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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, enjoyed both stories. Hope Ebob enjoyed the dinner. I am wondering what type of hospital that woman had to go back to
If Three's mom did not want to pass over, and then lost, the birth certificate, I wonder if there is something on it she does not want him to know about
06/Jul/10 12:18 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Another surprise TOPP. I really should learn to count, or pay attention.
06/Jul/10 12:19 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Now I know why I got the TOPP. Theresa snuck in and posted when I wasn't paying attention.
06/Jul/10 12:20 AM
Perth W Aust
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We had a very nice evening with vdV.
They have just left, the kids and vdV.
Off to do the dishes, and go to bed.
Catch you all on the flip side.
06/Jul/10 12:53 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy... I think the "funny" was also heartwarming. The world would be a perfect place if more people were nice to strangers like your hubby. I do think Tami got it pegged as to the type of hospital, tho'.
I've said it before, and I'll say it again... You and your family are WONDERFUL people!!!!
06/Jul/10 1:10 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The tractor tire and the hay hauler
wheel are fixed. I'm back in operation again!
06/Jul/10 3:51 AM
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Morning all!
I gave up trying to sleep and came to visit you lovely people instead.
Tami, I hadn't thought of that about the birth certificate!
Heidi, great news! And now you have an idea of how to keep the hay hauler going longer before the next break down too.
Rolanda, jealous of your evening with vdV. I'm glad it was nice!
06/Jul/10 5:56 AM
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Theresa, I hope you get some sleep! Nearly 4am and just getting to bed!!
06/Jul/10 5:58 AM
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Good news... when I took Ebob to the house last night I spoke to the night time care worker. She is well named, she really cares about these young people. On my drop off trip she showed me a wall mural and said a couple of the residents had done it, a lot of these kids are very creative. When I went to pick up Ebob I showed her a poem Three wrote the first night he was at our house. She said it should be printed up and framed. But that's another story.
I talked to her about Three's missing birth certificate and hence missing tax file number and benefits and his need to pack a lunch tomorrow. She told me it’s far easier to not try to get stuff through the parents, there is a group called Rage that will organise it all, even paying the extra to get the birth certificate quickly. This group will even take him shopping and get him up to $200 worth of clothes if he needs them. I’m going to google them to find out who they are because they sound wonderful. Anyway, it will all be sorted soon and Three has been given a talk about ‘if you need it, just ask, there are a lot of things we can do’.
06/Jul/10 6:01 AM
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Oh, and Three did extremely well on his first night cooking for everyone. Even though dinner was very late!
06/Jul/10 6:02 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy... I really enjoy hearing that Three is doing better.
You have a wise daughter, knowing about Rage. They sound like the perfect group for this problem.
06/Jul/10 6:07 AM
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RAGE = Resourcing Adolescents to Gain Essentials, I can't work out if it's government or privately funded.
06/Jul/10 6:08 AM
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Heidi, it wasn't Ebob who know about Rage, it was the care worker at the house... and she now knows that Three needs a little more help than he is admitting to.
06/Jul/10 6:09 AM
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Sent you an email Heidi.
06/Jul/10 6:27 AM
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Good AFTERNOON, Everyone! Yes, I'm here - but should be at water aerobics. D2 is arriving tomorrow morning & leaves Wednesday afternoon. We hadn't had a chance to hsaw sheets & towels since her last visit, as we usually leave them until we have room in a load of yrdnual. With being away, we came home with large loads, so must get them done NOW! Just started the load and walked by the pooter on the way back to the room for additional gninaelc, so sat down for a minute to say Hello!
Suzy, your comment about the woman your hubby helped caught my eye! Another example of good samaritanism! (Don't know if that's a word.)
That reminds me that when I was growing up we lived in a small town with several railroads going through. "Tramps" or "hoboes" - men riding in the open freight cars - often jumped off and came into town to ask for a hand-out. (This had been going on for years, possibly since the Great Depression.) We were told that they had a way of marking a house to let others know where they could get a hand-out. I remember an occasional man who got as far as our house and was able to get a sandwich and a drink of water, as that's what we were having for the meal.
