Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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still brr here, not as wet as yesterday, but tomorrow it is expected to be with Thunderstorms.
Tomorrow we have a Family Gathering for Cousin and his family, they arrived last evening from Holland staying for 5 days.
Next weekend another Cousin and his Lady from Holland are arrving, staying for 6 days. Again a Family Gathering on the Sunday.
Speaking of Rain, it's raining........
Neither lots of Cousins are staying with me.
10/Jul/10 10:22 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Welcome to Page 272
10/Jul/10 10:22 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Just stopping in for a minute. I am really tired after a long week at camp. It is hot out (in the 90's)and by today I am feeling it. I am going to sleep early. I will come back for a visit tomorrow.
10/Jul/10 10:38 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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It's raining here, finally. Looks like this heat wave has ended. Hubby came home with an AC, which will be installed tomorrow.
10/Jul/10 11:31 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I just went outside and stood in the rain and relished every minute of it. Ahhhh.

Off to bed (after I dry off), it has felt like a very long week.

Good night all.
10/Jul/10 11:49 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Dropping in without reading...

I've just come home from the Pride gig and had to email off info to the coordinator. Exciting news! We have been asked to pencil in a date for a South Coast Cancer Care Centre in September. The exciting part is that we've gone up in the world! The venue is a place that can charge as much as $100 a plate! Even if it doesn't happen, just to be considered good enough for an event there is a huge pat on the back for the girls.
10/Jul/10 12:52 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Congrats to Ally and Pride on the date at this venue! I hope it all works out for them.

Heidi, the sun room is soo near completion, know you must be excited.

Tami and Teresa, the heat can get to you, and it can be so very draining. I am doing so much better with the new AC, it is not just trying to endure the afternoon hot spell now, house is staying much cooler. Humidity is really high tonight, we had a small t shower pass through. Teresa, I thought about standing out in the rain, but because of thunder did not. I did stand out on the covered porch and had cool mist from the rain blowing about, very nice.

Dinner tonight were Tricia tacos. I got the soft taco , hubby had the hard shells. I do think we both enjoyed.

OK, enough typing for now, I have this down to a dull roar, do not want to aggravate the ouchies here at bedtime. Hugs and good thoughts, hope everyone is warm or cool enough.
10/Jul/10 1:17 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Yes, I am so excited that I can barely contain myself.
Robert and I have been busy the last 2 days. (Don't worry... he insists on working, but I keep it light.) We've been filling the new barn with hay. There is only enough room for 12 more rolls! But there's still room in other barns. I probably have room for another 80 to 100 rolls. That might be all the room we need if we don't get a LOT of rain soon, and some cooler temps.
10/Jul/10 3:08 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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And I'm off to bed. I'm very tired.
10/Jul/10 3:09 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Evening, All!

Suzy, what fun (for you) to have a friend with a coffee van! I must admit I wouldn't be tempted - at least by that - as I'm not a coffee drinker. Now, if it were a chocolate van, that would be a completely different situation!

Gail, our family was parents and 6 kids in a 3-bedroom house, but we never had bunk beds. One double bed and one single bed in each of the "kids" rooms, so had to share a double bed with a sibling. I think bunk beds would have been fun! (Sharing a bed with a sibling was NOT, at least when the sibling tossed and turned.)

Theresa, I'm glad you got to go for a ride in an air conditioned car - and glad you were able to dawdle over tasks you did for you D and grandies! I hope an appropriate air conditioner was found! I can't imagine being without in this heat and humidity. Enjoy the cool soon, I hope! So sorry that the storm tried to escape without bringing relief!

June, we're glad you're back! Hope you had a fun Christmas in July! Did Laura enjoy the trip, especially flying?

Heidi, the progress on your sunroom is amazing! I can understand your need for a strong structure with the weather you get! So sorry the dogs kept you awake during the storm!

Rena, it's good to see you! Enjoy the summer with Amber and your niece Chelsea! Do the girls help with tasks in order to get to the beach sooner?

Nola, I enjoyed your story about your friend and the cockatoo! I imagine that might be a bit frightening in the dark!

Suzy, I hope you are continuing to feel better - and hope Ally's birthday party was an outstanding success! I hope the Pride performance went well! Great news about the new Pride gig and their improving reputation!

Hi, Rolanda! Hope you are having a great weekend! Enjoy all the visits from cousins!

Broni, sounds like a perfect way to start a relaxing day!

MizT, I hope all is going well with your therapy and recovery! It's good to hear that you are trying to monitor how much you use your hand and not over-do!

Tami, I hope you feel better after a good night's sleep and a weekend away from the camp!

Theresa, I'm glad the rain arrived and cooled the temperature (and you) off! Keeping fingers crossed that the new air conditioner really does the trick to cool things off for you!

It's past midnight here, and I need to get some sleep. I hope the sandman brings pleasant dreams to everyone! Positive vibes for all! I hope to see you tomorrow, but we are going to a family reunion 3 hours away and it will likely be quite late when we get back home. Pleasant dreams!
10/Jul/10 3:11 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Julie, she makes hot chocolate too.... nom nom nom...

