Sudokuaholics Anonymous 9A

Submitted By: MizTricia1 from Alabama, USA

The SA8 is getting sooo slow, I thought it is about time for a NEW thread, WELCOME TO SA 9A!
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   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I have used ant bait to get rid of ants before. I used a brand called "Combat" Don't know if you would have the same brands down under.
05/Jul/10 10:21 AM
   Tami the Troublemaker  From Florida
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I did not expect the TOPP. The fun of not paying attention.
05/Jul/10 10:21 AM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Sigh. Three has to go to a 2 week training course that he only found out about this morning. He has no money and no food... We are planning on going shopping anyway so we'll head over with something for him to eat. I won't swear in here because I don't want to be banned, but I do wonder what these people think when they do this stuff.... and why 'other' people don't care enough to find out this stuff.
05/Jul/10 11:15 AM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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You are a great Surrogate Mum Suzy ♥
05/Jul/10 11:29 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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June, hope your trip with Laura is wonderful and relaxing.

Julie, I too love the sound of your pens. What a wonderful thing to do for the boys and girls away from home!

Rolanda, I hope your dinner with flyboy is relaxing. At least with cooler weather cooking is more pleasant to do. We have had a scorcher for two days now and I have the stove/oven on as little as possible.

Heidi ... what fun. How did your fireworks go?

Judy, cleaning out cupboards is not fun at the best of times. I remember one time bringing home a bag of flour, not knowing there were weavils in it. Everything had to be cleaned out ... what a chore. I learned then to keep the flour in either a very tightly sealed container, or in the fridge.
05/Jul/10 11:49 AM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Suzy, I am assuming Three's course has to do with his job?

I lay down on the bed this afternoon to give my back a rest (humidity does a number on the arthritis), only to wake up 5 hours later. Yes, 5. So now I have to get my act in gear and do some ffuts. The cats are not amused that their supper is late. Hubby went to his parents today and brought home some left over spaghetti from his supper. So my supper, if you can call it that at this hour, just needs to be nuked. No stove or oven, yeah! TTFN.
05/Jul/10 11:53 AM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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It just turned dark, Theresa, so I haven't done any fireworks yet. And I'm feeling a bit tired after the volleyball, and can't get enthusiastic about setting them off. Maybe I'll wait and celebrate the completion of my sunroom.
05/Jul/10 12:04 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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That sounds like a great idea, Heidi. I thought for some reason you are an hour ahead of me in time, but I guess we're in the same time zone. I need another coffee after my nap ... how can I still be tired? Still very humid here and I find that draining.
05/Jul/10 12:26 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm in the Eastern time zone. MizTricia is in Central.
05/Jul/10 12:31 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I was just checking the weather for this week. We have another humidex advisory in effect. Temps will be between 33 and 35C, which is very hot for us. I'm sitting here right now sucking on ice cubes, which reminds me I better go make some more. We don't have air conditioning in the house this year for the first time and I for one really miss it. Hubby also likes to sleep with the windows closed (yes, closed) and I can't stand that, so I've been sleeping downstairs.

Heidi, I'm envious of your sunroom. I would so love to have a "space" of my own. Our house is a double and our daughter and her family live in the other side. We bought a double many years ago so that we could collect rent from the other side to help us make the mortgage payments. We built a doorway upstairs to the other side after the second grandie was born and gave them our spare bedroom. We had two large bedrooms and now we are down to one. I miss the extra space, but they really needed it because they only had two small bedrooms.
05/Jul/10 12:47 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Afternoon all!
Theresa, the training is linked to unemployment benefits - that he isn't even getting yet because his parents lost his birth certificate. He was told he had an appointment at 9am, showed up and was told he'd be there all day for 2 weeks. They have him applying for jobs that he can't take because without his birth certificate he can't get a Tax File Number. Government organisations, go figure...
05/Jul/10 2:19 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Just calling in quickly while there's a lull in the activity here. The birthday boy (who thanks you for all of your good wishes) has gone out with Lachlan. The 2 girls are on the other computer playing on Jewels Facebook page - so all of those PV & TM posts are them not me. I am exhausted - why do children wear you out so much?
05/Jul/10 2:22 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Zusy sent you a PM
05/Jul/10 2:23 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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oh just remembered I forgot to say earlier on..

