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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Time to start a new page. One with good vibes.
15/Jul/10 8:52 PM
Small Town Canada
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Good morning all,
Had some computer problems lately, but hopefully they are rectified. Have read all the posts (2 and a half pages worth).
Gail and Julie, healing thoughts and good wishes going out to you both (and your hubbies) for life's trials that you are going through.
Victoria, hope your cold is better.
June, glad to hear your cold is getting better. Sounds like a full-time job for you looking after your daughter's farm.
Rolanda, hope you managed to avoid the cold from hubby (man flu).
MizT, did Scooter come home?
Vibrant Vici, happy birthday!
Nola, hope the back pain subsides quickly.
Heidi, hope Robert's problems are soon solved.
15/Jul/10 10:10 PM
Small Town Canada
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The specialist that my daughter saw said she has avascular necrosis and will definitely need a hip replacement. The femur has collapsed by 25%. She sees the surgeon on the 28th. One of the reasons they are hesitant to do the hip replacement is because of her young age and the fact that hip replacements are only good for about 20 years ... I guess they're hoping the longer they can put off the surgery, the less surgeries she will need down the road. She just wants it over with because she doesn't want to experience that kind of pain again. We'll see what the surgeon says.
Hubby is taking tomorrow off to help me naelc the house. I spend so much time with my daughter and trying to get my work done, the house is a mess. We have company coming this Saturday ... need to get rid of the dust elephants.
I'm off to get another coffee, which I will have on the lawn swing in the shade. Temps will be in the low 30's today, but feeling much hotter because of the humidity. Hopefully I'll be back later. Again, hugs and loving thoughts going out to those who need it. Please take care of yourselves.
15/Jul/10 10:16 PM
Magnolia, KY
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The primer is going up on the walls and ceiling now!!!
16/Jul/10 12:42 AM
Alabama, USA
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GAIL, I just read your post on page 275. I am so sorry you and your family have been going through this, and more so that you did it "alone", without letting us know. I understand your need for privacy, but I do know how sharing here can be a big support. I am sure you have educated yourself about his illness, but I do want to say many people can lead fulfilling lives on dialysis for many many years. I do hope this is the case for your hubby. Thoughts and prayers to you and yours. If you ever need to talk, I am here. Know a bit about renal disease, my ex-husband has it.
16/Jul/10 12:46 AM
Alabama, USA
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NOLA, no, we have not seen kitty, still looking for her, but hope is fading for her return. Someone said earlier, it would help just to know what happened. Hope your back is soon on the mend, working with back pain is truly a pain in the . . .just a bit lower.
Brenda, from the previews of " INCEPTION" I have had no interest in seeing it. Is it really better than the advertisements?
Suzanne, hope your tummy is all etter now. I hte a tummy ache, don't you?
JULIE, no wonder you had a migraine headache! That was a lot of stress, and staying overnight in hosp[ital is so hard on the body. I am glad you got to see the wood turning demonstration, that sounds fascinating. Would love to see some of his work if he has a website. Huge hugs to you and your hubby, hope the abscess resolves itself without surgery, you and hubby are in my thoughts and prayers.
JUNE, your daughter did not want you to be bored while she was away, did she? Tell us what you are sewing, please. costumes i think of shiny slinky farics that want to crawl out from under the needle as you sew, not my fav thing to sew.
OK, must stop, hand says enough typing ( but I am two handing it, with breaks between typing)
Hugs to everyone, and extras for Julie and Gail and June's friend and anyone else who needs them.
16/Jul/10 2:31 AM
Stevenage UK
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MizT, I had not seen an advertisement for 'Inception' so had no idea what it was going to be like. I did enjoy it, it was cleverly done.
Everyone who is having health issues themselves or in the family my thought go out to you all. All we are suffering from here are summer colds which are a nuisance but nothing compared to what other people are dealing with.
June enjoy your sewing and dealing with your daughters live stock.
Heidi your sun room has been the fastest construction I have heard of for a long time, enjoy it when it is completely finished.
16/Jul/10 2:53 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Not only is the primer on, but the ceiling has been painted!!! The walls should be done soon. All that's left is the trim around windows and doors, and to install the electrical and lighting fixtures. I may be able to move the birds out there tomorrow!
16/Jul/10 3:54 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Oh, yeah. They need to install the moulding, too.
16/Jul/10 3:55 AM
Alabama, USA
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I think Heidi is a widdle excited today, anyone know why?? hehe
Heidi, now it is almost finished, do we get pictures of the sun-room soon? With all your birds? Would love to see if you can snap a shot.
