Sis Emma from SC

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Sis Emma  From SC
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Thank you all so much for such a nice welcome.
22/May/08 11:16 AM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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Hi Sis Emma. This is bad you've been here for two weeks & no one's dropped by. I'm very sorry I haven't been before. In atonement here are some flowers for you!
04/Jun/08 4:37 PM
   Kate  From Sydney    Supporting Member
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I actually came by to tell you that if you want to see today's flower from Sue before it was shrunk for the jigsaw go to:
04/Jun/08 4:38 PM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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I'm confused! Kate gave this URL and said it was for Sis Emma, but it says Amber. Well, whichever is correct, WELCOME to your new page and to the posting ranks of Sudokuland! Here are some flowers (not nearly as nice as Kate left) for you to enjoy! Hope to see your comments soon!
05/Jun/08 3:07 AM
   Kay  From Wilmington NC USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Sis Emma,

Yes, I've been going to Brook Green Gardens since I was a baby. It used to be an annual visit for us, until I moved to NJ in 1983. We've been back in NC for 11 years, and I've been about three times since. I've always loved the statues and the gardens. Going there always brings back a lot of happy memories of my childhood. Kay
14/Jun/08 4:08 PM
Sis Emma  From SC
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To all my new friends, welcome and thank you. Thank you for your friendship and kind words. Thank you for the lovely flowers, and Julie, Smilies in lieu of real flowers are a true delight. In sincere thanks, I offer each of you a fresh, three layer banana pudding, nice and cold right out of the refrigerater. From my house to yours. ONe reason I've been so lax is that we've had thunderstorms circling the house all day. Not that we got any rain. It's been more than a month since we got measurable rain and I'm beginning to dispair. Oh well, there's always tomorrow. WHo knows.
16/Jun/08 11:07 AM
   Julie  From IL, USA
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Thanks for your response, Sis Emma! Thanks, too, for the YUMMY banana pudding! It's delish!

The next time we get rain, I'll try to send some (not too much) your way. Luckily, we're in an area that is not flooding, and we'd like to keep it that way here - and for you, too! Have a great day!
17/Jun/08 3:17 PM
Sis Emma  From SC
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Julie we got the rain and thank you very very much. Got 1/2 inch night before last and another 1/4 inch last evening. Maybe that will keep your rivers down a bit.

Hae a good day yourself.
18/Jun/08 10:05 AM
   dino  From Sth Gippsland    Supporting Member
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Hi Sis Emma, you must be an animal lover from your comments. Are you going to upload some pics to your page so we can see?
01/Aug/08 4:03 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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Emma, how did you sneak in under my radar? Well, nonetheless, you're a bright little blip now. Exactly where are you blipping from, Emma?
Welcome to the site. You're going to like it here. The people are warm and friendly and the puzzles are fun. Check out the forum pages, too.
I'm always tickled to see fellow South Carolinians here. Let me hear from you.
16/Sep/08 3:34 PM
   Ruby  From Ruby, SC
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Thanks for responding so quickly, Emma. I passed through your neck of the woods years and years ago. I'm a retired teacher, single, no kids, no skeletons in the closet. If we ever organize a meet-up, you will have to come. In the mean time, join us in SA6 on the forum pages if you like. We use it as a chat room with emotional support as needed. Glad to have met you.
17/Sep/08 3:26 PM
sudokuDabbler  From Seattle, WA
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Another South Carolinian! My South Carolina connections are very strong: I was born in Lancaster and spent many years of my childhood in Boiling Springs and Spartanburg. My grandmother's people have lived in Hendersonville, NC, for over 200 years, and my grandmother was the first to move out of state when she bought a farm between Boiling Springs and Chesnee. I live in Seattle now, but I visit often.
03/Jan/09 5:36 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Dear Sis Emma.
Wishing you a very,

13/Apr/09 5:16 AM
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