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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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19/Jul/10 9:04 AM
Small Town Canada
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Okay, let me run something past you and tell me if I'm wrong. Remember I live in a small town which until about 10 years ago had a rather large "redneck" contingent. I just saw a rather large man in his late 20's walk past my house wearing lime green flip-flops and a layered black skirt with a grey T-shirt. I kid you not. Am I wrong in thinking that this is just a little strange?
19/Jul/10 9:05 AM
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With THAT I'm off Like a weak old dead fish.
19/Jul/10 9:06 AM
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19/Jul/10 9:07 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Theresa, that is definitely weird.
19/Jul/10 9:09 AM
Small Town Canada
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I hope he got to where he was going without getting the parc kicked out of him.
19/Jul/10 9:11 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Hello everyone - I have been very remiss in not visiting much lately. I have read up a bit on the last few pages and hope all is well with everybody.
I just wanted to let you all know that my Aunty Vi passed away last night. She had not been well yesterday afternoon so her son took her to the hospital and they kept her in for observation. She passed away peacefully in her sleep which is just what she wanted after an illness of only a few months. She was 91 - a good innings I know, but will leave a huge gap in the lives of her family and extended family, like mine. She had become like a mother to us since our Mum got dementia and I believe we girls had become like daughters to her since she lost hers. I will miss her. I feel very sad today.
19/Jul/10 9:34 AM
Small Town Canada
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Cyn, I'm so sorry to hear that. My thoughts are with you and your family.
19/Jul/10 9:36 AM
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Cyn, I'm so sorry to hear about Aunty Vi. Thoughts, wishes and hugs to you and everyone who loved her...
19/Jul/10 9:38 AM
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Nom Nom has been bitten by something. At least I think that's why she's bouncing off the walls and acting totally loony!!!!
19/Jul/10 9:40 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Cyn, my thoughts are with you and your family. I hope that your joyous memories of your aunt will help you through this time.
19/Jul/10 9:41 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Rest In Peace, Auntie Vi. I'm glad that your passing was peaceful.
19/Jul/10 9:45 AM
Stevenage UK
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Cyn, thoughts are with you and your extended family. You will miss Aunty Vi, but you have all your good memories to look back on {{{hugs}}}
19/Jul/10 9:48 AM
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Theresa, that was so strange that the first 2 times I read it I read shirt for skirt... Guess I couldn't get my head around the skirt bit...
19/Jul/10 9:50 AM
Perth W Aust
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CynB, so sorry to hear about your Aunty Vi. My thoughts and prayers are with you and the family.
RIP Aunty Vi
19/Jul/10 10:16 AM
Perth W Aust
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Good Morning everyone.
My baby boy is 21 today.
19/Jul/10 10:16 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Rolanda, send happy birthday wishes to Stephen from me.
19/Jul/10 10:21 AM
Alabama, USA
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Nola, yes, it felt good doing someth8ing " normal" again, like mowing the lawn. I am sure glad I stopped at just the back yard, as hand and shoulder are complaining today. I TRY not to over-do using it, but it is kind of hard to tell. It was not so touchy while mowing and sometimes other things, it is the day after that I get complaints. Sometimes I do not know just what set it off. Today at least I know. Backed off on the exercises today, increased the warming, took an extra pill, it will be OK. Found out it is harder to mow than drive, never thought of it before. BUT the first time I drove ( while in cast) did about the same thing as today and I lived
Heidi, any excuse is better than none hehehe, Enjoy your new budgie, it will have a nice home now.
TAMI, plagiarizing?? Your post to eaa sounds very similar to the one I did on her last visit (giggle and grin) Hope your tummy is better soon. Yep, a hubby would go out for food instead of cooking what you had planned. Still, he is a keeper for doing that.
Our handy man Terry just phoned, asking first, if what he had was a zucchini, and second, how could he cook it. He did not remember planting zucchini, and he let it grow about a foot long. Hope it is not too tough. I gave him 2 options. I am pretty sure he planted zucchini, cause when he was telling me all he hoped to grow, I asked him, you not growing any squash? Said he never had, so I teasingly said, well, this year, grow some for me. I think he did.
Hubby is in for dinner, later friends.
