Kirsten from Sydney

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Nancy  From Michigan
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Welcome Kirsten.
03/Feb/09 2:59 AM
   Nola  From Bundaberg Qld Oz    Supporting Member
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Hope you enjoy your time with us.
03/Feb/09 6:28 AM
   Sophia  From Country Vic, Aust.
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Hope u have a gr8 time here, I do, wonderful friendly people, good conversation, stop by some time for a chat but most of all enjoy, cheers.
03/Feb/09 11:38 AM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Welcome Kristen! Sounds like you travel a bit by your "from" - glad you decided to join us here in Sudokuland!
04/Feb/09 12:56 AM
minnie  From NSW Australia
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Welcome Kirsten, how long have you been in Sydney?
04/Feb/09 8:47 AM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW Australia    Supporting Member
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Kirsten, to Sudokuland. I saw your comment on easy jigsaw today and thought I would say "hello and welcome". I hope you enjoy your time here as much as I do.
04/Feb/09 1:18 PM
   Maureen  From Dubbo, NSW Australia    Supporting Member
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Hi again, Kirsten. I just remembered that you wanted to know how to get to each person who has written to you. Just click on "Check out my page" (in blue writing) after their name and you will go straight to their own page.
04/Feb/09 1:28 PM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL    Supporting Member
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cold winter day here near Chicago, the mess of snow fell to the east of the city - early morning here, the sun is not even up yet and just relaxing into the day --- always nice to watch an exercise program, as I am doing -- Inhale, intense yoga with great music beat, should be some carryover.. enjoy your day, Mary
04/Feb/09 10:47 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hi there Kristen! There are a couple of Dutchies in Sudokuland with similar relation to their Dutch homelands...both brilliant, wonderful DUGs (down-under gals): Rolanda from Perth WA and Dizzy Lizzy from Melbourne, Australia.
Looking forward to catching you on the puzzles pages!
05/Feb/09 11:40 PM
Catherine  From Sydney
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Hello Kirsten, are you fairly new here? I am Thought I would drop in and say hello. Are you from Sydney or Copenhagen? I assume you have moved from one to the other? Hope you have fun here, see you around.
14/Feb/09 7:53 PM
Catherine  From Sydney
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Thanks for quick reply I love getting messages but haven't really got talking to many ppl yet. I live near Blacktown, have been in Sydney for 17 years, I am originally from South Australia... To use your words, a farm girl, born and bred! Do you like the sudokus? I always do the jigsaws afterwards!
15/Feb/09 2:26 PM
   Ian  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Kirsten, welcome to Sudokuland and thank you for your nice comments about my photos. I enjoy my photography and I like to be able to share it around among my friends.
15/Feb/09 5:16 PM
   Joan  From West Virginia, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Kirsten!

I assume you are Danish, correct? One of my friends is Danish, and was living in Langeland several years ago when I was able to go visit her. Denmark is sooooo beautiful - I really loved my two week visit! At the end of my visit we stayed with a friend of hers in Copenhagen, so I was able to see some of it at that time. I had been looking forward to a return visit, but she has developed Alzeimher's and has returned to the States to live near her daughters. But I would like to go back there - my friend doesn't like to walk, but I'd love to walk some of the coastlines we visited briefly, and travel more throughout your country!

Enjoy Sudokuland - it's populated by some very nice folks!
16/Feb/09 12:05 AM
   Joan  From West Virginia, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Kirsten!
I assume you are Danish, correct? One of my friends is Danish, and was living in Langeland several years ago when I was able to go visit her. Denmark is sooooo beautiful - I really loved my two week visit! At the end of my visit we stayed with a friend of hers in Copenhagen, so I was able to see some of it at that time. I had been looking forward to a return visit, but she has developed Alzeimher's and has returned to the States to live near her daughters. But I would like to go back there - my friend doesn't like to walk, but I'd love to walk some of the coastlines we visited briefly, and travel more throughout your country!
Enjoy Sudokuland - it's populated by some very nice folks!
16/Feb/09 12:12 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hi Kirsten! Just saw a comment from you on someone else's page, so thought I'd drop in and say Hello! I actually had family who came from Copenhagen, several generations ago - I would love to visit there some day.
Hope you enjoy the site - I've met some very friendly people here, and I've had a lot of fun! :)
24/Feb/09 12:56 PM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Kirsten, I guess my family weren't really very Danish - they were only there for a few generations. I think they originally came from Germany, moved to Denmark, some of the children then went to Russia (I believe some descendents are still there), some moved to New Zealand (quite a lot still there), then my branch moved to Australia. I guess our family liked to travel! :)
26/Feb/09 11:21 AM
   Judy  From Nunawading
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Hey Kirsten! You have an interesting mixture there, too! I'm really into tracing the family tree ... that's just one branch of the family! On other sides we have English, Irish, Scottish, Cornish (traced back to the 1500s) then some more German. One daughter is engaged to a guy of Dutch origin, another has a boyfriend who is half Greek, the other half a mixture including Italian and Native American - talk about United Nations! I guess what it boils down to is - we are typical Aussies! ;)

26/Feb/09 1:04 PM
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