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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Perth W Aust
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Morning all
08/Jul/10 9:44 AM
Perth W Aust
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Welcome to page 270
08/Jul/10 9:44 AM
Perth W Aust
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First AirConditoner for me.. When #2 baby was a baby, and as he is turning 21 in a week and a half...
Telephone.. 16.
Dishwasher.. the #2 baby would have been around 2, then we sold the house when he was 3 and a bit, then a few years ago, we got one in this house. In between Dishwashers, I had 2 called Stephen and Robert, Occasionally it was called Peter, most of the time called Rolanda.
Computers. #1 child (now almost 24) was around 6 years, Internet when #1 was 13 ( heading into High School), Broadband a few years ago..
08/Jul/10 9:51 AM
Perth W Aust
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No early breakfast for me this morning, first off to have blood tests.. for the Cholesterol and Thyroid.
My Blood Pressure is way high!!
08/Jul/10 9:56 AM
Small Town Canada
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Suzy, we also had an outdoor toilet. I don't remember when we got a phone, but it was on a party line where neighbours were on the same line and you had to wait until they were off if you wanted to use it. Our tub was a round aluminum one that got put into the kitchen every Saturday night so we got a bath before church on Sundays - my mom would boil water on the stove in big pots to fill the tub. And the four kids took a bath in the same water!!! I can't imagine now taking a shower or bath only once a week. I think I was around 8 when we got a TV, but it only got 2 channels and one of them was french. You're bringing back memories, girl.
Tami, when my washer and dryer die (they are both over 10 years old), I want to get the stackable ones. Our dryer is currently vented into the basement because it is not on an outside wall. I want the stackable ones in the kitchen (our kitchen is large) so that the dryer can be vented outside. Also it will be easier on my back than the ones we have now.
08/Jul/10 10:16 AM
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Yikes Rolanda! I hope they can help you get that under control! Hubby has had a computer since they were called 286 and ran on DOS. Before 1988 at least, though I don't know exactly when. I've had one since I married him in 1990 hehe. Hubby joined an internet provider when the only one commonly available was Compuserve. I think that was just after we were married and I think it's still around... We've kept a copy of DOS on 5 1/4 floppies just for the memories. We bring them out to show the kids occasionally just because it's fun to see the shocked and confused looks on their faces.
08/Jul/10 10:18 AM
Small Town Canada
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Good luck with your fasting tests, Rolanda. I hate those. It's not the breakfast I miss, but the coffee to help wake me up.
My daughter went for her MRI this morning - her appointment was at 4:00 AM. The hospital she went to is doing them 24 hours a day to try and get rid of the backlog. I'm not sure how long it will take for her to get the results.
08/Jul/10 10:19 AM
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hehe Theresa! We used the same bath water too. I will have to ask Mum how the water was heated as I have no memory of that at all. That seems to suggest that she wasn't boiling water though. You make me laugh remembering my FIL! A couple of years before he died we had to arrange for him to have help showering. He complained bitterly until they let him have only 3 showers a week - gone all my life with only one why do I need 3 now???
That's something I found weird when we moved back to Australia and I got my first drier here. It is vented from the front! I sometimes wonder if I should install a carbon monoxide detector or something, but then realise that there's nothing I can do about it as I haven't seen any other kind. The good news is that if I point the vents at clothes hanging in the doorway I've got 2-way drying going on - the stuff in the dryer and the stuff in the doorway..
08/Jul/10 10:28 AM
Perth W Aust
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the air condioner in this house we have had around 15 years.
off to the Blood place.
Later Aligaters
Theresa, my morning cup of tea is what I miss!
08/Jul/10 10:28 AM
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4 AM!!!!!! Theresa I hope they find that it is something they can fix easily with surgery. I am sending all kinds of good thoughts across the air waves to you all....
08/Jul/10 10:31 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, you and I are about the same age and I always remember having a phone and tv. I am not sure about a/c. I have a memory from when I lived in new york. I remember picking up the phone, dialing numbers and trying to get my grandmother. I moved to florida at 4 so I must have been around 3. I did not know her phone number, or any numbers at that age. I guess I just dialed at random and I could not understand when some stranger answered the phone.
