Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   eaa  From Tassie
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18/Jul/10 10:36 AM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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I have not seen you sneeking for ages eaa! Please sneek in more often!
18/Jul/10 10:54 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good evening all ... thanks so much for all the good thoughts and wishes and vibes.

MizT, I am so glad Scooter is home. We had a cat once who would stay away for days and we finally put a collar with a tag for name and phone number if he got lost.

Suzy, I've tried twice in the past 30 years to donate blood and both times I was told I was slightly anemic and I could use the blood myself more than donating it.

June, hope your head is better. OUCH!!!

Time to read the next page, I am a few behind. We spent yesterday cleaning, cleaning, cleaning. Got up at 6:00 this morning and cleaned some more. Our company left around 6:30 this evening and I am bushed.
18/Jul/10 10:59 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.
The Warriors are buried over a very very large area...
Pretty Countryside,situated about 2 hours out of Xian.

Today, lunch with Family again, this time another set of Cousins from Holland, arrived last night, here for 6 days.
18/Jul/10 11:08 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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There, I've caught up on the reading. I have just a few things to do and then I am off to bed for an early night. It's funny how gninaelc and company can exhaust you!

Good night all!
18/Jul/10 11:16 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Theresa, do you find that your home feels different after guests leave? Well, those today may have not been there long enough, but I know when either daughter leaves after a short stay, house seems overly quite, and empty for a few days. Sometimes quite and empty is a good feeling though

Rolanda, enjoy the cousins company at lunch. You hosting this one?? Or did you dine out?

Greetings Edna Above Average, been a long time since you dropped in. Good to see your furry widdle nose at the top of the page.

TAMI, good shopping, good deals. Glad you found some things on sale. Nice to have fashion consultants to go with you.

A first today, I mowed the back yard. It had been 3 weeks since hubby had, luckily not a lot of rain till end of this week. AL hates to mow, puts it off, finds good reasons why he cannot/did not get to it. so I got him to back out the riding mower from it's parking place, leave it in forward, and I would try to cut what I could that did not need to change gears. the lever for gear shift (R N F) is on the left, down by the seat, cannot be reached by my right hand, and too stiff for my left to move it. luckily mower does not have to be in neutral to start, starts as long as the brake is on. I did put on my splint to keep from accidentally bumping that thumb, splint supports my wrist also, so it was not too bad. Just took longer cause I went slower, so I would not miss a turn. neighbor cut most of the side I usually cut, part mine, part theirs, so only the front for another day.

I hope tonight can be an early night, took meds already, and once I get sleepy I am off to bed. Have a good day meaN everyone.

18/Jul/10 1:03 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Hi, Heidi, Broni, Brenda, Tami, MizT, Suzy, June, eaa, Theresa, and Rolanda! (I hope I haven't missed anyone!)

OMG, Heidi! Poor Robert! Sending some soothing, positive vibes for him. First a colonoscopy, then still waiting to get scheduled for his gall bladder surgery! First his van, and now troubles with his motorcycle! Hopefully, things will turn around for him soon! It's too bad that the workmen ran out of trim, but good that they are nearly finished and the birds are enjoying their (and your) new space!

Well, Broni, we have another who knows (or knew) how to use a whip! (My eyes grew big as the a-ha moment dawned. I had never thought about where the term "whipper snapper" came from. Thank you for that!) The visual for a basset tip-tapping across a floor was quite enjoyable!

Brenda, we are spoiled, as we don't have anyone living overhead right now, so no elephants crossing above us!

MizT, I hope your hand is all right with all of the 2-handed typing you have been doing, not to mention cleaning out the car. Luckily for us, both hubby and I tend to keep the car tidy. (I'm not going to comment on how we do in the house, other than to say that MAIL is our big downfall. We can't always take care of it immediately when we get it in the house, and it tends to accumulate. (We probably get 5-10 pieces of mail 6 days a week.)

Ah, Suzy, another tidy car person! Very difficult to maintain when the other members of the family don't subscribe to the same plan! Spoiled birds and cat? Couldn't be! Are the dogs and horses/lawnmowers jealous? (Well, I guess the horses wouldn't realize what goes on in the house.) I agree that it would be much nicer to see the Terra Cotta Army on location, but when you have the opportunity to see a portion of it closer to home, I would jump at the chance!

