudokuholic if. . .
15/May/07 2:28 PM
   Rola  From Perth    Supporting Member
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15/May/07 2:29 PM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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I do not remember the name of the hurricane, but it hit around panama city Fl, or Destin, and came inland
15/May/07 2:29 PM
encourager  From Ft Worth    Supporting Member
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Enjoy and be blessed
15/May/07 2:29 PM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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ROLA, I am about to be sleep typing now, getting close to my beddy bye time.
15/May/07 2:30 PM
encourager  From Ft Worth    Supporting Member
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There have been too many that have done that in the last 10 years!!!

I think I remember the one you are talking about though. . .did it hit florida go back into the gulf and reorganize just before it hit land and went strong up into Alabama and on to the east coast? May have even gone off the east coast and either reformed and caused havic all the way up into New England. I could be mixing storms but there have been some terribly strange things happen with storms.

Was it the year all the shark bites took place in the gulf?
15/May/07 2:32 PM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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ROKA, I was trying NOT to get top of page 6, shows i spend too much time here to do all 6 pages. this cannot go on!! Mamacita is not gonna let me live that one down heheheh.

Encourager, did I really read in the competition that your name is Jo?
15/May/07 2:32 PM
encourager  From Ft Worth    Supporting Member
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I am with you MizTricia I am babble typing. I think it is time to put May 14 to rest and get prepared for May 15.

Good night to all
15/May/07 2:33 PM
encourager  From Ft Worth    Supporting Member
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Yes you did, like in Little Women
15/May/07 2:34 PM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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I am sure that was the same one. We usually do not get wind damage from hurricanes inland here, I am up in the center of Alabama. LOTS of tree damage here, whole wood lots denuded of tree tops by that one, Eric, or Fred? just before or the year FL got 4 in one summer.
15/May/07 2:35 PM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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Night Jo, and see you again soon I hope, boy that is much easier to type, espically at my 11:42. I am out of here!
15/May/07 2:36 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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Morning all! Is anybody around? Things are finally settling down after a busy weekend and Monday. MizTricia, I see you've set a new record at the top of every page! Wow, that's hard to do!! Today I have to try to find a place for all of the boxes and bags my daughter brought home from college. It's going to be tough!
15/May/07 11:23 PM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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15/May/07 11:38 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY
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I'm back again to see if anyone is around. MizTricia, you still there? Trying to catch up on the chores not done last week and over the weekend!
15/May/07 11:57 PM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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STELLA, Oh pooh, I guess we keep missing each other. I too am still playing catch up on chores, today is laundry day. I am one of the ones that wash when someone runs out of something, and that something is summer work shirts for hubby.
16/May/07 12:17 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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encourger/Jo, see you found a way to get here Persistance pays off!
Stella and MizT, I'm looking at a solid day of laundry here, and where do I sit??? I need two chairs today, one for me and one for my laundry basket
16/May/07 12:58 AM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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Maen, just dropped in to see if anybody is around.
16/May/07 1:01 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Hi Rena. Are you ignoring your laundry too?
16/May/07 1:11 AM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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Yes, I am. I'm all alone at home for a few days.
16/May/07 1:15 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Good break for you! Sometimes I really like that...especially eating when I want, what I want. No set meal time.
16/May/07 1:27 AM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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I like that too, I ate supper last night at 8:00. This is the first time in about 12 years I've been all alone. I am enjoying it.
16/May/07 1:33 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Another can sit at the computer as long as you like No one asking 'have you grown to that chair?' LOL
16/May/07 2:24 AM
   Rena  From Christina Lake,B.C.
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You're absolutely right, but I am going to get some work done now so I can relax later and enjoy the quiet.
16/May/07 2:32 AM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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Kathy, you are welcome to 2 chairs today, we have plenty. folding laundry and checking on the board is allowed, I did it during competition remember? You might be addicted if. . . .

Well, I resupplied hubby with work shirts for the moment, all of them are clean and hanging in his closet. that will not last long heheheh, he insists on wearing 2 a day if it is humid. My second load is drying outside, first dried quickly, in our breeze. Not as smokey now as it was, I am glad too.

RENA, I had 5 days home alone recently, but it was before the last to post competition. Hubby does not travel for business as much now as he previously did. I was ready for some alone time. I married him for better or worse, not for lunch 7 days a week! Working from home has it's drawbacks, for sure. Speaking of 'for lunch' I best go prepare something soon. Crab Salad in Whole wheat pita bread today sounds good. I hope you continue to enjoy your alone time.
16/May/07 2:41 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Yeah, MizT, don't you just hate that lunch thing Yum, crab salad in pita bread! I'm envious. We had tuna I did throw a couple of chips on the plate, though.
16/May/07 3:01 AM
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