08/Jul/10 11:59 AM
Perth W Aust
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I am back.
Kettle on to make Cuppa.. and am heading to the pantry to get cereal out....
08/Jul/10 11:59 AM
Magnolia, KY
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And I'm heading off to bed really early.
I'm really tired.
08/Jul/10 12:07 PM
Perth W Aust
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It's Raining
08/Jul/10 12:49 PM
Alabama, USA
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long tiring day today. my therapist introduced a dastardly exercise today. it looked sooo easy when she did it. just shape the soft putty into first a ball, then roll it into a snake about 8 inches long. OK, got that part, what next? pinch it down the length, and repeat until you have pinched 30 times.
Now how hard can pinching a rope of putty be? A Heck of a lot harder than it looks, I promise! After pinching the first 5 times, I had tears in my eyes. Yep, can bring that thumb and fingers together, but the adding that necessary push to dent the putty got me. She did come back by and say try doing more of the pinching with the fingers, that helped some but still, It was a shock to realize how out of shape my poor thumb really is.
I asked her just when I could expect the pain to go away, hoping for an end date to this. she said, Oh, somewhere between 6 months and a year. NOT what I wanted to hear, and not what I was hearing before the surgery. DRATS!
Hope to get back again tomorrow, this one handed typing (and all necessary correction of typos) is time consuming. I did read, enjoyed all the stories of the good ole days. I got first window AC unit when pregnant with my oldest, who will be 48 this fall. it cooled our bedroom.
08/Jul/10 3:11 PM
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Good VERY early morning here! It has been a long day, but I wanted to spend a few minutes here with friends!
Suzy, thanks for sharing information about the Lions awards! It sounds like there were some well-deserved awards handed out!
Victoria, it's no wonder we haven't seen you much lately. You have been extremely busy! We look forward to the time when things slow down a bit for you. In the meantime, sending positive vibes that all will be well with you!
Gail, we're always glad to see you when you can pop in! I enjoyed your oven/elephant story! I'm amazed you have dealt with it for so long - since you prepare nice meals for your family! I'm so glad you have a reliable toaster oven!
Heidi, like you, I have no oven complaints - other than that it doesn't prepare meals on its own and has the nerve to wait for me to put something in it!
Heidi, it's so exciting that the sunroom is coming along so well! We're anxiously awaiting a photograph or two!
WooHoo! We had a visit from Brenda! And then Nola appeared and even had time for a game or two! It's soo good to see our regulars posting! Sending positive vibes to both of you!
Theresa, I hope your hubby is able to find a really efficient and economical air conditioner for you! What a relief that he has realized how difficult it was for you with no respite from the heat!
Rolanda, I hope all of the blood tests showed good results! Cholesterol, thyroid and blood pressure are a handful to control!
Theresa, I can't imagine an MRI at 4 a.m., but that WOULD be a way to eliminate the backlog - and patients who really don't need one! Sending positive vibes and prayers in your direction for your daughter!
We had running water in the house, but all of the kids shared bath water - about 1 or 2 inches in the tub. I'll never forget when my older brother's girl friend came for a visit and ran a tub FULL of water - and I was already in college. All of my siblings were aghast and listened to that water run and run with our mouths open in horror! There were 2 bedrooms (unheated) upstairs - one for the 3 girls and one for the 3 boys. Only the bathroom in the upstairs was heated. We didn't just get frost on the inside of the windows; we got 1/2 inch of ice in the winter. We also didn't have air conditioning. I don't think I'd do very well without it any more. The first phone I remember was on the wall and we had to "ring" an operator to ask for an extension. Then we had a rotary dial phone and party line with about 3 other homes. I think our first private line was when I was in high school. First TV (possibly 5 or 6 inch screen at most) was black and white - probably around the time I was 10. First car may have been about the same time. (We lived in a small town and had to walk everywhere.)
Rolanda, it's raining here too, but I suspect our temperatures are warmer - low 80's or high 70's *F at 1:30 a.m.
MizT, just keep plugging along wit
08/Jul/10 4:38 PM
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Here's the rest of that post:
MizT, just keep plugging along with your therapy! It WILL get better. (My last doctor appointment also said probably at least 1 year to being nearly pain-free. I think I've become resigned to accepting that assessment, as I'm already at 8 months.)
