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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Small Town Canada
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Just got back from making supper, playing outside with grandies, and on and on and on. I am beat. Now I have to do my own chores at my place. My daughter is so appreciative and she's trying so hard to be brave, but lying on the couch for weeks on end is really getting to her.
Suzy, I don't know why people support Roman Polanski. A 13 year old girl is just a child, a baby. He's just sick. On top of that, he has been under house arrest in his own villa all this time. Poor man, how could he take this cruel and inhumane punishment? I think Heidi is right, people still remember the Charles Manson murders.
Gotta go and do some swearing. Hope to be back in a bit.
13/Jul/10 10:49 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, I guess because he is famous, he thinks he can get away with it. That is if he is guilty.
13/Jul/10 10:50 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, I can give you a few choice words to use if you need any help.
13/Jul/10 10:51 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Roman has settled out of court with the girl, who has asked the courts to drop all the charges against him. I think he is being hounded still because he is a high profile celebrity.
Back in the late sixties, my favorite aunt lived in the LA area and was a part of Roman Polanski's social crowd. She partied with him, Sharon Tate and Andre Previn, among others. My aunt thinks quite well of him.
13/Jul/10 11:01 AM
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Tami, he beat the extradition fight today. That's why it's in the news again.
Theresa, what are you swearing at? Did I miss that bit?
Heidi, I don't think sort of case should be settled out of court. Civil damages, yes, but criminal charges should also apply. And many people who do stuff like this are liked by people who don't know about it. It's called charm. Having said that, the wishes of the victim probably should be taken into account, as long as they weren't expressed when she was still a minor.
13/Jul/10 11:12 AM
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I just realised you are probably swearing about your exhaustion and your daughter's situation Theresa. Duh! How old are your grandies? Are they old enough for the chat about their mother being sick and them needing to entertain themselves a little? That's one of the wonderful things about the teenage years, and also one of the sad things...
13/Jul/10 11:21 AM
Perth W Aust
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Good Morning SAers
13/Jul/10 12:09 PM
Small Town Canada
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Suzy, I meant those nasty swear words like sehsid, gninaelc, etc.
The grandies are only 5 and 7, so they just don't understand. I've tried to explain it to them too, but they miss the mom they used to have. The one that took them to the park and for ice cream cones and all the good stuff. I just don't have time to do those sorts of things right now for them. I do try and spend some extra time with them in our own yard with their play structure, but I know they miss their mom.
It's starting to rain very lightly. Today actually turned out to be a fairly nice day and not as humid as expected. Every little bit helps.
Well, it's 10:30 so I think I'll make it an early night. Catch you all tomorrow.
13/Jul/10 12:33 PM
Alabama, USA
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Well, none of the reasons for eggs to be hard to peel seem to fit here. The eggs had been in my fridge for over a week, and they were put into cold water as soon as they had cooked long enough. Guess that was a stubborn egg, eh? Thanks for the information, appreciate the input.
Busy day today, we had a couple bills to pay and get stamps to mail off another couple. Then to library. BTW, our library was a bit on the warm side today, not the place to go to cool oneself on a hot day, not today. I started reading another book, after one chapter, I like it so far.
Warning, I'm talking about this derned hand again, you can scroll on by this paragraph if you choose:
Went to the chiro, and he has helped me with the pain that went from thumb to shoulder and neck, and branched off into my fingers also. I am able to do more with the fingers/hand tonight than this passed weekend. I was really concerned, I was backing up instead of making progress. He thinks a nerve had been pinched somewhere, caused by pain, tension, leading to joints moving or swelling, pinching something somewhere between neck and thumb. Sounds OK by me, as long as I can use hand better tonight. Hope it continues now.
Time to turn the page, so I will post and not loose this much. Hugs .
13/Jul/10 1:17 PM
Alabama, USA
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caved in today, bought a basket of tomatoes. mine are just not doing well. a few little tennis ball sized tomatoes ripening, plant knows it is in jeopardy, so trying hard to do what it was designed to do, procreate, make seeds. had lettuce/tomato/zucchini salad with dinner. had to use the tomato that tried to escape. It fell from the table where the veggies were put, and split. needed to be used soon. These were grown about 7 miles from here, retired fellow with a bit of land, some time, a tractor and some seed. We got watermelons from him last week, always look to see what he has been growing.
back to my book, read till I am sleepy. hope to see all tomorrow.