Lots of cuss words in this section, beware!!
Hubby recently borrowed my vacuum to clean his office. Remember, it adjoins his wood working shop, and Phantom cat thinks he is to sleep in there all day these hot hot days. I got vacuum out today to use ( pardon the swear words) and started to empty the big plastic cup, something I do before each use, just in case. It was full and hard to remove. About 4 cups of various sawdust, grass clippings, sandy dirt and cat hair in the cup, over full. AND up above, around the filter, another 4 cups of similar debris was packed in 2 cup space. I am not exaggerating, it was a mess. Cleaning it took so much of my energy for today, I was only able to vacuum the kitchen today. Oh well, it is a start.
Gotta run, a friend is here bearing food gifts!! On Thursdays, he gets bread products, day old, from a bakery near his home, takes to flea market on Friday and Saturday. Has to take what they have, all or none. He is bringing us things that do not sell well at a flea market, whole grain, whole wheat bread and bagels! I need to go sort and put some in freezer, some in house for now. Later!
16/Jul/10 3:57 AM
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Good Morning All.
Tricia, my daughter finished the filmy dresses and she also wants some 50,s dresses with aprons. I have the apron's to make. Something easy for a change. Actually I will probably bring some home as I find my machine easier to sew on.
16/Jul/10 6:36 AM
Alabama, USA
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We talk know about thunder storms. I have heard of thunder showers even. Even thunder snow storms, those are weird. but today, we had a thunder sprinkle!! I hear thunder, go quickly to get my clothes in, towels all along the handrail of the ramp, out in the sun, hanging clothes and dish towels on the line.
Sky was dark to the west, but we got just enough rain to leave a pattern of dots on the ramp, then it was gone. Goodness, if I knew it would be no more than that, I could have taken my time getting clothes in.
16/Jul/10 6:56 AM
Alabama, USA
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Junwe, happy you got the easy part this time! I am proud that your daughter's sewing skills are improving as much as they are. Aprons are not hard, and can be fun. Know what you mean about your machine being more comfortable for you, I feel the same way.
16/Jul/10 6:59 AM
Magnolia, KY
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MizT... We occasionally get dry thunderstorms. Lots of thunder and lightning all around us, but not a single drop of water. We get 2 or 3 of those a year.
16/Jul/10 7:08 AM
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Morning all!
Heidi, I too hope we get to see some pictures. It sounds wonderful!
Theresa, glad to hear you computer problems are resolved. She says, knowing that computer problems never truly go away, they just hide until the worst possible moment and then come back again. I hope the appointment with the surgeon goes well and the waiting list is not long!!!
June, you are going to be busy! Glad you got the easy part this time.
MizT, I bet you were using real cuss words when you were cleaning all the gunk out of the vacuum! Men don't seem to understand that bit do they?
16/Jul/10 8:07 AM
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Just peeking in! Greetings and love to all my friends here! I think everyone of you is amazing in what you do!
Thank you for so many wonderful comments! I just want to say that each person here has dealt with more than their share of tihs or parc or misfortune or whatever you want to call it and risen to the occasion, doing whatever must be done. We had a very sick child (seemed to us) when she was 5 and were sent to Children's Memorial Hospital in Chicago for tests. When we got there and saw the other children, we felt guilty for taking up doctor's and nurse's time, as everyone we saw appeared to be so much worse. Suddenly we had a frame of reference and realized things weren't as bad as they seemed. We got through it! As I told hubby last night, we've faced some things that weren't expected and been able to get through all of it. We'll just keep on doing whatever we need to do.
And NOW, the GOOD news! After conferring with the surgeon this morning, it was decided that there will be NO surgery on Friday. He feels comfortable to wait to see how things have progressed by next Wednesday morning's appointment. Hubby is in MUCH better spirits today!
16/Jul/10 8:20 AM
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I hope to pop in again later! Positive vibes and hugs for all!
16/Jul/10 8:26 AM
Stevenage UK
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Pleased to hear that your news Julie. Hope your husband progresses so that no surgery is needed.
16/Jul/10 8:26 AM
Perth W Aust
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Hello, just passing by to say Good Morning.
16/Jul/10 11:40 AM
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Morning all!
My good news is that I donated blood this morning and am not allowed to do any heavy lifting! Woo hoo! The nurses and I decided that included the sucky thing!
16/Jul/10 12:03 PM
Small Town Canada
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I think you stay at the computer all day, Suzy.
Julie, good news!!!
