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from Alabama, USA
The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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Perth W Aust
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I had a vewy noice luncheon with my sister.
14/Jul/10 5:41 PM
Perth W Aust
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Welcome to Page 275
14/Jul/10 5:41 PM
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I keep getting songs stuck in my head. Ally has been singing on and off all afternoon. The problem is that I get the songs mixed up and sing (silently - phew!) one line from one, then a line from another!!
14/Jul/10 7:32 PM
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You are the only exception, you walk right by me, sometimes you say hi to me, never sing of love that does not exist...omg... old mcdonald has a farm
14/Jul/10 8:21 PM
Vivacious Viv
Pt Macquarie, Aust
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Hi everyone.
Same old same old here.
Avon, avon and more avon, and rehearsal etc.
14/Jul/10 9:22 PM
Stevenage UK
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Hi all, Richard and I did a 'Gail' yesterday. He managed to get tickets for a preview of 'Inception' with Leonardo DiCaprio which premieres tomorrow.
Thoroughly enjoyed the film. Then we went to a local Indian restaurant and had a lovely meal, spoiled only by a woman on the table next to us. To say the least she was LOUD, so loud we couldn't hear ourselves talk. She couldn't even get her story right either. She was telling her companions that her first husband had left her with £130,000 of debt, then contradicted herself and said it was only £33000 and that he had left his second wife with the £130,000 debt. Surely you would remember how much he had left you in debt... I would. Never mind once they left it was quiet and we enjoyed the rest of our evening.
14/Jul/10 9:25 PM
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Just so it is not thought that we have all gone awol, I am off to bed early as I ended up shopping with Sharon and Laura. Always exhausting! We did manage to get Laura's hair trimmed.
14/Jul/10 10:24 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Hi to you all.
I thought it was about time to tell you why I really haven't had the time to come and chat with you for quite a long time. Things are just starting to settle down now, but for some months, we have been getting hubby's health in order. Hubby is in end-stage renal failure, which is ok, we have known that was coming for 15 years and expected it to get here, but the complication we had was a bout of pneumonia in February, brought on by the build up of fluids in his body. We knew dialysis was imminent, but this brought the need on sooner. He has coped remarkably with the treatment, and is so well, compared to how he was getting in the latter part of last year/early this year, all known to be part of the decline.
For some months, he has been travelling to a unit three times a week, then to a home training unit, and know he is doing it at home...he calls me Nursey! He's on at the moment, and I am shutting the house down, getting ready to go to bed, but first I must bring him a crucial part of the chocolate and two bikkies!!!
14/Jul/10 11:32 PM
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Good Maen everyone! I got up WAY too early this morning. Had a bit of a stomach ache (feels better now). Clouds this morning are pretty, it's cool out & sunny. Hopefully, we won't be as hot as the last few days. Tired of summer already.
Hello to Rolanda, June, Brenda Viv, Suzy & Gail (prayers for your hubby). Hope everyone else has a good day/night. TTFN
15/Jul/10 12:22 AM
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Vibrant Vici!!! Hope you have a TERRIFIC day!!!!!
15/Jul/10 12:25 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Tomorrow we start the painting! I am thrilled! My sunroom is almost done!!!!!!
15/Jul/10 1:56 AM
Stevenage UK
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((((HUGS)))) to Gail and hubby, you have been going through a lot and keeping it to yourself. You know (of course you do as you are one of the best givers of caring) that we all care and that we are here for you to vent or whatever you need.
15/Jul/10 2:31 AM
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Thoughts and hugs Gail. You have had a lot to cope with over the last year or so. Are you looking at a transplant for Hubby in the future?
15/Jul/10 4:21 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Gail... I cannot begin to imagine what you and hubby have been going through.
Hugs to both of you, too. June's question is a good one. Is a kidney transplant a possibility?
15/Jul/10 4:47 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi there everyone. It has probably been a week since my last visit and I had said I would back.
Gail,sorry to hear that Hubby isn't well!It would be a very trying time for the whole family.
Give him my best wishes that he is feeling much better.
Suzanne..good luck selling your house quickly at a good price.
MizT..has your cat turned up yet?
15/Jul/10 5:28 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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It is Renaes 34th birthday today and Greg and I will call in with a bought cake (I am no cook).
I have had a few days off work with lower back pain and don't know why.It could be sitting at the computer or maybe the arthritis,who knows.I wasn't much help to my poor partner who had to take off shoes and generally do most of the physical stuff with the residents.