13/Jul/10 1:29 PM
Small Town Canada
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Morning all.
My goodness, what a quiet night. No one has posted since MizT went to bed.
MizT, hope your hand is feeling better. Too bad about having to buy tomatoes after all the work you put into your plants. My plants in pots are not doing well this year, including the wave petunias. I think that long heat wave did them in. I babied them by moving them into the shade in the afternoon and watering every day, but I'm afraid it's not to be this year. I've seen a fair number of other yards where the same thing has happened. Mother Nature will have her own way.
13/Jul/10 11:06 PM
Alabama, USA
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morning friends. Has the site been down in Oz? I cannot believe no one has posted in over 9 hours, unbelievable.
Julie, I am happy to report my petunias are doing nicely, cascading out of their containers, a riot of color on the front porch. I will not buy generic tomatoes again, but named varities that I know are resistant to disease. Those generic tomatoes (labeled "tomatoes" only) were all I found before my surgery. Plants were slow comming to nurseries, we had a late spring.
OH, I also bought peaches yesterday, good Chilton county peaches. Al promised to peel and slice them today, still cannot use thumb that long, that much.
thumb/hand/arm much better today and boy did I sleep good last night! Trip to chio was well worth it this time!
time to feed the sloshy machine, I have the clothes sorted just waiting. It is clear and windy, hope they dry fore any forecast rain, but I will take the rain and bring clothes in to hang on shower rod if need be. We need the rain. Yesterday on my cross county road trip I saw some ponds getting low.
Hugs to all.
13/Jul/10 11:24 PM
Magnolia, KY
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I woke up to pouring rain.
It will take a LOT to replenish the farm ponds and creek. Since George and Mike have only indoor work left anyway, it doesn't interfere with progress on the sunroom.
13/Jul/10 11:55 PM
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Good Maen everyone! Nice day here so far, not too warm yet. I have the windows open. Getting ready for my 2nd cuppa coffee & some light gninaelc around here.
Heidi: Send some rain to Utah please, my grass looks like dry hay!!!!
Hello to MizT, TTT, Rolanda, Suzy, Theresa and anyone else who is here.
14/Jul/10 12:18 AM
Small Town Canada
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Good afternoon all,
MizT, glad you had a good sleep and your thumb/hand/arm are better today. My sister had a problem with the tomatoes in her garden a few years back, some type of blight. The only thing the nurseries could tell her is the following year she would have to plant them in an entirely different spot in the garden as far away from the existing spot as possible. Are you going to put up some preserves with the peaches? Guess what I have a craving for now.
Good thing you're getting some rain, Heidi, and that it won't interfere with the sunroom work. We had a little bit of rain this morning, but not enough to do much good.
Hi Suzanne, hope all is well in your world. We have not been cutting our grass as often to try and avoid the "brownish" stuff. Mostly it's working, but there are a few spots of brown. Of course there are those spots where my daughter's dog has "visited" .....
Well, I too must go and feed the sloshy thing ... today is "cat blanket" day. Yeah. TTFN.
14/Jul/10 4:22 AM
Small Town Canada
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Wow, is everyone on holiday or sleeping?
14/Jul/10 7:57 AM
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Morning all!
Sunny day here today, but windy!! I'll have some tidying up to do outside..
If I can get them on the line, clothes will dry nicely in this wind.
Oh Oh, the horse is giving me the eye, I haven't fed them yet... back later.
14/Jul/10 8:24 AM
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The kids are on holiday here Theresa. They go back to school next Tuesday for the third out of four terms in the school year.
Ebob and hubby have gone to work, Ally is still asleep. I have to swear a little today.
14/Jul/10 8:38 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I had a nice nap all afternoon. Now I'm off to a Cattlemen's meeting. What a tough life.
14/Jul/10 8:48 AM
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It is almost 13C here this morning, but with the wind our feels-like temp is only 5.5C. That is cold for us! I remember the winter posts from those up north and realise that would be a warm winter day for you...
14/Jul/10 9:09 AM
Fernlands Qld
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Hi all!