Good Night to everyone! I really must hit the hay!
08/Jul/10 4:39 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hello my friends, loved the conversations today and wish I had commented at the time.
Love and hugs,
Miss you all heaps.
08/Jul/10 5:43 PM
Stevenage UK
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Broni, I'm pleased just to see you post, I'm sure you will soon have time to spend a little more time here soon.
My memories... we were lucky we had an inside and an outside toilet when I was young. No central heating until I was 14, we used to get ice on the inside of the windows in winter too. Telephone arrived about the same time, again it was a party line. Never had air con, but really the weather we have here it would be a waste of money. Bought my step son a computer (Sinclair ZX spectrum) when my eldest step son was 21 he is now 49. First proper computer to go on to the internet about 1986, Used Compuserve too on dial up. It used to cost a fortune as you had to pay for compuserve and the telephone call too (I can thank Compuserve for my meeting Richard as we met on one of the chat forums there).
Richard and I recently went to a vintage computer show. It showed us how old we really are as we either remembered or had just about all of the machines on show. To make matters worse we still have some of them in our attic.
08/Jul/10 6:46 PM
Stevenage UK
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I really should proof read my long posts before submitting them.
08/Jul/10 6:48 PM
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I am loving these discussions about the 'olden days'!! More! More!
I love your Compuserve story Brenda. Very ahead of your time!! I remember it being expensive too, though that probably would have been in the very early 90's.
Julie, I can imagine your wide open mouths at the girlfriend's 'extravagance', but I cannot imagine waking up to ice on the inside of the windows!
08/Jul/10 8:45 PM
Small Town Canada
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Good morning all.
I remember going skating (there was nothing much to do in the small town I grew up in, population 800 maybe if everyone was home), then coming home and mom opening the oven door on the old wood stove so I could thaw my feet out. Then in later years (the 60's) thawing my feet on the old hot water registers fired by a coal stove. These strolls down memory lane are terrific.
08/Jul/10 9:26 PM
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I was tempted to start another discussion about family scandals and ethical dilemmas (looking for advice maybe?) but decided not to. I'm really enjoying hearing the good old days stories...
08/Jul/10 9:34 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Not that great Julie, I burnt the top of the vegie pie tonight!
08/Jul/10 9:46 PM
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Brenda, I told hubby about your old computers and Compuserve - he loved it too!!
Old memory - bush fires! Where we lived was mostly holiday homes so the winter population was about 20 - well that's what it felt like to we younguns!!! It seemed like about once a year a fire started at the tip (dump) and spread to the bush behind our house. There was a fire break (track) behind our back fence, which was 6 feet high to keep the 'roos out. I remember watching Mum and the neighbours go through the bush clearing out as much as they could when they knew a fire was coming, then all of us watching from the kitchen window as it went past.
08/Jul/10 9:49 PM
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Oh and a great one! Gum leaf whistles!! I'm going to have to find the right type of gum leaf and teach my girls that one!
08/Jul/10 9:52 PM
Small Town Canada
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Cutting out the models from the old Sears and Eatons catalogues, and cutting out the clothing for them to make our own paper dolls.
08/Jul/10 9:56 PM
Small Town Canada
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Suzy, we can have a stroll down memory lane AND start a family dilemma and ethics discussion. We can multi-task!!! Feel free to share, young lady. We are here for you.
08/Jul/10 10:05 PM
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Tadpoles! I remember searching for tadpoles and taking them home in a jar. That area is all houses now.
I love the paper dolls!
Our blue cattle dog who used to bite the little girl down the street when she chased us. She had to go to a breeder the second time the little girl got stitches.
Santa coming down the street on a fire engine and throwing lollies for us.
Mum killing a red bellied black snake with a shovel because it was very close to us.
The big red kangaroo who jumped the 6 foot fence - and my brother and I.
08/Jul/10 10:36 PM
Small Town Canada
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We did the tadpole thing too, Suzy.
I remember being at the end of a string of us 4 kids (grammar) while my brother at the other end touched an electric fence ... I was the only one to feel anything. I fell for it twice!!!