19/Jul/10 10:27 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Tricia, I did not want him cooking dinner. I wanted to be able to enjoy my steak that is why we are saving them for tomorrow. Did not have anything else thawed out and two hungry boys equals go to store.
19/Jul/10 10:40 AM
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lol Tami, my hubby would say the same thing about me cooking steak!
MizT, that is funny about Terry and the zucchini. What options did you give him for preparing it? I can only think of stuffed or steamed...
Happy Birthday Stephen! Woo hoo!
19/Jul/10 11:36 AM
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Nola, I agree with you about the course organisers - grrrrrrr. It's not that easy to change rosters. I hope it works out without too much stress.
19/Jul/10 11:42 AM
Alabama, USA
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Cyn, thoughts and prayers go to you and your Aunt Vi's entire family. May her peaceful passing, just like she wanted, rest easy on your minds.
19/Jul/10 12:10 PM
Alabama, USA
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Suzy, one option for zucchini was sliced, battered and fried. Southerners fry any vegetable and he knew how to fry yellow summer squash. The second was zucchini, tomato and onion. Stir fry onion till brown, add zucchini, tomatoes and a bit of water, cover and simmer till water is reduced and the zucchini are tender, adding small amounts of water as needed. Think he was going to do the second, said he had some tomatoes from his garden that needed to be used.
19/Jul/10 12:15 PM
Magnolia, KY
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ZUCCHINI BREAD!!! I adore the stuff!
19/Jul/10 12:29 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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RIP Aunty Vi
Cyn and family, you are in my thoughts.
19/Jul/10 12:49 PM
Magnolia, KY
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And I'm off to bed.
19/Jul/10 1:30 PM
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Good Evening, Friends!
Hi, Rolanda, Heidi, MizTricia, June, Tami, Suzanne, Theresa, Nola, eaa, CynB, Suzy, Brenda, and anyone I have missed!
Rolanda, enjoy the lunch with cousins! I hope you soon feel better and have less stress!
Heidi, what a pain to have to go back to the store! How can the trim pieces be listed as being 8 feet long if they're only 7 feet long? And you probably had to pay "by the foot." Very inconvenient and dishonest!
MizT and June, so sorry that you both were awakened in the middle of the night! Hoping for a nice drowsy through-the-night sleep for both of you! June, I hope your cold is better! MizT, please take care of your hand!
Tami, yep, you're bringing up those boys well! Good for you and them!
Suzanne, sending prayers for Bryant in Iraq and your neighbors on their trip to San Diego! Wishing safety and good health for all of them!
Heidi, I'm glad your birds are enjoying the sunroom! I'm also glad you thought of other shopping to do on your return trip for the trim piece! At least you can feel the trip is worthwhile!
Nola, aren't you glad the course organizers have apologized for the "inconvenience"? Yes, I think rearranging your life is a bit of an inconvenience! I hope this is just a one-time occurrence! Continuing good luck and positive thoughts as you continue the course!
Heidi, having a sliding door to the sunroom must make your study/computer room brighter too! Sounds heavenly! I think you deserved to get yourself a new budgie! What's the count on birds now? ( I didn't think IH would turn the tables and include your errands with his!)
Tami, so sorry that a tummy ache changed your dinner plans! Hopefully you'll feel better tomorrow!
eaa, it's so good to see you hear and enjoy your shared wisdom!
Theresa, I think what you saw would qualify a weird - or at least very unusual!
Cyn, I am so sorry to hear about the passing of your Aunty Vi! How nice that she could go peacefully! It seems she led a good, long life and will be greatly missed by those she loved! Sincere condolences, thoughts and prayers to you and to all those who loved her! Sending you some warm hugs!
Rolanda, Happy 21st Birthday to Stephen!
MizT, I had a good giggle about your handy man Terry not remembering what he had planted! I hope he enjoyed his zucchini! and tomatoes! (Maybe he could share a few tomatoes with you.
Heidi, I agree that zucchini bread is good (though I think I like banana and pumpkin bread better).
19/Jul/10 1:54 PM
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Oops, I missed Gail. Hi, Gail!
Good Night, Heidi!