It's quite warm here this morning. 19C at 8:30am. I saw lots of people in short sleeves this morning.
I may be over the hump at work. The website is up and still needs a bit of tweaking but will be ok for a while.
I just have the financial year end work to finish and life should settle down again.
My brother, niece and her partner are coming on Friday. At this stage we are planning on going to the Footy on Friday night at the coast (about 1 & half hour drive each way) and on Saturday going to visit my mother. They will head home again on Sunday.
I'm currently trying to get over a cold that Shaun bought home from childcare. It doesn't seem to matter how old they are they still pick up every germ going. I just lazed around all weekend - barely left the house unless it was absolutely necessary.
Work beckons but I'll be back.
14/Jul/10 9:43 AM
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Sorry I have not been about.I bowled yesterday and then picked up Laura and she was here overnight. Still have a bit of a cold but feel OK in the daytime. Last night Sharon was getting a scout scarf for her ten years work for the Gang Show. That is why I had Laura.
14/Jul/10 9:47 AM
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A very healthy breakfast this morning..not! Laura insisted she make pancakes.
Time for a shower and then to do some swear words. My sucky lady is on holidays and the cat is molting!
14/Jul/10 9:50 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.
Grocery Shop this morning.
then Lunching with my Sister.
The Husband has the 'Man Flu', I am trying vewy hard not to catch the cold.
14/Jul/10 10:14 AM
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I'm missing June.
14/Jul/10 10:14 AM
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Wow! Look what happens when you wish! I hadn't refreshed and didn't see you there June! I hope you feel better soon.
14/Jul/10 10:17 AM
Alabama, USA
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one basket of peaches have been peeled and sliced. Nope, no jam, will just have over sponge cake or with whipped cream for desert or on cereals for breakfast for a few days. I can eat some peaches!! I waas so afraid we would not get any this year, with me not able to hold them to peel and slice. Hubby gets an ATTABOY today!!
I need to go warm the hnd, and exercise, so I have not forgotten how come tomorrow for therapy. then we will fling food, most of it is cooked, just serve up heat again and eat. AL got a phone call from daughter Joy just as we were about to serve our plates. Daughters wanting to talk to dad get priority.
14/Jul/10 10:33 AM
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Just congested at night and early morning Suzy. I now have both swishy things going. I will have to pry the girl from the TV and get her dressed!
Friday morning I have to go to my daughters farm for a couple of days to feed the animals as she will be helping a friend at the Agricultural field days in the country. I will be home again last Saturday. i was getting instructions of what each horse is given as they all have a different mixture and get fed in separate places. I told her to write it all down as I do suffer from 'Crafts' these days. (There are about 9 horses to be fed)
14/Jul/10 10:40 AM
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Hi Tricia, that hand is certainly taking a long time to recover.
PEACHES. Stewed peaches are my favourites, especially if you can get the white Alberta ones. Not keen on Peach jam though.
14/Jul/10 10:43 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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June, I also seem to be suffering from crafts at the moment. I am blaming it on the heat. It was 95 today. (35 c ) It is usually in the high 90's this time of year.
14/Jul/10 10:44 AM
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June, the owners of the lawnmowers do the night time feed for just that reason! The little old lady gets a very rich mixture because of her worn out teeth, the young frisky one just gets a bit of roughage. They have some kinds of supplements mixed in with it all.
I've got my swishy thing going too. The swished things will dry quickly today in the wind. I'm just hoping they don't end up spread all over the yard. We've had gusts up to 67kph this morning.
14/Jul/10 11:06 AM
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MizT, you definitely have a keeper too. Al sounds like he is not only being patient, but going above and beyond. The recovery sounds so long from this end, I can't imagine what it's like for you! Especially all of the time spent on the exercises.
14/Jul/10 11:12 AM
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Rolanda, I'm planning a gail with hubby when school goes back...
Tami, those temps are bad when they come with high humidity. I'm guessing most of the stuff you do at camp is not in air conditioning?? Yikes!
14/Jul/10 11:20 AM
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Hello, Everyone! It's 10:30 p.m. and I must keep this short - need to be up by 6 in the morning and had less than 3 hours of sleep last night followed by migraine today. When I have time, I'll explain more. Just know that I'm thinking of everyone and sending positive vibes to all of you! I hope your day has been, is, or will be a pleasant one! Hugs!
