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Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A
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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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19/Jul/10 8:41 PM
NW Brisbane
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Hi everyone!
It seems like this is the only time I can get online. I'm just too busy at work.
Cyn - condolences on the passing of Aunty Vi. I'm glad she went quietly in her sleep. She sounds like she was a wonderful woman who will be missed by all her family.
Gail - Hugs to you and Scott. Remember we are all here to help in any way we can.
Julie - hugs to you and your hubby. I hope that he stays well until his appointment next Wednesday.
Therese, I'm thinking about you and your daughter. She is very lucky that you live next door and are able to help her.
Woopee, Scooter has returned. MizT, you are doing really well with your exercises. Remember that everything takes time. We all want instant results but your body/hand is telling you that yor are overdoing things.
Hubby took over 9 months to recover from his shoulder op but in the long run his physio said his bad shoulder was actually stronger than the good one.
Hi Tami, Suzanne, Nola, June, Brenda, Broni, Judy, Heidi, Vici, Bean and Rolanda.
Happy 21st Birthday to Stephen
19/Jul/10 10:06 PM
Small Town Canada
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Good morning all,
Happy 21st birthday to Stephen!!!
Hope things slow down at work, Vicki. I remember in the various office jobs I had that year-end was a bugger.
Gail ... thinking of you and hubby, always in my thoughts.
Off to my daughter's to get the morning routine over with. Hope to be back later. BTW, only a high of 24C predicted today ... hooray, time for some cooling down. TTFN
19/Jul/10 11:04 PM
Alabama, USA
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I am a little behind, these comments are from page 279
Judy, one of my daughter's friends worked the cons, traveling across the USA with a group, and they made very good money! I did not know such existed till daughter told me about that. Imagine, making good money playing at si fi all the time.
Suzy, I want to hear the dart in the forehead story, please. You mentioned it, now to expand on it.
Gail, I wanted to ask why you were miserable, till I read again. you are Not miss-able, I saw you there twice. How is hubby doing? Does he find he has more time for things he wants to do now that he does his dialysis at home, at night?
V Viv, enjoy your practice, even if the weather is terrible.
I read a forecast for our winter in the USA, warmer than usual for the 2010-11 winter, while the rest of the world is colder than usual. I think you Aussies got a head start on that!
speaking of warm, our temps are forecast to climb again this week perhaps up to 100 (38C) with "feels like" temps of 43, I sure enjoyed the cooler weekend, temp was 72 late afternoon yesterday after a series if t showers, berry low for time of day and year.
time to flip to 280, so I shall post these comments fore I go. more later.
19/Jul/10 11:34 PM
Alabama, USA
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Teresa, once you have enjoyed the cooling down, could you send some our way? Do NOT want that near 100 temps, OUCH>
happy birthday Stephen! Hope the family gathering come the weekend will be great fun.
Vicki, good to see you when you can pop in. You can always drop in without reading to let us know what is happening in your world. I really try not to overdo with the hand. if only it would speak up when it is happening, not next day
one more cup of coffee and perhaps a puzzle, then must start my day.
19/Jul/10 11:43 PM
Alabama, USA
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forgot to say, slept great last night, no intermission, no need to get up for more meds. thanks for just those wishes that were sent, wishes can come through. hope June has same.
20/Jul/10 12:00 AM
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Good Maen everyone!
CynB: My condolences on the passing of Aunt Vi. 91 is a good long life and I am sure you have lovely memories of time spent with her. Sending hugs your way.
A slightly cool start to the morning, a bit overcast though. Weatheman says 98 AGAIN!!! I guess I'll have to turn the a/c on later.
Happy 21st Stephen!
Glad to see eaa sneaking in!! We've missed you!
I read the last 3 pages, but CRAFTS is now a permanent resident!! Hope everyone has a great day. TTFN all!
20/Jul/10 12:13 AM
Small Town Canada
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MizT, open your window, I'm sending some cooling vibes your way. I actually have the A/C off for the first time in over a week.
20/Jul/10 12:52 AM
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Cyn, loving thoughts going your way.It is always hard to say goodbye to those special people in our lives.
20/Jul/10 1:01 AM
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Managed to get to sleep but Hubby is watching Tour de France and it woke me up coughing again. I did not get a lot of sleep last night and I have had Laura all day. Not very happy at the moment!
20/Jul/10 1:03 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I will take pictures in the next day or two.
20/Jul/10 2:26 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Thats great Heidi. Cant wait to see the photos.
20/Jul/10 3:52 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Cyn...sorry to hear about Aunty Vi passing away.Lots of loving thoughts going to all the family.
June...hope you are feeling much better soon.
Happy Birthday Stephen,even if its a bit late.
20/Jul/10 4:08 AM
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Good mAen everyone! Heidi: Congrats on getting the sunroom done!!! Woo Hoo!!! Hope you get some time to enjoy it after all that hard work!
Hello Nola, June & Theresa too!!
Well, I spoke too soon. About 2 hours after my last post, I turned the a/c back on. I hate having the house all closed up!! We get such nice breezes (sometimes WINDS) here that it's nice to have everything opened. It's supposed to cool off after the weekend.
