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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Magnolia, KY
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It's earlier there than it is here. It's quarter to three here. Time for me to go to bed, too.
11/Jul/10 4:46 PM
Stevenage UK
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Julie, I'll be honest I saw Heidi's post, then looked at members birthday list on the page didn't see Suzanne's name. To double check I went to her page and saw when her last birthday was
. My memory isn't that good.
11/Jul/10 8:18 PM
Small Town Canada
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Suzy, I have fainted in the past. If it's too humid and "close" I get faint. Also if I'm in a closed space too long. I guess it's a type of claustrophobia. When I'm in a crowded place I have to be near the door. At a theatre I have to have an aisle seat.
Sleep a solid 5 hours last night without waking up, and not waking up in a ball of sweat! I love my AC.
11/Jul/10 11:40 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Brenda... Her name was on the Birthday list the previous day. But since Aussie dates are a day ahead of us, I waited 'til the next day to offer Suzanne Birthday wishes on SA9A. I hadn't read all the previous posts on her page.
12/Jul/10 1:28 AM
Alabama, USA
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The confusion about Suzanne's birthday is how Aussies and we write dates. It came up on 7-10 (July 10) but her birthday is 10-7 ( October 7) the way we topsiders notate dates.
Overcast again today, so it does not seem as hot as forecast. We got another 5 minute shower yesterday, could use a real rain.
not much going on here, so not much to say today. catch you all later, hugs
12/Jul/10 1:50 AM
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Good Maen everyone. Going to church with my client/friend Linda in a bit.
For those who posted early birthday wishes (3 months!!) Thank you and I HAVE changed the date on my profile. My birthday is on October 7th.
Not much else going on here, windy & warm already so the a/c is on. Just denaelc yesterday, don't want all that dust inside.
Signing off for now. TTFN.
12/Jul/10 1:50 AM
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Good morning. I was awake so I have now done all the puzzles and will go back to bed. Cat just came in so guess I will have to feed her first.
12/Jul/10 4:32 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. Just stopping in for a minute. Going out to dinner with my parents. Dad's birthday was yesterday and we are celebrating today. Not much going on, have read the posts but don't remember what I have read. I will try to come back later.
12/Jul/10 5:50 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I just did my good deed for the day. A friend of mine, a horse trainer, recently broke her leg and had to have surgery to have plates and screws installed. I just dropped my wheelchair off at her place so she can have some mobility.
12/Jul/10 6:20 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, it was nice of you to lend her your wheelchair. I hope you don't need it back any time soon.
12/Jul/10 6:42 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, hope your friend recovers quickly from her broken leg. Sounds like it was a bad break. I hope you did not give wheelchair driving lessons, I seem to remember you falling out of that chair.
time to remove the paraffin treatment and do exercises, back later.
12/Jul/10 8:15 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I didn't fall out of it, I flipped it while going down a ramp at a high rate of speed. The fall was while using the walker. That's when I broke my tailbone. I didn't get hurt while flipping the wheelchair. Anyway, Anita is as accident prone as I am. She'll figure out a creative wreck on her own.
12/Jul/10 9:35 AM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Haven't caught up, just wanted to pop in and say hi to you all.
Hubby and I bought a breadmaker on the weekend and he made the first loaf in it yesterday...verdict-YUMMY! He's making some toast from it at the mo, and we had it with last night's family dinner with the kids. They were all most impressed :)
12/Jul/10 11:57 AM
Magnolia, KY
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There is no food on the planet tastier than fresh baked bread.
12/Jul/10 12:00 PM
Perth W Aust
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12/Jul/10 12:22 PM
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Good Morning, Rolanda! Good Evening from here (10:45 p.m.)
I will admit to having fainted on occasion - sometimes cause unknown. One time I immediately knew the cause. D2 had broken her little finger and it was "set" at the hospital. I questioned the doctor, as it didn't look right. By the time we were able to see an orthopedist (happened the beginning of a long holiday weekend), he said it was set wrong and he would need to re-break it, which he promptly did - with no anesthesia. I felt myself ready to faint, but hung on until they had taken her off for X-rays. Since it was nearly 1 p.m. and I had no lunch (waiting in the doctor's office), they said I probably had low blood sugar and gave me a lollipop. I don't remember if D got a lollipop or not.