Ally's party is underway. One of the girls was sitting on a stool at the table and all of a sudden was on the floor - taking another girl with her! I waited about a minute watching her then asked her for her home number and called her parents. They've taken her off to get checked - much to her disappointment!! It was a little scary as she doesn't know what happened, she just blacked out. Of course she insisted whe was fine...
10/Jul/10 8:31 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi everyone! Just caught up on the reading -
Suzy, what a rotten thing to happen at Ally's party - hope the girl is all right!

Love all the reminiscing! When D1 was a baby we had a heat wave (temps over 40C for days) I remember huge cracks in the ground in the back yard. Don't think we had any cooling then, so I would put some cold water in the bath and sit there with the baby. She really enjoyed that!

I remember the first computer we had - Commodore64 - Rob would copy programs from magazines and type them in - lots of kids games ... SO primitive now, but they loved them!
10/Jul/10 10:24 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. I am actually awake after a good night sleep. My boys tucked me in last night.
Suzy, I would love the coffee van. Congrats to Ally/Pride on their performance. Hope the girl is ok and that Ally had a good party.
Theresa, know you will enjoy your new ac. Glad you got some rain yesterday.
Heidi, can't wait to see the finished sunroom. the parts I saw were great.
Tricia, keep working on the hand but don't overdo it.
Don't remember what else I read. Time to go make brekkie and wake up one sleepyhead.
10/Jul/10 11:03 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Dropping in with my morning coffee to say HELLO SUDOKULAND. Overcast today with all day chance of t showers and t storms. Just being overcast seems to be cooler.

SUZY, do let us know if you hear report from the girl who blacked out at the party. That is scary.

TAMI, what's for breakfast today? I need inspiration.

Judy, I have sat in tub years ago, with a fan blowing into the room, during heat wave. That seems when air conditioners malfunction. Once when we lost AC on a very hot day, I took a tub of water, a spray bottle, an electric fan onto the back porch. Sat with my feet in the tub of cold water, spritzed me as necessary, and directed the fan to blow on me. Fan plus spritzing kept me cool.

Teresa, is your AC installed yet?

need a refill, I'll return later. Hugs to all.

11/Jul/10 12:30 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Nice, quiet day today. No workmen here, so the birds are back out in the sunroom for the weekend. They adore it out there, but we have to be careful about exposing them to fumes from anything. Late Sunday night, they'll come back into the old part of the house, and won't go back out there until the sunroom is completed. Right now, it sounds like the Bird House in a Zoo, there's so much chirping, twittering , singing and screeching.
11/Jul/10 12:46 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Heidi, how many birds are in your sun room now?
11/Jul/10 1:22 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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All of 'em. That's 34 Gouldian Finches , 9 Budgies , 4 Lovebirds and 3 Canaries .
11/Jul/10 3:01 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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The reason that there are only 3 canaries is that my Red Mosaic female passed away. Cause unknown.
11/Jul/10 3:03 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I am in contact with a canary breeder who has a bunch of young red and red mosaic young canaries. They will be ready to sell in 1 month, and I'm getting a couple of them.
11/Jul/10 3:14 AM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone!! I'm BAAAAAACK!! Busy month or 2 with my folks here for 5 days (early June--everyone had a GREAT time). We've also met with a real estate agent, so we're getting the house ready to sell (either 1st week of August or September). Planning trip to Washington State again in November. Darrell's already gotten the ok for time off. Hot as he** here. Have a/c on, which I HATE...Don't like being closed in!!

PRAYER REQUEST: Please pray for Bryant Robison (my friend Janet's son)...He is on his way to Iraq. Not sure how long he'll be gone. I told Janet I'd do this and she is grateful for all you friends of mine can do. Thanks.

That's about all for me for now. I will try to be here more often. Hope everyone is well, sending SA9A vibes for those who need them.
11/Jul/10 3:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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11/Jul/10 3:23 AM
   Brenda  From Stevenage UK    Supporting Member
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Heidi, I think Suzanne's birthday is a few months away!
Good to see you post again Suzanne, your friend's son will be in our thoughts.
Heidi you have done well to fill your new barn so quickly.
11/Jul/10 6:15 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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We're having a serious rain and thunderstorm!!!! SO needed!
11/Jul/10 6:36 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Brenda, you are correct. Suzanne's birthday is Oct 7 not July. It must be entered wrong on her profile page.
About to go to a barbaque. Will be back later.
11/Jul/10 6:53 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Morning all!
I had to get up early to take Ebob to work so thought I'd drop in.

I will let you know about the girl who fainted/ blacked out. Her parents are lovely! I felt horrible calling them and spoiling her time at the party, but it had to be done.

Heidi, the birds twittering and chirping does suggest they love it out there!