That's about all from Utah! TTFN everyone.
20/Jul/10 5:41 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi and bye Suzanne.
Theresa,it must be hard on you to get hot weather.I always thought it was cooler in Canada than the temps you are getting.
20/Jul/10 6:06 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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The day is just beginning to dawn here and I could hear rain an hour ago.We could really do with a good downpour.
Son and the boys are coming over this morning to continue working on the starter motor of sons car.2 weeks ago it was the cooling system.It is always something with old cars.
20/Jul/10 6:12 AM
Alabama, USA
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Nola, someone asked Hubby once why he did not get a truck and deliver his own kits instead of hiring it done. Just for the reason you mentioned about repairs, it is always something, Hubby said "If I get a truck, then I will be in the trucking business, not the dome building business".
been reading, but typing is not fun, so a fast HI to everyone.
20/Jul/10 6:51 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Yes Tricia.Luckily Greg isn't working and he has time to work on the car to try and save money.
Going to get some things done in the house .catch you all later.
20/Jul/10 7:06 AM
NW Brisbane
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Good morning all!
I didn't tell you about hubby and the apprentice building the dog a new bed last week. It is based around a cot mattress - plenty of room for a dog to spread out. About 15cm/6 inches off the ground, timber frame and back and part sides so he can hide in the corners. I then went to Pillow Talk and bought him a dog bed which is just a padded base but has cushion rolls around 3 sides. These are removable and we have one on the side and the others on the back. Talk about luxurious. When Reggie goes to bed at night we cover him over with a blanket to keep warm. My mother is convinced that Reggie is the most spoilt dog in Australia - along side my sister's dog Archie.
20/Jul/10 7:11 AM
NW Brisbane
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Oops, I didn't realise it was so late. I'd better get a move on or I will be late for work.
20/Jul/10 7:13 AM
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Morning all!
June, I hope you got back to sleep and are still asleep now.
MizT, you have done a lot of typing overnight. No wonder your hand is complaining. I'll have to get hubby to tell me the dart story again.
Nola, we have had a couple of days of drizzle, but the sky this morning is clear. Oh well, at least I will get some sehtolc yrd.
Heidi, can't wait to see the pics!
Theresa, I hope you don't have a deadline today.
20/Jul/10 7:13 AM
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Vicki, I love the sound of the dog bed. Maybe a pic of that too?
20/Jul/10 7:23 AM
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When Ally got home last night, I told her about the invitation to sing to the smart kids. Oh okay, she says, he's cool. No excitement, no nervousness, just, a shrug and a throw away comment. Sigh.
20/Jul/10 7:28 AM
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Empty house!
School went back today! It's too quiet already though. Ally was singing the song she wrote just before she left and now it is stuck in my head. "It's terrible and I'm finding it hard to breath, hard to breath"...
20/Jul/10 8:45 AM
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I just tried to open one of those child proof caps and realised that I did bruise after my experience at the blood bank the other day....
I didn't really tell you all about that. It was sooo much fun. I was just a little tense. To say the least I don't enjoy donating blood, but I do it anyway. It starts with the first prick to check my haemoglobin... which this time came in high. So they pricked a finger on the other hand... which also came in high. So they drew blood from my right arm (yikes!) and that came in just under the cut off. So they took the donated blood from my left arm. By then I was super anxious, not just my usual little bit anxious, so I jumped when they tried to put the needle in. OUCH! Blood spurted everywhere, but they got their donation and I'm safe until next time - 8 October...
20/Jul/10 8:59 AM
Magnolia, KY
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I knew things were going too well here. The central A/C just went out and it's 90 with high humidity. And a MAJOR thunderstorm is on the way.
20/Jul/10 9:10 AM
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This tickled my funny bone...
I just called to make a doctor's appointment about the high haemoglobin. My doc is overseas at the moment, would I mind seeing someone else. No problem, how about Dr L at 9.20 tomorrow. Hubby has an appointment with Dr L at 9.10 tomorrow!!! We can hold hands and skip in together...
20/Jul/10 9:34 AM
Small Town Canada
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Oh no Heidi, and if you're going through a hot spell you might have trouble getting a repair man in???? I feel your pain! How will this affect your animals and birds?
Suzy, so if you have to wait extra long for your appointment, you can blame your hubby!!!!
20/Jul/10 9:41 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi all. Tummy is much better today. Hubby grilled the steaks tonight and they were yummy. I did not want him to cook them last night because I wanted to be able to enjoy them also.
Heidi, sorry about the ac. Mom called a little while ago and said hers is having problems. She has a service contract and will call the company in the morning.
20/Jul/10 10:00 AM
Magnolia, KY
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The dogs are miserable. I'm not sure if it's the heat or the storms booming through. The birds don't mind. They're pretty much tropical anyways.
20/Jul/10 11:45 AM
Redlands Qld Aus
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Good morning all.
Heidi - pleased that your sun-room is finished - looking forward to the photos. Not pleased that the a/c is out and a storm on the way!
Suzy - how cute - you and hubby can hold hands in the doc's surgery.