Well, I'm off to bed. I was just sitting outside for a while watching the fireflies. We're supposed to have rain after midnight, ending around noon tomorrow, with the risk of thunderstorms. Maybe (hopefully) that will cool things off.
Healing thoughts going out to all who need it. TTFN.
16/Jul/10 12:19 PM
Small Town Canada
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Suzy, that should say "I think you should stay at the computer all day."
16/Jul/10 12:21 PM
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16/Jul/10 12:28 PM
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Hello, again, and good evening!
Hi, Suzy, Tami, Heidi, Rolanda, June, Gail, Broni, MizT, Theresa, Brenda, and anyone I have missed!
Tami, I wish the air conditioned classroom were reliably cool for your campers! I've been watching temperatures (as they seem to keep going up) and wonder when there will be a cooler spell - or at least less humidity! I have forgotten when camp ends and you become a woman of leisure (at least for a few days).
Heidi, I'm so excited about your sunroom! You and the birds will love it! I've been thinking each day about Robert and hope his appointment went well! Has his surgery been scheduled yet? Sending positive vibes his way! He probably won't notice any pain from the surgery, since he has been in so much pain for so long!
Hooray! Broni no longer needs to worry about D, D & D! That should be a huge weight lifted from your shoulders! We're so glad you are now out from under their influence! I hope you can find some time to rest and relax!
June, sounds like you will be busy at your D's place, what with the livestock and the sewing! Remember to set aside some time for yourself! I hope the cold is now nearly gone! I hope all is going well with your friend and her treatments!
MizT, I'm so glad the chiropractor has helped your hand/arm and that your physical therapy went well! It's a bit puzzling about your light-headedness! Thank goodness you made it home all right and you now feel better! Keep at your therapy, and your hand will continue to improve. While it may take 6 months to a year to get to where you want to be, that is still much better than not having the surgery and being in PAIN day in and day out. What I have finally come to realize is that it's so relative. What seems to be painful today probably wouldn't have even been noticed 6 months ago when there was more pain! (I'm not 8 months post surgery and still frustrated that my knees feel "stiff and swollen." In discussing it with our acupuncturist, it occurred to me that the replacements probably take up a bit more room than my poor old worn-out knees with no cartilage. Of course, my knees feel swollen; it's all relative. (It's kind of like when your children were little and you were with them every day. If someone hadn't seen them for 2 weeks or a month, they would comment on how much the children had changed, but you might not have noticed any change at all.) I'm hoping your kitty has been found and is all right! Maybe someone thinks she is a stray and is taking care of her. I like the sound of your bread product gifts!
Before I forget, the name of the wood turner who did the demonstration on Tuesday night at our meeting is Binh Pho. You can see some of his work at the following website.
Suzy, I haven't noticed many posts on your D's, Pride, and baseball. I hope all is well! I also wonder if I have missed any updates on Three.
Theresa, I'm glad your computer's problems were solved an
16/Jul/10 1:31 PM
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again; the post was too long. Here's the rest.
Theresa, I'm glad your computer's problems were solved and hope no more appear! Thinking of you and all you are doing for your D and grandies! Sending along some positive vibes and prayers for your D. It sounds like her doctors are trying to be a bit conservative in treatment rather than rushing to a hip replacement. It's good to know that they are thinking to the future as well as the present and letting her know that a joint replacement has a limited life-span. All the best for when she meets with the surgeon! Sounds like your hubby is a keeper, helping you naelc for the weekend and guests!
Suzy, thank you for being a blood donor! This time of year blood gets scarce and they start begging for people to come in and donate. Don't you love it when they tell you no lifting or vacuuming for the rest of the day! It's good advice, as is Theresa's to stay at the computer!
16/Jul/10 1:32 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Hey, all. Dogs are eating, then I'm off to bed. I didn't get much sleep last night because the dogs were on their worst behavior. They kept barking at the birds and jumping on various cages. Unusual behavior for them. They ended up knocking over 2 cages. That's when I went ballistic. I think they realize that their lives are in danger if they pull that again.
16/Jul/10 1:41 PM
Alabama, USA
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Scooter is back home and looking exactly as she did when she left. She was not even very hungry, had a little snack, then found Dad in his recliner and they had a little together time. So cute, she would go and rub her face on his, and then reach up and groom his beard hehehe. not sure who missed whom the most! I told Al, now that she is home safe, I am angry at her, being gone so long, making us worry about her so.
yes, I do think she was being cared for, somewhere. B3ing gone for 5 or 6 days, I have lost count, on her own, not sure she would have been as healthy and well groomed as she is. We will probably never know. I asked Al, should we put a note on her flea collar asking to be called if she takes up residence with others?? He said might be a good idea
Bedtime here, waiting for pain meds to work. Catch you all tomorrow, hugs.