Suzy...from a Queenslanders point of view,it is quite cold here now.The days are beautiful but early mornings are a shock to the system.Usually I can take my cardigan off at 6am though to start work in the showers.
15/Jul/10 5:43 AM
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Hello, Everybody!
Just looking at this page, I see Rolanda, Suzy, Vivacious Viv, Brenda, June, Gail, Suzanne, Heidi and Nola! Hello to all of the rest of you and those not on this page: Bean, Becky, Bobbi, Broni, CynB, Dizzy Lizzy, eaa, Gail, Heidi, Judy, Mamacita, MizTricia, Rena, Suzanne, Suzy, Tami the Troublemaker, Theresa, vdV, Victoria, Vibrant Vici and anyone I've missed!
15/Jul/10 7:48 AM
Bundaberg Qld Oz
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Hi Julie. You are a champion at names. Hope the migraine has gone for you.
15/Jul/10 8:04 AM
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Morning all!
Hugs Gail! You know we are sending you all kinds of thoughts, wishes and vibes... thinking of you and hubby all the time.
Nola, I hope your back pain starts to resolve itself soon. Please pass on birthday wishes to Renae! I hope she has a wonderful day!!
Only needing a cardigan suggests warmth! We've been cold with thick jackets and jeans...
15/Jul/10 8:05 AM
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Rolanda, your luncheon with your sister sounds nice and relaxing! How is you Mum doing? Thinking of you as you deal with the current situation!
Suzy, I DIDN'T have a song in my head before. Now it's Old MacDonald Had a Farm!
Viv, I'm so glad the Avon is going well. I hope you're enjoying rehearsals!
Brenda, I'm so glad the LOUD woman wasn't there throughout your meal, so you could at least enjoy some of it! I have seen trailers of "Inception" and recently read an interview with Leonardo diCaprio. The movie seems unusual and not just another knock-off of a previously successful movie.
June, I hope your cold is better and that you enjoyed shopping with your daughters!
Gail, I'm so glad you have now been able to share what has been troubling you! Renal failure is no fun! (A BIL is currently dealing with it and diabetes and seizures and legal blindness, so I can quite imagine it is NO fun. His doctor doesn't want him to start dialysis yet.) My hubby was on dialysis for 18 months. We immediately got him on the list for a transplant, and in that time, he never moved up. While on dialysis, he was working full-time as a teacher and left school M, W, and F at the end of the school day, went straight to the dialysis center, and usually got home around 10 or 10:30. They didn't want him to eat while he was there, so he would stop on the way for a fast-food hamburger. He was allowed 1 liter of liquid per day, including liquid in his food. He never switched to home dialysis. I'm not sure what my BIL will do once he starts. Hubby (an only child, so no viable kidneys for transplant) finally consented to my being tested. His doctor wouldn't consider our D's as they were under 20 years of age.) We matched only 2 of 6 alleles, but luckily I have O Negative blood and his doctor gave the approval for the transplant. Hubby needs to take immuno-suppressive drugs, which have some side effects, but he isn't on dialysis any more. (It's been 12 1/2 years.) I'm sending LOADS of prayers and positive vibes that all goes well for your hubby! Hugs and love to both of you! "It is what it is!" (BTW, I like that last part of his treatment, and I think hubby would have enjoyed it as well!)
ALERT: If you have a quesy stomache or will soon be eating a meal, feel free to skip this paragraph! OK, I'm just going to jump in, as this seems to be a natural connection. Nearly all of hubby's doctors are at the hospital where the transplant was performed - about an hour away with summer construction season or traffic. Last Wednesday hubby made an appointment with the doctor who treated him for an abscess last August, as he felt like things were starting up again. Doctor said all was fine. By Saturday, hubby could tell something was truly going on and we called answering service to try to make an appt. for Monday morning. They said to call back Monday morning, which we did, and hubby's doc's first available appt was Wednesday afternoon. Hubby said he could
15/Jul/10 8:30 AM
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I apologize; I cut off the end of a post again. Here's the rest:
Hubby said he couldn't wait that long and asked if another doc could see him. He got an appt. for Monday afternoon. (I had to drive, as he was in a great deal of pain, but I'm not reliable to stay awake more than about 20 mnutes. We made it. The new doc takes a look, decides to call the previous doc, they confer and send hubby to ER. Previous doc is in a conference, but shows up around 6:30 p.m. with one of his students. They decide to lance & drain. Then, because hubby's temperature was up to 102+*F (usual for him is 96.8*), they decide to put him in the hospital overnight so they can give him IV antibiotics and monitor him. I stayed at the hospital, as there was no way I could drive home at 10 p.m. and drive back Tuesday morning. Tuesday just before lunch they released him with a prescription for oral antibiotics. By Tuesday afternoon we had some concerns & called the doctor's office. They told him to come in at 9:00 this morning. His temperature is going back up and drainage continues. This morning doc said he is to call them tomorrow and they are penciling him in for surgery on Friday. We'll see how the rest of today and part of tomorrow goes. Hubby is concerned about surgery and also about the fact that we were going to be doing a major house gninaelc before D and her boyfriend arrive in about 10 or 11 days. We are trying to subscribe to Gail's mantra, "It is what it is!"