Happy Birthday Col

Tomorrow, Mary/Bibra Lake and I are taking vdV to the cafe, overlooking the River and the City, the same one we went to with you CynB !!
05/Jul/10 2:25 PM
   CynB  From Redlands Qld Aus    Supporting Member
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Happy 4th July to our US friends - enjoy whatever you are doing to celebrate. (Suzy, what does your hubby do to celebrate here?)
Theresa - although Heidi is right about epilepsy, as a grandmother of one (Emily) who has epilepsy, I know the worries and stress associated with it. At least your daughter hasn't put them in the too hard basket and left them for someone else to worry about, like Em's mother did. The last big tests Em had were inconclusive as to whether this is childhood epilepsy that she has. I hope so!
05/Jul/10 2:27 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hi all,

Suzy, in Canada you can only get unemployment benefits if you have already worked something like 12 weeks. My daughter is hoping to go on unemployment benefits for the duration of the time she is off work.

Yes Cyn, kids do wear us out. You must be exhausted for sure having three of them with you.

Although epilepsy is treatable, it is still a worry. Also there are added expenses. My daughter wants to put the girls in swimming lessons, but because of the epilepsy, the cost is twice as much! Apparently because of this condition they need one on one training without the parents present. My daughter doesn't want them to have one on one, she wants them to be with other kids and she would stay and supervise, and she was willing to sign a waiver. But of course rules are rules and they won't make an exception.
05/Jul/10 2:45 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Suzy... Here you can get a copy of a birth certificate from the state records. There's a small fee, and a month long wait for it to be processed, but at least you end up with the certificate.
05/Jul/10 3:05 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Cyn... I was just trying to help Theresa from freaking out over the epilepsy. It is a scary enough problem. While I have no relatives with it, I had a sweet dog (Lyric) who lived for nearly 12 years with grand mal cluster seizures... treatable and controllable with large daily doses of phenobarbatol... and I just lost Lucky to uncontrollable grand mal seizures. I also have had numerous friends throughout my life with epilepsy.
05/Jul/10 3:10 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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I went with my daughter and her family to discuss how to treat epilepsy with the first grand child and it was very informative. Gone are the old wives' tales about holding down the tongue ... a person cannot swallow their tongue. The hard thing with my eldest is she only has them at night and she almost always wets the bed when she has them. When she's a bit older and has sleep overs I'm sure she'll be a bit self-conscious.

I just find it strange that the two grandies have it and I know of no other family members who have ever had it.
05/Jul/10 3:32 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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In the first sentence above I should have said I went with my daughter and her family "to the specialist".
05/Jul/10 3:35 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Greetings, Everyone!

Gail, I can't imagine being without my oven (even though I don't use it nearly as much as you use yours)!

Good luck to those who are trying to rid their homes of ants!

Heidi, I'm so glad you made it back home in one piece!

Tami, the cake sounds yummy! Thank you for sharing the link!

June, I hope you got your packing done in time!

Suzy, did Three enjoy the brief stay with you? I guess it's good for him to have the opportunity to learn to be on his own, as long as he's not being "thrown to the wolves!"

Rolanda, how exciting that you have such an esteemed visitor! Will your boys be there for the meal as well?

Theresa and Judy, I hope you have had a wonderful day!
05/Jul/10 4:21 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hi Julie - you're up late! Me too I guess.
05/Jul/10 4:27 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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I'm up late as well.

I'm waiting for Vivacious Viv to tell us about her role as the mother of Frankenstein's monster. Something about her lines instead of her oh-so-cool costume.
05/Jul/10 4:32 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Theresa, I hope the weather this week turns out to be better than predicted! (We love our air conditioning!)

Suzy, I hope Three's weeks of training turn out to be beneficial! Have his parents figured out how to get a replacement birth certificate for him?

Cyn, enjoy having your grandies visiting!

I apologize for not commenting on all posts or acknowledging everyone who has posted, but I'm falling asleep at the computer and have decided to give up for tonight. All the best to all of you! Sending loads of hugs, positive vibes and prayers to anyone who can use them and hope to be back tomorrow!