Playing hide and seek and using the whole block as our hiding ground. There were no fences and everyone just let the neighbourhood kids wander where they wanted to.
Buying store-bought bread and thinking it was a treat!
08/Jul/10 10:57 PM
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2 lollies for one cent!
My cubbie house under the water tank.
Watching the moon landing on our black and white TV.
The school bus stopping at the corner shop on the way home from school, the store owners giving us a packet of SAOs so we could feed the rosellas.
08/Jul/10 11:15 PM
Stevenage UK
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Playing ball games in the middle of the road with no worries about being knocked down as not very many people owned cars in our street.
Going to school on roller skates, along with lots of friends and being at the end of a long 'snake' in the play ground... we got up to some pretty high speeds, you had to be good not to fall or you would end up in a bit of a mess with scrapes and bruises.
08/Jul/10 11:40 PM
Perth W Aust
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I'll do my memories in the morning..
zzztime for me
08/Jul/10 11:49 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I still do the tadpole thing.
09/Jul/10 12:23 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I cannot complain about not growing up with all the amenities. But back then all windows were single pane glass, and every morning there was a thick layer of ice on the inside of every window. I would use my fingernail or pocketknife to carve designs in the ice. By the next morning, there was another layer of ice obliterating them.
09/Jul/10 12:28 AM
Alabama, USA
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lightning bugs, catch them and keep in a jar. Mom would let them out once we went to sleep, cause lightning bugs will not survive in a jar.
June bugs tied to a sewing thread, watching them fly in circles.
annoying the bats with a small weight tied to a fishing pole. bat thought it was an insect, when we swung the pole, and dived for it.
having a 4 party line, and my grandma who shared our party always listening in. you never said anything on the phone you did not want the neighborhood to know!!
hunting for crawdads (cray fish) in the local streams,
going fishing using bread balls and tiny hooks to catch bream. had to be big as dad's hand to keep. if we got enough, fish fry! if not, dad out them in a 1/2 gal milk carton, covered them with water and froze them in a block of ice till we went fishing again.
I was 12 or 13 fore we got our first TV.
we were allowed only a tiny anount if water in the tub, also, and when young, moom put all of us in at once. being oldest, I had to help bathe the others.
I do not remember ever being without a car of some sort. Dad brought them " broken" and being a mechanic he got them running again.
I remember the ice man coming. We had a refrigerator, a GAS powered one (not gasoline, natural gas) but my great-uncle who lived in the garage apartment had an ice box.
I remember my Dad making our 2 back rooms into an apartment , right after the war, huge housing shortage, and a returning solider and his bride lived there. Two families shared one bathroom!! my grandparents had the other 4 rooms, and Mom, dad the twins and I lived in the garage apartment, until after my baby sister was born. THREE families living on one 50x300 foot lot. OH, there were also goats, chickens and rabbits in cages, plus a victory garden and fig trees my grandfather tended.
09/Jul/10 4:24 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The ceiling is up!!!!
09/Jul/10 6:05 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning all to a vewy wet and stormy day.
09/Jul/10 9:25 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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I am enjoying all the stories about the "old" days but am beginning to feel like I have no right to complain about mine. My only problem was living in a 2 bedroom, 1 bathroom apartment and sharing a bedroom with my older brother. He is 4.5 years older than me. I did not get my own room until I was 16 and he was 21 and my parents bought a house. He moved out about 6 months later and I took over his bedroom also and made it my "office" I had to have a place to study and do my homework
09/Jul/10 10:13 AM
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Just popping in - and loving all the reminiscing! We also caught "lightning bugs/fireflies" and put them in a jar until we came in at night. I remember when my cousins came from California and didn't know what we were talking about.
We would often visit another family with a daughter the same age as my oldest brother. A family across the street from them would also come over and play until the parents called us all in. It was the only time we got to play outside until "later" because there were no street lights. (The rule at home was that we had to come inside when the street lights turned on.) The girl from across the street was a year older than my older brother and called him "Itchweed." I always thought that was funny, as he was kind of irritating, as I suppose "itchweed" would be!
09/Jul/10 10:19 AM
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