Tami, please wish your Dad a belated
for me! I hope he had some birthday cake
with his dinner! How is he feeling? I hope all is well for your Mom & Dad. We miss Bobbi!
MizT, I hope the paraffin treatment helped your hand!
Gail, fresh baked homemade bread sound wonderful! Please send a few cyber slices this way.
Theresa, I'm so glad your air conditioner was installed and working and helped you get a better night's sleep!
June, I hope you were able to get some sleep! Sending positive vibes for your friend's continued treatments
Heidi, I hope all goes well this week with the sunroom work!
I'd like to send some rain to those in need, some sunny and warm days for those who haven't seen the sun recently, some cooler days for those who have been experiencing too much warmth and humidity. I'm sending hugs and positive vibes to Everyone! Take care! (I need to get to bed, as much is going on this week and I need to do some of the driving, as hubby isn't feeling well. Anyone near Illinois should stay off the road if at all possible, since I tend to fall asleep when driving. (I will even try to get naps this week.)
12/Jul/10 1:50 PM
Perth W Aust
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I have fainted a couple of times...
1st Time, when patient in Hospital Nov 1981. after a had major surgery
2nd Time, at the Dentist Aug 2005, had major infection happening, and the pain was soooo bad, and I hadn't eaten for at least 24 hours, and I had taken major Antibotics before the removal of the tooth.... "Oh Ms Receptionist, I dont feel too good"... Blackout...
After the tooth extraction, the infection took hold, a few days later I ended up in Hospital for 5 days..
12/Jul/10 2:39 PM
Perth W Aust
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Julie, do NOT send rain to me, it has rained vewy heavily over the last few days..
a bit of warmth would be noice, to go with the Sun that has come out to play, till the next downpour!!
12/Jul/10 2:42 PM
Alabama, USA
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Julie, I will take some rain in moderation, about 3 or 4 days of a slow drizzle would do nicely. Also some cooler temps and less humidity, following the rain, thank you please.
Pork chops on the foreman grill for dinner and hubby helped make potato salad, it was yummy. Enough left to go with a sandwich for tomorrow's lunch too, looking forward to that. Why are some hard boiled eggs hard to rid of thier shell? We had 3 eggs, from same carton, cooked together, and 2 slipped from their jackets with ease, I managed to do those. the third, the shell clung tightly to the egg, and hubby had to pry off each little piece, taking some egg with the shell. He managed to get it done though, with no shells in the salad.
Late here, it is officially tomorrow already, 12:24 AM on Monday. Have a few errands to do tomorrow, so I best get to bed. Hugs from Bama.
12/Jul/10 3:25 PM
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Evening all!
We've had a few days of gentle rain, one day of sun, then rain is forecast again. Sigh.
Julie, I think you're right! The sadistic doctor made you faint, not low blood sugar! At the time I would have been in shock, but afterwards would have been beating myself up for not telling him off in a big way!!
Gail, we've got a bread maker. Used it like crazy for the first 3 months. I don't think I've pulled it out in over 6 months...
Thoughts and wishes to everyone, thoughtful people lending wheelchairs, hurty people, friends and family who need a hug, and happy people too.
12/Jul/10 7:45 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hi All, have read and think Julie summarised most of what I thouht. Thank you Julie.
Suzanne, wishing safe thoughts for your friend and Happy un Birthday, but isn't every day a celebration?
12/Jul/10 8:52 PM
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A bit tired tonight. Just holding the cold back so i might have an early night........which generally means I am doing puzzles at all hours
of the night/early morning.
12/Jul/10 9:26 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Just a quick good morning before camp. Had some work to do on the pooter so, of course, I had to stop in here.
12/Jul/10 9:52 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Work has resumed on the sunroom. It's amazing to see the difference that taping and mudding seams will do.