15/Jul/10 8:32 AM
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Thank you all for asking about my migraine. I hadn't had one in quite a while. We decided it had to do with lack of food (admitted to hospital after cafeteria was closed, but found a "turkey sandwich" in a vending machine about 10:30); not enough sleep (about 2 1/2 to 3 hours overnight) and stress/worry. When we got home Tuesday I ate a few saltine crackers, took a couple of extra-strength Tylenol and lay down in a dark room with an ice pack on my forehead. I didn't get much sleep, but felt enough better to eat a few more crackers, take a couple more Tylenol and go to a meeting with hubby last night (our wood-turning club).
15/Jul/10 8:38 AM
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Okay, excuse me while I lift my jaw off the floor...
Now that's done... after all that you went to a meeting? I bow to you both! It is huge that you were able to donate a kidney to your husband. It is huge that it has been 12.5 years. It is huge that he might be having surgery on Friday. The whole thing is huge. I bow again and send all kinds of thoughts and wishes too.
15/Jul/10 8:57 AM
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Suzanne, I hope your summer weather moderates soon! Good luck selling your house when the time comes! I hope it sells quickly and for a good price!
Heidi, we are looking forward to pictures when the sunroom is finished!
MizT, I hope your kitty has been found safe and sound!
Have done 4 or 5 loads of yrdnual today - and cleaned and refreshed kitty bowls for food and water - in order to be prepared for Friday's possibility. In case I don't get much chance to pop in over the next few days or a week, please know that I'm thinking of you and hoping for the best of everything - health, weather, finances, relationships - for all of you!
Nola, I thought of Greg and his abscess when hubby was diagnosed. I hope he is feeling much better! Happy birthday
to Renae! I bet the cake
was yummy, no matter who baked it! I hope your back is soon feeling better. Besides the arthritis and time at the computer and physical work you need to do, you have also been dealing with some stress, all of which could contribute. Sending prayers and positive vibes your way!
15/Jul/10 9:14 AM
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Thanks, Suzy! (One of our world-class turners was doing a demonstration at the meeting. His pieces sell for $20,000 to $30,000, so we were highly motivated to attend! (Plus, it took our minds elsewhere for a couple of hours!)
15/Jul/10 9:15 AM
Tami the Troublemaker
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Hi everyone.
Suzy, south Florida is known for its humidity. When it is 95 it can "feel like" 105 because of the humidity. We do have an indoor classroom to use but the one we have does not have the best air. I try to schedule outside time in the morning when it is not so bad. If the weather cooperates, we go out again in the afternoon. We tend to have afternoon thunderstorms.
Gail, thoughts going out to you and your husband. I hope things can work out for the best. Keep coming in here, we have plenty of strong shoulders to support yo if you need it.
Julie, sorry to hear all that you and hubby are going through. My thoughts and prayers are with you also.
Boys are out tonight practicing their batting. I actually have a nice quiet house. It is not going to last too much longer.
15/Jul/10 10:20 AM
Magnolia, KY
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(I need to find a better jaw dropping smilie) OMG, Julie. With all that you and hubby are going through, HOW do you remember all the stuff from everyone's posts????
To Julie and Gail's hubbies...
15/Jul/10 10:29 AM
Magnolia, KY
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Tomorrow Robert has a doctor's appointment to schedule his surgery. He has been in so much pain lately that I hope it's soon. He is so jealous that IH's lab assistant, Pam, had her gallbladder out 5 days ago.