Tami, you are a great shopper! I find it amazing that your boys went with you and offered opinions! Some day their future wives will be so pleased that you have trained them well!

Suzy, will you be starting to teach - or at least substitute in the near future? You are so busy with your family that you would need to be quite organized. But then, your girls are old enough to be able to help out quite a bit, and your hubby helps in the kitchen! Things always have a way of working out!

June, we never did any traveling until our children were out of school and out on their own! We have only had a few trips, other than to travel to visit our children. How is your forehead today? Do you return home today or tomorrow? I hope you are feeling OK!

eaa, it's good to see you here! I'm sorry you couldn't stay long!

Theresa, you and your hubby cleaned a lot! My goodness! I hope you enjoyed your friends' visit! (That reminds me, hubby and I need to get back to cleaning. He had a call from a half-cousin who is in the area with her husband from Ohio/West Virginia and will stop by Thursday. Then his cousin and
18/Jul/10 1:31 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Here's the rest:

(That reminds me, hubby and I need to get back to cleaning. He had a call from a half-cousin who is in the area with her husband from Ohio/West Virginia and will stop by Thursday. Then his cousin and his wife will be here Friday. A day or 2 later, a D and her boyfriend will arrive. I guess it's a good thing it's all around the same time.) Theresa, I hope you get a really good night's sleep tonight!

Rolanda, enjoy the visit from your cousins! Will you be doing any sight-seeing with them? I hope you are feeling well!

MizT, I'm amazed about your mowing! What a great idea to put on the splint to protect your thumb and hand! I hope you sleep well tonight with all your activity and fresh air!
18/Jul/10 1:32 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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We will be dining out at a Restaurant.
18/Jul/10 1:35 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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The cousins are staying with Auntie, and I am not planing on sightseeing with them, but this could change.
Am feeling soso..
18/Jul/10 1:37 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I picked up the extra trim today, but hadn't carried a tape measure with me. George said to get 2 pieces, 8 foot long, since one piece had to be cut 7 foot, 3 inches long (the other just needs to be a little over 5 feet long). On the shelf at the store, they were listed as 8 foot long pieces. I got them home and measured. They are 7 foot long. One is usable, the other is 3 inches too short. So I have to go back to the store and exchange one tomorrow. Keep in mind that it's a half hour drive each way.
18/Jul/10 2:18 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Everyone. I'm gonna read a little, then try to sleep. No workmen tomorrow, so I get to sleep in.
18/Jul/10 3:12 PM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA
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Julie, sometimes you do " stuff" cause it is needed, whether it is wise to do so or not. Our grass did not look THAT bad till neighbor mowed, then it looked terrible! The recent rain really helped the weeds to grow.

Heidi, should I send the sand man up there? I have a call in to him hehehe. Who was it other day said they were going to bed early and would probably be up in the wee hours? Well I did, and I am. It must be contagious.

Time to play a game or 2. I finished another book last night, while hubby dozed in front of TV. It is not good for me to stat a book at 4 am.

Hugs to all.

18/Jul/10 7:23 PM
   June  From Epping.NSW
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Starting to cough again but not as bad as last night so I might go and get some sleep. 'Nite All,
18/Jul/10 10:23 PM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Positive vibes going out to all those not feeling well.
Tricia, glad to hear the hand is doing better, don't overdo it.
Heidi, sorry you had to drive back to the store. Didn't they have a measuring tape you could use.
Julie, boys don't always like to shop. I don't take them often so when I need them, they help. Mitchell was funny. I tried on a shirt and he told me I looked fat. Dylan got upset, he thought Mitchell could have said it nicer. At least he was honest. I hope he learns tact before he gets a girlfriend Their future wives will love me, they both put the seat down when they are done. Remember, I am the only girl but that was one thing I made sure they learned. Now if I could just teach my dad.
I will be back later. Need to charge the laptop and make brekkie for the beasties. Actually they make their own, I just have to make mine.
18/Jul/10 11:02 PM
   Suzanne  From Utah
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Good Maen everyone. Just here for a second before I get ready for church. I see TTT has made her presence known. Good to see you buddy!
I didn't read this morning (still working on the first cup of coffee). Will try to return later today & check in. Bryant has made it safely to Iraq. Please keep praying for him. Also, my neighbors Kim & Andy Butcher are leaving for San Diego today with their daughters Abby & Julie. Please pray for them to have a safe trip.