Back to krow now, but I hope to get back later!
06/Jul/10 8:53 AM
Alabama, USA
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Greetings friends. I have been reading, but have taken a break from typing. Something is making the hand hurt a lot now, so no more 2 handed typing. Problem figuring this out is, doing things with hand does not hurt when I am doing it, the hurt comes later and I have no idea what I did. So for a while, I shall sit an the corner and listen to the conversation, and occasionally say HI.
Hugs to all.
06/Jul/10 9:44 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning.. Still brrr temps in my neck of the woods. 0C overnight. currently around 2C.
Thankgoodness for RAGE!! Woo Hoo Suzy.
I am just up, fell asleep again, after the alarm went off, now am running a tad behind.
I have Stuff to do before heading off with Mary and pick up Steve from his hotel.
Cuppa at the Cafe opposite the city overlooking the River around 10.30ish.
06/Jul/10 10:16 AM
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Hello, All!
Tami, you are very insightful! You may have hit on something about the "lost" birth certificate - and the type of hospital the woman had come from. I hope all is going well at camp since the swimming pool disaster!
Rolanda, I'm so glad dinner with Steve went well - and glad your boys could be there. Hope you enjoy the cuppa today!
Heidi, I'm so glad the tractor and hay hauler are back in operation and should be good to go for quite a while since you have found out more information about the hauler! How is the sunroom?
Suzy, we can't thank you enough for all you and your family do! I like the sound of the RAGE group and the help they provide to young people in similar predicaments to Three! What a relief to know that there are others who care and can help!
MizT, I'm sorry to hear that your hand is not cooperating. It's wise to back off a bit from the typing and try to find out what is causing the discomfort! I hope it improves quickly! In the meantime, there's no need for you to comment, other than a quick "Hi!" daily! We'll all understand!
Now - back to some krow for a while! Hugs to all!
06/Jul/10 11:52 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, that RAGE group sounds wonderful. I hope Three will let them help him.
Just got back from fireworks display. We got rained out yesterday so it was rescheduled for tonight.
Got to get up early so I am going to say good night and see you all tomorrow.
06/Jul/10 12:36 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Tomorrow morning work resumes on the sunroom. It won't be long until it's finished.
06/Jul/10 1:32 PM
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Tami, I'm glad you were able to have fireworks tonight. Some in our area were actually scheduled for tonight!
Heidi, it won't be long now . . .
I'm heading off to bed, as we need to be up by 6 in the morning to get to the airport in time to pick up D. Good Night, Everyone! Enjoy the rest of your afternoon/evening/night! Hugs and positive vibes to all!
06/Jul/10 1:51 PM
Perth W Aust
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Very nice morning at the cafe with vdV, Mary and her Hubby.
The Sun was Shining, the Sky was Blue, the Temp was Nippy.
06/Jul/10 2:25 PM
Magnolia, KY
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IH just told me that his brother is coming for a week long visit in 2 weeks. Should be fun. This brother has a sense of humor.
06/Jul/10 2:35 PM
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Afternoon all!
Two yays for you Heidi - a fun visit and a soon to be finished sun room!
Julie, I hope your visitors and you have a wonderful time!!
Tami, I love going to see fireworks too, though now I look at all of the smoke going into the air and feel guilty for enjoying them so much...
Rolanda, nippy here too, though not as cold as Monday. I have just read that Darwin is on track to have their coldest day in recorded history!! It's only 6.1C there so far today and the lowest every was 7C.
MizT, sending thoughts and wishes to you that your hand improves with the rest you are giving it from typing. If you can't resist typing one handed we will translate any typos!!
06/Jul/10 3:10 PM
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Hubby was laughing as he told me about the lady who hitched a ride with him that he didn't really have any choice but to give her a lift - she just got in the car! He listed off the things she'd told him about herself in such a very short time. We don't have one of 'those' hospitals here, though maybe we should :-)
Off to pick up Three soon. We are all going to the Lions Club Changeover Dinner tonight. Ally and the Pride girls are going to be given an award, though I have tried to make that a surprise for her. I thought we'd be picking up Three on the way, but apparently he is a bit nervous about making himself look presentable as I've been asked to pick him up earlier.