BTW, we have some MAJOR house gninaelc to be done, so won't be working on the pens for a couple of weeks. I will try to post some pictures when we get back to working on them.
05/Jul/10 4:33 PM
   Heidi  From Magnolia, KY    Supporting Member
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Off to bed.
05/Jul/10 4:34 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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It really is late for both of you, Theresa and Heidi, if you're both in the eastern time zone. It's past 1:30 a.m. here, and I'm in the central time zone.

Good Night, Everyone!
05/Jul/10 4:34 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good night Heidi and Julie.
05/Jul/10 4:41 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Yes my chidren will be here for dinner.
#1 Boy (and his girl) will be picking Steve from his Hotel, and dropping him back later on in the evening on their way home.
#1 Boy Final Year Uni Project last year came from Steve.
05/Jul/10 5:18 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Yep, still have a page and a half to catch up on....gave up and thought I should let you know I am still here!
Love and hugs, hopefully no-one will arrive before I finish reading.
05/Jul/10 5:22 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Just read backwards for a few posts and really need to catch up before I could comment. Thinking of you all.
05/Jul/10 5:24 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Evening all!
Theresa, it sounds like your system is more like the US. Here people can go their whole lives on benefits and never hold down a job. It is getting harder though with requirements like this training Three is attending carrying on pretty much the whole time. The girls fix that by having a baby. Then they go on a different type of benefit. Three has said in no uncertain terms that he'd rather be working, and his mother has said she will go guarantor on a lease for him once he has a job - but she wouldn't hand over the birth certificate, and then when she had no choice last Tuesday, she 'lost' it. No, I don't think she did it on purpose but it made me angry. Three's father said stuff that implied he would take care of it, but there are no signs of action. I figure by Wednesday I will have given them a week to be parents and I will start making phone calls.
05/Jul/10 5:33 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Hi Broni, Rolanda and Suzy. It is almost 3:45 AM here and I am off to catch some sleep. That five hour nap I had earlier has thrown me off schedule!

Suzy, I don't understand why some people make such a big deal about things. Three's parents seem quite willing to let you help him, but not willing to supply the things you need to help him. I guess nothing should surprise us about them. If he was my kid I'd be worried sick about him.

Good night all.
05/Jul/10 5:43 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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On to the last page and no one is home yet! Yee Haa!
Zusy, you know what we hope for Three and Thnak You!
05/Jul/10 5:44 PM
   Broni  From Qld, Australia    Supporting Member
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Good Night Theresa, strenght to you and yours.
05/Jul/10 5:45 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Theresa, I get very frustrated for Three. Do you know his mother offered him $20 for a hair cut? I don't know if he took it, but I did vent a little to hubby that shampoo and toothpaste probably would have been appreciated a bit more...

Having vented about all of that I have to say that although it is frustrating and just plain weird, not to mention what it is like for kids who don't have someone looking out for them, it is nothing compared to the stuff happening with your daughter and her family, and a few other daughters and families in here. I think about you all way too often to be considered sane and if good thoughts could fix things.....
05/Jul/10 6:14 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Oh, and sons....
05/Jul/10 6:16 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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A feel good and a funny...
05/Jul/10 6:55 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Feel Good

The house invited Ebob to dinner tonight because most of the other clients didn't stay home and Three was disappointed.
05/Jul/10 6:57 PM
   Suzy  From Oz
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Hubby was leaving work tonight and was picking up Ebob on the way home. A woman looked like she was going to cross the road at a place that wasn't actually a crossing but appears to be so he stopped to let her. She climbed in the car!! The bus had dropped her off and she had to walk to Woollies but had no idea where it was, could he drive her. In the 500 metres to Woollies she told him her life story, including the fact that she had to go back to the hospital after she had finished her shopping. There is NO public transport here, we can't even work out what bus she was talking about. Hubby said he had to pick up Ebob but if she was outside when he got back he'd drive her up to the hospital. She was outside...
05/Jul/10 7:01 PM
   Theresa  From Small Town Canada
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Good morning from hot humid muggy sticky small town near Ottawa. Good day for staying indoors as much as possible.

Suzy, love your feel good and funny stories; the last one gave me a chuckle. How nice of your hubby to drive her ... a lot of people out there would have demanded she get out of the car and left her there.
06/Jul/10 12:10 AM
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