Going to be ANOTHER scorcher today. Thank heaven our a/c works!!!!!
19/Jul/10 12:16 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Everyone. I didn't get much sleep last night. Allergies were acting up.
I can barely hear myself think right now. The birds are singing and chirping as loudly as they can. Even IH has noticed the major difference in singing when they're in the sunroom.
19/Jul/10 1:38 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I might as well get dressed and head back to town with that window trim. At least it won't be a total waste of time. I thought of a bunch of other things I need to get while there.
19/Jul/10 1:41 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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MizT, yes, a house does feel different after guests leave even if they have only been there for a day. Maybe it's because the house is never that clean when it's just my husband and I (hehehe).

Heidi, will any of the dogs be allowed in the sunroom with the birds out there?

Suzanne, special thoughts for Bryant and for all the men and women (boys and girls???) helping in the world's trouble spots.
19/Jul/10 3:17 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hello everyone. must make you feel great to hear all the birds so happy.
Tami..that was a good bargain you got on your shopping spree.I hate shopping for clothes but when things are on sale it takes some of the pain out of it.
June..being up so early, you must not have had a good sleep with the cough.Hope you are better soon. certainly have lots of visitors,enjoy their stay.
Hello to eaa!
MizT..I bet it felt good to be doing a bit of mowing and getting back to what you have been used to.Be careful wont you.
Julie..your going to be busy with lots of visitors also.Hope you have a good time.
19/Jul/10 3:30 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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I was really annoyed with the course organizers for changing the on-line lessen for the 3rd time after re-arranging my roster to have each Mon. and Wed off.I even worked a night shift Sat night which I haven't done in years.
They apologize for the inconvenience. Grrrrrr.
19/Jul/10 3:35 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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oops. Mon.Tues. Not Wed.
19/Jul/10 3:35 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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There is a sliding glass door between the sunroom and my study/pooter room. I am keeping it open all day long, so the dogs can go in there if they wish. And they love it out there. It's only at night that the dogs bother the birds, and I shut the sliding door then. Eventually, the novelty will wear off and I can keep the door open all the time.
19/Jul/10 6:17 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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As i was going out the door to exchange the trim, IH asked me to do some errands for him. I had to go to the feed store for feed for IH's pigs, and pick up a wedding present for one of the employees at his processing plant. So I treated myself to another Budgie.
19/Jul/10 6:24 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Hi all. Glad everyone seems to be having a great day.
Heidi, sounds typical that you would be running errands and IH would get you to do his. Would he run errands for you???
Had a really nice dinner planned. Steaks, salad, fries and then I got a really bad tummy ache. Hubby put the steaks in the fridge and went out to get chicken for him and the boys. I will try again tomorrow
19/Jul/10 7:45 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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For every person with a spark of genius, there are a hundred with ignition trouble.
19/Jul/10 8:55 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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I'm not perfect, I have made my share of mistakes, but when I look into the eyes of my daughter I see perfection and so many wrongs finally made a right.
19/Jul/10 8:56 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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"To the world you could be one person, but to one person you could mean the world."
19/Jul/10 8:57 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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You don't walk into love, you fall in. That's why it's so hard to get out ...
19/Jul/10 8:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Tami... No he wouldn't. It's too much of an inconvenience for him.
19/Jul/10 8:58 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Hi eaa!!!
19/Jul/10 8:59 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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To become a mother is not hard, to be a mother is!
19/Jul/10 8:59 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I got #1111.
19/Jul/10 9:00 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Where do you find these gems of wisdom, eaa?
19/Jul/10 9:01 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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You have just upset me "Hides"
19/Jul/10 9:02 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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I was go'en 4 11111.
19/Jul/10 9:03 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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eaa, long time since you stuck your furry little nose in here. Hope all is going well. Come back and visit again soon. Don't wait so long.
19/Jul/10 9:03 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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Heidi, I did not think he would help you.
19/Jul/10 9:03 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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Not 1111. LOL
19/Jul/10 9:04 AM
   eaa  From Tassie
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19/Jul/10 9:04 AM
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