12/Jul/10 11:36 PM
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Good Maen everyone!! A beautiful morning here (so far--just got the coffee). We could use some rain (lawn is brown, we've been on water restriction--2 days a week). A lot of people ignore it, but we don't. I've never heard ot the city coming around & writing anyone up, but we don't want to chance it.
Heidi: Glad to hear the sunroom is progressing well. Will you post photos?
Hello also to MizT, June, Broni (thanks for the un-birthday wish--Alice in Wonderland, right?) TTT, Julie, Rolanda, Suzy, Gail, Brenda & anyone I missed. Have a great day/night. TTFN
12/Jul/10 11:55 PM
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Oops! Looks like I missed Theresa!! Hello to you too!
13/Jul/10 12:14 AM
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Heidi: I agree about the smell of baked bread! YUM!!When we lived in California, the Weber bread store was in Glendale. When we'd drive past it on the freeway or local streets, the vents would be open & you could smell it from the road!!
13/Jul/10 12:16 AM
Small Town Canada
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Good morning all,
MizT, we have a foreman grill and it gets used a lot. In fact we are on our second one now. So much nicer than having the oven on in the summer.
As for shelling boiled eggs, after the boiling time is up I immediately put them in a pan of cold water in the sink. I understand also that "fresh" eggs are harder to shell.
June, hope your cold is soon better. Thoughts constantly streaming towards your friend.
Another hot day here, 31C - not sure what it feels like with the humidex, but yuck! Suzanne, we don't have water rationing yet, but I'm sure it's coming soon as we haven't had enough rain lately.
Well, time to go and amuse the grandies. TTFN.
13/Jul/10 1:13 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Yes, Theresa... fresh eggs are a lot harder to shell. That's because as an egg gets older, there is a tiny bit of evaporation inside, and the membrane pulls a little bit away from the shell. When they're fresh, everything inside is super sticky. Grocery store eggs mostly have enough age on them to peal easily, but you need to let fresh eggs sit in the fridge for a week or so before using them for hard boiled eggs.
13/Jul/10 1:36 AM
Small Town Canada
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I just got back from babysitting the grandies while my daughter had a nap. We coloured for a long time ... it's almost cathartic when you colour a picture at my age. At one point I looked up and they had left and were watching TV, so I was colouring alone. Who was babysitting whom (who???)?
13/Jul/10 3:12 AM
Magnolia, KY
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George says that the sunroom will be completed within a week. The time consuming bit is waiting for mud to dry, then primer and paint.
13/Jul/10 7:52 AM
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Morning all!
Thank you for the egg pealing advice. Hubby and I were talking about it only a couple of days ago and had no idea why some eggs pealed easily and others were a pain in the tush.
Theresa, your colouring story was wonderful! I love to start the day with a story that makes me smile.
13/Jul/10 8:19 AM
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Just curious: Why are so many people supporting Roman Polanski when anyone else accused of what he is accused of would be vilified and hated?
13/Jul/10 9:59 AM
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What are the odds?
13/Jul/10 10:09 AM
Magnolia, KY
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What has he been accused of this time? I think some people still have sympathy for the man after his wife was murdered by Charles Manson.
13/Jul/10 10:10 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Heidi, that happened 40 years ago, the murder of Sharon Tate. What he is accused of doing happened after that.
13/Jul/10 10:14 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I know that, Tami, and that wasn't an accusation. I've heard about the 13 year old girl 'thing', but I was wondering if this was something new.
13/Jul/10 10:23 AM
Magnolia, KY
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OK... I looked it up. It IS about the 13 year old girl.
13/Jul/10 10:27 AM
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I don't know if he did what they said he did (can't use the word as it has had me booted out before), but I'm finding his treatment unusual. Usually when someone is accused of something like this people distance themselves as quickly as possible from them. In his case it's almost like they're circling the wagons.
13/Jul/10 10:49 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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He is still fighting extradition to the US.
13/Jul/10 10:49 AM
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