06/Jul/10 3:16 PM
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Hi SAers,
had a lovely time at Rolanda's and the cafe.
06/Jul/10 6:14 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hi Steve, bye Steve.
Have read and laughed and wish you all well.
Life is still busy and I miss you guys.
Zusy, you are a gem.
06/Jul/10 6:42 PM
Small Town Canada
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Good morning everyone.
Suzy, yesterday was the hottest July 5 on record for the Ottawa region. The mercury reached 33.7 degrees Celsius on Monday, with the humidex making it feel more like 45. The previous record of 32.8 degrees Celsius was set in 1976. I've been up since about 3:00 because it's just too hot to sleep. This is supposed to continue until Friday. Wilt ... wither ... droop ...
06/Jul/10 6:42 PM
Qld, Australia
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Theresa, do you have an air conditioner?
06/Jul/10 6:53 PM
Small Town Canada
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No Broni, this is our first year trying to "go green" ... not sure how long I'll be able to keep it up. We have lots of fans. Just went outside for a few minutes to visit the "outside cats" and there's not even the slightest breeze blowing.
06/Jul/10 7:18 PM
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Evening all!
Just home from the Lions Changeover. For some reason that made me think of Heidi....
Heidi, this will mean more to you than it did to me until I got home and used mr google - the woman who runs Pride and owns our lawnmowers was given the Melvin Jones Award!!
Oh, Alyssa got her award too... and she was surprised.
Theresa, a feels-like-45 C temperature would have had me running to the nearest library - they have the best air conditioning.... I hope it doesn't last as long as they are predicting!
Broni, I hope things settle down when you are only working one job (one day to go?) so we get to see more of you!!
06/Jul/10 10:41 PM
Qld, Australia
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Try wetting your neck, arms, hands and head, all the areas where heat can escape it should help you cool down.
06/Jul/10 10:42 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hey Zusy, was just about to shut down. Lucky I checked after my last post. Send my congrats to Alyssa, she deserved it and I for one am proud of her.
06/Jul/10 10:46 PM
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I will Broni! Sleep well!
06/Jul/10 10:59 PM
Small Town Canada
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Add my congrats to her too, Suzy.
Broni, I have been "wetting" myself (tee hee). In fact I just got out of a cold shower. I also am drinking more water and sucking on a lot of ice cubes.
06/Jul/10 11:27 PM
Alabama, USA
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greetings, friends. last night was better, I was actually sleeping late, until the phone rang. dermatologist office. I must go back for a scrape and burn on my back, august 2. I must remember to ask for a count, but am sure this now qualifies as a bunch of skin cancers I have had removed.
i got amused at the lady who phoned to set up appointment, when she said basal cell carcinoma, " the mildest form of skin cancer" and about to go into her explanation of the procedure. I told her that I knew all about it, having many burned away.
I do wish they would do here like in Oz, do the scrape and burn first appointment, and only go back if it is a melanoma. looks as if I may never graduate to once a year screenings, he has found at least one every 6 months, which means return in another 6.
have read and thought of each of you, sending good wishes and hugs,
07/Jul/10 2:21 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy... I feel like a proud aunt! Give Ally my congrats, too. I'm going to have to use Mr. Google as well. I haven't been a Lion all that long.
07/Jul/10 2:54 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Theresa... it's supposed to get up to 95℉ / 35℃ here today, with high humidity. Hotter for the following 2 days, then a good drop in temps when a cool front moves in with rain.
07/Jul/10 2:59 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MizTricia.... I'm glad you do go in every 6 months. Good catch!
07/Jul/10 3:01 AM
Small Town Canada
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MizT, I feel the same way Heidi does, I'm glad you go every 6 months. Better safe than sorry.
Heidi, are those normal temps for your area? You said one time you like mountains and hills - are you on level ground or are you up a little bit higher?
07/Jul/10 3:50 AM
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