16/Jul/10 2:46 PM
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wonderful news Tricia.The mystery life of a cat.
I am on my daughter's computer. I cleaned her shower, her fridge and some other jobs so far.
Fed the horses but they ended up in the area around the house. Found I could still crack a whip after over 50 years.
I brought in some wood and lit the fire but I left my hot water bottle at home and as Ken did not come it will be cool in bed tonight. I do not want a cat or dog to keep me company!
16/Jul/10 5:51 PM
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I also cracked my head on a plank of wood and I have a nice egg on my forhead!
I also did a lot at home before I left so I do feel rather tired tonight and a bit stiff and achey.
16/Jul/10 5:54 PM
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Evening all!
Julie, it's school holidays here which are usually less eventful. Three is going to a course linked to his youth benefits - mostly applying for jobs apparently. I thought they were going to get help with resume and interview techniques but they don't seem to be. The care workers at the 'house' are wonderful! They are well named. The second any problem comes to their attention they are on it - with information mostly, it is up to the young ones to make the decision and take action, but they are given any support they need.
16/Jul/10 6:18 PM
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June, ouch!! That's not a good thing to do when you are home alone! I hope you don't have too big a headache.
MizT, Yay! I'm glad Scooter came home. I am very relieved, which makes me kind of freaky since I wouldn't know Scooter if she licked me in the face....
16/Jul/10 6:23 PM
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Broni, we should be having a D,D&D free party! Though I don't know if you have time to go to those parties anymore....
Ally has had a gig these school holidays. The one where they sang at Bunnings (Like Home Depot) for a big Lions get together and were offered the other gig at the fancy schmancy place.
Julie, I hate donating blood. I go into panic mode every time I go. I don't know why I keep going back!!!
16/Jul/10 6:33 PM
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I'm there! I can't believe it! I have always wanted to see these and wondered how I was going to get there!!!!!
16/Jul/10 6:41 PM
Perth W Aust
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Been there Suzy, to Xian to view the Warriors in situ!
16/Jul/10 8:15 PM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Suzy, how far are you from where the exhibit will be held. It looks like it would be amazing to go to. It sounds like where Three is, they are helping him learn what he needs as he grows up. If they make all his decisions, he will never learn. Good job on donating blood. I also donate when I have the chance. I have bad veins and it takes forever for them to get the blood out. They have also missed the vein and really annoyed me.
Tricia, glad that Scooter is back. I think the number on her collar would be a good idea.
Julie, camp ends on August 13 and I go back to school on Aug. 16. The kids go back on the 23rd.
Theresa, good thoughts going out to you and daughter. I am glad the doctors are giving out all info to make an educated decision.
Have to get ready for camp. I will try to come back tonight but we are having a 6 year old for a sleepover. It should be an interesting evening.
16/Jul/10 10:56 PM
Alabama, USA
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what we need now is a whip cracking contest! I know June can still crack a whip from today's post, and I think I remember Heidi mentioning it. Anyone else can crack a whip? I did as a youngster, not to direct animals, but just for fun! A friend of my Dad's showed up one day with a whip, and they set up some tin cans as targets to see if they could knock them over, and I wanted to try. I could make it "crack" but not too accurately. Dad's friend brought by an older one of his and left it a couple weeks for me to practice. Boy did i have a sore shoulder from that hehehe June, I had forgotten all about that, thanks for bringing back a memory for me.
OH, be careful while out there, June, no more cracked heads or other injuries, like Suzy said, you are home alone.
Had a wonderful knights sleep last night, first night straight through in a week and it was wonderful. Now to see if I can get awake and functioning this morning hehehe. Time for a coffee refill and then to start my day. Since the sucky thing is working properly, I have no excuse. Hugs everyone!!
17/Jul/10 12:26 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Scooter kitty is home!!!!!
17/Jul/10 1:31 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Yes... be careful out there, June.
Here's a bandaid for your head.
17/Jul/10 1:55 AM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, is your sun room finished? Will you be able to move in this weekend? Give us an update, please.
17/Jul/10 3:30 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The trim is slow going. It is SO bloody hot out, that everybody is working at slow speed. And there is a LOT more trim than I realized. I MAY be able to put the birds out there tonight, or may have to wait until tomorrow.
17/Jul/10 4:30 AM
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