Suzanne, sending all kinds of thoughts and wishes across the airwaves for Bryant.
11/Jul/10 6:57 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Good morning, Sorry I did not post yesterday. Fighting off a cold/sore throat.
Laura enjoyed the plane flight. Once on the plane though it was 'when do they give us something to eat?' and then she was more interested in her puzzle/sticker book.
The three grandies all played well together but Laura did want to know why the boys were always fighting.
We all spent a day at Healsville Sanctuary which is all native birds and animals. The kids all loved that.
11/Jul/10 7:16 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Loved all the reminiscing. I grew up in a house that had been a guest house so plenty of rooms but we did not get the electricity connected until I was 7 years old.
Judy, my daughter Sharon was born end of January '68 in a similar heatwave in Melbourne. I put a wet sheet over the cot and had a small fan circulate the air to reduce the temperature by 10*.
Our first computer was also a Commodore 64.
11/Jul/10 7:21 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Congratulations for 'Pride' Suzy. I do hope they get the Gig.
Thoughts for your friend Suzanne. May he come home safely.
Robert is back to work very early. I guess he needs the cash flow. The sun room 'sounds' great Heidi.
Hi to everyone else. Thinking of you all.
11/Jul/10 7:25 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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MizT, you triggered another flash back! When I worked at Dow Corning in Sydney I was put in charge of the cooling tower. All of the windows had been bolted shut when a bunch of computers were stolen. 40C day and of course the cooling tower stopped working. I had never talked so often to so many senior managers!! It was nearly 3pm by the time the air conditioning company arrived to make repairs...
11/Jul/10 7:59 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hi June! I have missed you while you were away. It sounds like a great time was had by all...
11/Jul/10 8:03 AM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Good Morning, hope you are all well. Good to see you Rena.
11/Jul/10 8:37 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning SAers
11/Jul/10 9:15 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Suzy, that sounds like it would be funny. It is awful when the AC goes out. My classroom ac went out a few years ago just before school started. I went in saturday for a little last minute straightening and saw the repair guys. They told me the would have it running by monday when the students came. I guess the students were more important than the teacher
11/Jul/10 9:16 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hello to everyone else I may have missed. I have been reading the posts I just can't seem to remember most of what I have read.
11/Jul/10 9:17 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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The AC has been installed. I plan on sleeping very well tonight.

Suzy, congrats to Ally and Pride. Wow! Hope Ally's friend is OK.

Suzanne, will keep Bryant in my thoughts.

June, hope your cold/sore throat is better. Take care of yourself.

The excitement is building, Heidi.

Well, I'm going to make it an early night. We went shopping for new curtains today. Tomorrow is grocery shopping, laundry, etc. etc. etc.

Have a great day/evening/night everyone.

11/Jul/10 11:11 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Tami, it was funny to talk about later! None of these managers were under 6 feet tall, my lousy 5'2" found that very intimidating on the day! Then there was the time the safety manager was away and the alarm went off. It wasn't going to stop until someone put the code in. Nobody had the code except the safety manager - and me. I had come in to work on a Saturday a couple of weeks before and he had forgotten to come in to enter the code so told me over the phone. After thinking about it for a minute I trotted up, wended my way through the tall mass of managers staring woefully at the alarm panel and put the code in.... you can imagine how that went down!
11/Jul/10 11:40 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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The young girl who fainted is fine. Her parents took her to casualty/emergency last night and she was checked out. The verdict was that she must have just fainted. I have never actually fainted so don't know how you can 'just' faint, but I have heard of it happening to other people.
11/Jul/10 1:26 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU    Supporting Member
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Prayers for Bryant, may he come home soon, very soon
11/Jul/10 3:20 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Soon and in one piece.
11/Jul/10 3:43 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Good Very Early Morning, All (it's nearly 1:30 a.m)! Hello to Everyone! (I'm sorry for not mentioning you all by name.)

Suzy, the hot chocolate certainly sounds tempting! What a shame that one of Ally's friends blacked out at the party. I hope she is OK and that it didn't cause too much concern for the others!

Tami, I'm glad you got a good night's sleep!

Judy, loved your story about sitting in a tub of water with the baby to cool both of you off!

MizT, I hope your hand is better today! Enjoyed the picture of you with your feet in a tub of water, a spritzer bottle in hand and a fan blowing in your direction!

Heidi, I'm sorry your red mosaic canary passed away. I'm imagining all of your other birds sitting in the sunroom and enjoying the light! All that chirping must be very cheerful! I'm glad you have found a breeder for red and red mosaic canaries!

Suzanne, I'm so glad your parents' visit went well! Good luck when your house goes up for sale! Also, good luck finding the house of your dreams in Washington State! (Did you tell us where exactly you hope to live?) Sending prayers and positive vibes for Janet's son Bryant.

Brenda, how did you remember Suzanne's birthdate? I was just about to type in birthday wishes for her.

June, I hope you are soon feeling better! Perhaps the dry airplane air contributed to your symptoms.

Suzy, thank you for letting us know that the girl who fainted is all right! She's probably upset that she had to miss the party, though.

It isn't getting any earlier here, so I really should head to bed. Good Night, Friends!
11/Jul/10 4:28 PM
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