15/Jul/10 10:38 AM
Perth W Aust
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Morning everyone.
(((((HUGS))))) to Gail and Julie and families.
15/Jul/10 12:57 PM
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Julie,I was so surprised by your post I had to go away and think about all you have been and are still going through, and without a word to all your friends here. Here's to everything good happening on friday.
15/Jul/10 1:35 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Wow Julie, thank YOU so much for sharing yours and your hubby's experiences, I feel so aligned with much that you have said.
Yes, hubby is on the transplant list, but his familial situation is such that he has no viable donors there, and same as with Julie, all our children fall into the too young category as yet, though they have all offered.
I have also offered to be a non-compatible, non-related donor. Amazingly, they are able to transplant live kidneys with different blood types, but as yet I have not been typed. It is still early days. Hubby is on the cadaver donor register, but the wait can be upwards of 8 years, though typing parameters are taken into consideration as well as patient condition.
Julie, amazing to hear your hubby's still doing well 12 years down the track, that is great news.
15/Jul/10 1:45 PM
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Gail, I sent you a PM.
15/Jul/10 2:46 PM
Qld, Australia
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Hi my friends! Go missing for a couple of days and look what happens.
Happy Birthday Vici, really miss you being here.
Well did my last day with D,D and D yesterday and am relieved that it all over. Finished work early today as my whole being is shattered even though I went to bed at 8:30 last night.
Dag, thanks for sharing, luv and hugs to you and Hubby, you know you are both in my thoughts.
Julie, about time something good started happening in your world, luv and hugs to you both.
Nola, check your posture! Happy Birthday to Renea! Hope the rest of the family are getting with their lives.
MizT, hope you find Scooter and have survived the physio. Al's a keeper!
Heidi, so looking forward to seeing the finished project.
Suzanne, good luck selling your house.
Tami, I am sure you are a workaholic!
June, hope the house sitting goes well. Say Hi to Ken or is he off on another trip?
Must go check Viv's page to see if she put up the pics from the play.
Luv and Hugs to those I have not mentioned.
15/Jul/10 2:51 PM
Alabama, USA
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checking in without reading much, before bed tonight. Today was a long day, and a bit strange. Within 15 minutes of leaving therapy, I began to feel really dizzy and light headed. I had my iced tea with me so was not dehydrated from our heat, Had not missed a meal, but Ashley had done the Electric Medicine just fore I left. I canceled all but one errand, picked up Mr Al some colas (need to take care of the man who cuts your meat for you at meal time) and came home to bed. Checked BP and blood sugars, those were OK. Was some better when I got up and by dinner time I was all better but a strange few hours there. I will have to ask Ashley if that medicine can do that, it is not supposed to become systemic but they did not test it on Tricia
Yes, Suzy, I have to keep reminding myself 6 months is less than forever, thanks for reminding me.
Chiropractor had dome some good, measurable good, less swelling and some increase in range of motion, when Ashely measured today.
nite all,
15/Jul/10 2:57 PM
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Great news about the chiropractor MizT. It must help the 6 months not feel like forever at least... That was a weird reaction! I hope it doesn't happen again.
This is an awesome page, as in I am in awe. So many strong women post here. I have yet to be challenged as so many of you have been, but I hope I can be half as strong as you all have been if my challenge comes.
15/Jul/10 3:29 PM
Magnolia, KY
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Suzy.... You are up there among the great ones here. Your caring about Three's welfare makes you one of my heroes.
15/Jul/10 3:37 PM
Qld, Australia
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Zusy, what Heidi said.!
And all I can complain about is dealing with idiots!
15/Jul/10 3:48 PM
Cockatoo Vic AU
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Amen Heidi, I couldn't have said it any better.
Dag, you have shouldered plenty in the last few years, D & D were just the icing on the yucky cake of life.
Julie ♥
15/Jul/10 6:48 PM
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So many loving thoughts going to you all. I am so lucky that I have been blessed with good health and the same with most of my family. Just one to see through difficult times . We all find strenght when it is needed.
15/Jul/10 8:47 PM
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I think my daughter has left me some sewing to do. She is back making costumes for more dance items at school. Fortunately she now has a sewing machine and an over locker and her sewing skills are improving! That is what she has left me between feeding animals and other jobs! I will be at her place for two days.
15/Jul/10 8:51 PM
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