19/Jul/10 1:55 PM
Alabama, USA
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Heidi, I like zucchini bread or muffins myself, but I do not think Terry is a baker. I am surprised and impressed that he did not go for the battered and fried Z's. Often when his wife is not cooking dinner (how do wives often get out of cooking???) he says he just stops at the store for a half gallon of ice cream, and eats most of it before bedtime so figured him for the junk food unhealthy items kind of eater. AND he is thin. I could bring home ice cream for AL back when, and gain weight from being in the same room with it hehehe.
For those of you I did not mention tonight, just read Julie's post once again but from me, please. she does such a good job.
Hugs to all, and nite nite. I too hope June and I have a full night's sleep, with no intermission.
19/Jul/10 2:29 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Thank you my dear SA friends - I may not have been here much lately but you were the first people, outside family, that I came to tell after I heard the news about Vi. I knew you would understand and be there for me.
BTW - her real name was, of all things Violanthe - named by my Greek grandfather who persuaded my Scottish Granny that it was a Greek name - it isn't! He made it up. Her strange name was the start of an amusing life! We'll always have plenty of funny stories to tell about her. I always told her she should write a book. I wish she had.
19/Jul/10 2:50 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi everyone.
Condolences coming your way CynB.
A miserable day here today.
Raining now and only 15c.
Have to go out about 6.30pm for a play rehearsal tonight.
I would rather stay in and knit.
2nd dog coat nearly finished.
Have just done Ethan's tax online,it is a nice easy one to do though.
19/Jul/10 3:10 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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That's ok Julie, I'm missable...
Cyn, would love to hear some of Violanthe's stories!
I am here instead of doing much ffuts that should be done, tomorrow and tomorrow and tomorrow!
D#2 is off to Bali tonight for two weeks, have a ball Beth, and no, I won't miss you!!! Certainly not the midnight pickup of you and your mates in a fortnight's time...
19/Jul/10 4:43 PM
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Evening all!
Julie, hope your hubby is starting to feel a bit better.
Cyn, I would love to hear some of the stories too. We tell family stories around the dinner table often. The kids like hearing them again no matter how many times they've been told before. Especially the one about the dart in his father's forehead, or the bunny on the road.
MizT, I laughed about the deep fried veges - kind of undoes most of the health benefits doesn't it?
Was Gail here? I didn't see her....
19/Jul/10 6:14 PM
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Hi everyone! Hope you're all well.
Cyn, so sorry to hear about your Aunty Vi! :(
Julie, love your up-dates! :)
Well, got a message from D1 this morning - she arrived safely in New York, and has been to see a Broadway show! (Don't know which one) She sounded happy, that's the main thing - she has 4 friends with her at the moment, and they're all on adrenelin highs ... :D They will be going to a "Con" later (Sci-Fi Convention) - geekiness prevails! Bless!
Nothing much happening here - catch you all later! :D
19/Jul/10 6:15 PM
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Ally has another singing invite. She doesn't know about it yet as she is off to Taekwondo. Three's brother is going to do about an hour of entertainment at Tournament of the Minds in Auguts. He needs someone to sing with him and he wants Ally. Now I'd rather she was invited along to compete in the Tournament, but you can't have everything...
19/Jul/10 6:17 PM
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Sorry, have to ask ... Suzy - dart to the head ...? Eeek! And do we WANT to know about the bunny on the road ...?
19/Jul/10 6:19 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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19/Jul/10 7:07 PM
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hehe Gail
Judy, I don't remember how the dart story starts, but it ends with a dart bouncing off something and sticking into hubby's father's forehead and staying there! The bunny story is about his mother dodging from one side of the road to the other to miss a bunny, kind of like when you are walking and 2 people keep stepping the same way to let the other past, and it had a tragic end. The sound effects are impossible to type but very sweet.
19/Jul/10 7:23 PM
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Judy, I love that your daughter is a geek who goes to Broadway shows!!! I hope they continue to have just as much fun for the rest of the time they are there...
19/Jul/10 7:26 PM
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Suzy - I'm just SO happy that she's having FUN! Her school did a trip to Europe when she was in Year 12 and it was a disaster! Kids were phoning their parents to say what a miserable time they were having - and Cathie missed out on seeing a play at the Globe Theatre because the teachers had arranged a trip to Lords instead ...!! So, now Fun is reaquired ...!! (Please ...!!!)
19/Jul/10 8:40 PM
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