Vicki - Reggie is one spoilt dog! Jewel has a pink doggie bed in our room and a blankie knitted for her as a pup by a friend. She won't get into bed until Col shakes the blankie and replaces it! While he was away recently, she didn't try that on me - just got in!
Miz T - glad you slept better last night - hope it continues.
20/Jul/10 12:01 PM
Redlands Qld Aus
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My change of avatar is for Vi. We have been requested to wear putple to the funeral - it was her favourite colour!
20/Jul/10 12:03 PM
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For Vi
20/Jul/10 1:29 PM
Perth W Aust
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For Vi
20/Jul/10 1:34 PM
Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone
Thank you everyone for the Birthday Wishes for the boy yesterday. On Friday, we are out to dinner at a local Restaurant to celebrate his 21st.
20/Jul/10 1:35 PM
Alabama, USA
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CynB, I love your family! Wear purple cause it was Vi's favorite color, how wonderful! My father had requested none of us wear black at his funeral. I wore a bright green dresswith a white collar and a big navy bow.
Suzy, typing today was one handed, (couldn't you tell by the tyupos?) but even that hand is having sympathy pains for it's twin hehehe. since more than my hand is hurting, I'm thinking a fibromyalgia flare. always something for us old folks. One of my quilting friends said she when she wakes up mornings and is hurting, she knows she is not dead yet.
heidi, remember, spritz bottle for misting your head, bucket to soak your feet, and a fan blowing directly on you, toll you get the AC repaired. you can always go for a ride in the truck, too. hope Ac is soon repaired and things cool for you.
bed time, catch you tomorrow, hugs to all.
20/Jul/10 1:45 PM
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Hi, Everybody!
Hello, MizT, CynB, V Viv, Gail, Suzy, Judy, Vicki, Theresa, Suzanne, June, Heidi, Nola, Tami and anyone I have missed!
CynB, I also wish your Aunty Vi had written a book! I think all of her family would have enjoyed it!
Hurray, Viv! you have nearly finished knitting the second dog coat! I hope you enjoyed the rehearsal, even though you would have preferred to stay home! Have fun!
Gail, the only reason I missed you is because I took forever to type my comment and didn't refresh. You got your post in while I was dallying around. My bad. I hope D2 has fun in Bali! (Did she go there last year as well?)
Judy, I didn't realize your D1 was off to New York! I'm glad she and her friends enjoyed the Broadway show they saw. (I've never been to NYC long enough to see a show.) I hope they enjoy the Sci-Fi Con! (Sounds like they have many interests.)
Suzy, I hope Ally didn't suffer any injuries at Taekwondo! (My computer doesn't like any of the ways I have tried to spell it.) I'm not sure what Tournament of the Minds is - I guess some kind of mental competition? The way I look at it, at least Ally will be there and exposed to it, rather than not being there at all. (I'm quite sure our D's never participated in anything like that.) I hope the dart to the head didn't cause major injury! Obviously it would have been painful and left a scar! I'm wondering how a tragic ending to the bunny could have sweet sound effects.
Vicki, I'm sorry things have been so busy at work. On the other hand, that's better than having nothing to do and trying to LOOK busy! I hope things soon slow down a bit for you! We're always glad to see you, even if you don't have time to read or comment very much!
Theresa, we haven't had our AC turned off in quite some time. Even if/when it gets a bit cooler, it's still quite humid. Maybe next week we can hope for some relief! Sending positive vibes and thoughts for you, your D and her family!
MizT, I'm glad you were able to get a better night's sleep! You're right - it would be great if we could get some warning when we are overdoing, instead of a surprise the next day when the ouchees hit!
June, I wish we had been able to send you a full night of sleep! Hopefully you will be feeling better soon!
Suzanne, I'm glad you were able to turn the AC off for a short while! Thinking of Bryant in Iraq and your friends on their trip to San Diego!
Hooray, Heidi's sunroom is finished! Looking forward to pictures! So sorry to hear that your AC went out - at a truly inconvenient time! I hope all is well with you, the birds, and the dogs! I hope you were able to get a repair person out to work on it!
Nola, I hope the work on the car was accomplished successfully! Hopefully you didn't need to do much krow in the house! (I know you said you needed to get some things done, but I think I may have heard the krow swear word in there.) Hoping all is going well with your course work!
Oh-oh, another spoiled pet her
20/Jul/10 1:55 PM
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Here's the missing portion:
Oh-oh, another spoiled pet here in Sudokuland. My goodness, Vicki, Reggie's new dog bed sounds quite nice!
Suzy, you had quite an experience donating blood! No wonder you don't enjoy the process! I give you a lot of credit for going back on a regular basis! Wow, the doc seeing both you and your hubby tomorrow must work fast! (Ten minutes per patient.) I hope you have any questions written down so you can ask them quickly in the time allotted!
20/Jul/10 1:57 PM
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I changed avatars so I would have purple for Aunty Vi.
20/Jul/10 1:59 PM
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Hi, Rolanda! You slipped in while I was typing. I hope everyone enjoys the special dinner out to celebrate Stephen's birthday!
20/Jul/10 2:01 PM
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