14/Jul/10 1:33 PM
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Good maeN everyone!! Well, it WAS a nice day till about 3 when it got into the mid 90's. The a/c is on and I am checking e-mails.
Not much going on here, just tired from the heat. Grateful for low humidity, but in the high desert it is STILL very hot. TTT, my sympathies!! I lived in Florida for 6 years. I'm going to sign off for now, TTFN everyone.
14/Jul/10 2:12 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Suzy, Gail had a gail today :-)
14/Jul/10 3:02 PM
Alabama, USA
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June and Suzy, actually both doc and therapist say I am doing well. It will take from 6 months to a year for pain to subside and to regain function IF I work at it.( I am not at 3 months yet) Now, they did not tell me all those things before surgery, bad doc!
June, Peaches we do not stew, eat them just fresh sliced and a tiny bit of sugar over to help them " juice". I also juice the peel, espically if they are peeled with a lot of flesh still attached, to put with the peaches. in their own juice they do not turn dark till we can eat them. Plums, now, hubby loves those stewed, will not eat those fresh.
Suzy, I kept finding my swished things all over my back porch from the wind. I put clothes on plastic clothes hangers, (the kind you use to hang them in the wardrobe, in case you call those something else) cause not much room on my lines, and the wind was enough to blow them, hangers and all off the line!
Julie, hope you get a good night's sleep tonight. Migraines are terrible company, I had them as a young woman. I did not want anyone walking on the same planet as I occupied hehehe, might jostle my head. Hope yours is all resolved, and no "bruised brain" feeling tomorrow.
Suzanne and Tami, we had mid 90's again today, usual for us, and we had humidity too. Why I stay inside. I get cabin fever in July and August, not in winter.
I just finished a lite fun book. reminds me of books I read as a tean, light romancem well this one had a tad more s3x than ones i read way back when, those were limited to "heavy petting". But main character was a nurse, in the early 20's, in small town Americana, loved the setting and the accurate portrayal of that era.
our momma kitty, Scooter, is missing. she has been gone longer than she has ever before, and we are worried. Her daughter, Screech, is mourning her, hunting her, keeps asking to go out, does a turn of the yard, comes back to the porch, and sleeps on the rail, waiting for her Mom to return. It is sad enough for me an AL without her sadness adding in. Scooter is an inside/outside kitty, only about 4 times in her life ever gone more than overnight, and those times she came in very hungry and thirsty. We joked that wherever she was, they did not serve lunch. I am fearful she got trapped inside someone's outbuilding, and could not get out, and in this heat could not survive. She is 8 years old, and a hunter, we could not keep her inside. I do hope she returns, but hope is getting slim, it has been 4 days now.
off to bed, I too must get up earlier than usual, therapy day again. Hugs to all.
14/Jul/10 3:05 PM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT... my fingers are crossed for Scooter.
It doesn't sound good, especially since her daughter is acting like something is seriously wrong.
14/Jul/10 3:26 PM
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Afternoon all,
MizT, 6 months to a year sounds like a very long time to be in pain. I guess it's better than 'forever' which it would have been without the surgery, but still hard to take. Lucky you are such a strong lady!
I do the clothes hanger thing too! When it's windy I put pegs on the clothes on the hangers, but that wouldn't help if the whole hanger was blown away... We have an absolutely huge clothes line by the way, I only have to do that if I'm using the undercover line because of the weather.
I love reading the kids' books MizT. They are so easy to read! Perfect for when you are tired or just brain tired. Not all of them are light though. Tomorrow When the War Began, which has just been made into a movie, had a particularly realistic and therefore unsatisfying ending...
14/Jul/10 5:13 PM
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I hope Scooter comes home! It's worse when you don't know for sure what is happening.
Julie, I hope your migraine is gone and you get a good night's sleep.
Suzanne, I am not a huge fan of humidity either. We went to Queensland at a time of year when the humidity was fairly low. Hubby said it felt like home (LA) and he'd like to move there. I figure we'd have to do a trip up in January/February to see if he still feels that way! I think that's the humid time... Queenslanders????
14/Jul/10 5:21 PM
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