cheezemonkeylover01 from Sydney

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   Eve  From So. Oregon
Check out my page

to you to Sudokuland, along with a Strawberry Cream Cheese Pie for you and your guests.

There’s lots to do around here, places to visit and chat. I'm just around the corner, stop in anytime for more pie and a video.
15/Nov/07 10:37 AM
   Cazablanka  From Melbourne
Check out my page
to Sudokuland. Hope you have fun. Visit me anytime.
15/Nov/07 2:06 PM
   Madby3  From Qld, Australia
Check out my page
I just worked this one out with help from other members.
When you are on the utube of your choice look to the right where it will say the title "About this video". Just under this is a section which says "embed" This is the code you must copy and paste to get the video.
I hope this helps.
16/Nov/07 12:36 PM
   Madby3  From Qld, Australia
Check out my page
P.S. Welcome to Sudokuland. The members are very helpful and nice.
You will get inundated with offers of lovely food like the Tiramasu and Baileys I offer you. Stop by my home page and have some. Christmas has arrived so see my gorgeous tree.

16/Nov/07 12:39 PM
   Shelley  From Ballston Spa
Check out my page
Looks like Sharlene has your UTube question covered so I'll just say to Sudokuland. Enjoy!
16/Nov/07 12:44 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
Check out my page
Gday Cheezemonkeylover and . I was just wondering whether you had drawn these pictures yourself as my youngest daughter draws in a similar style.
16/Nov/07 5:23 PM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
Check out my page
The drawings are brilliant CML. Your art teacher is right. You are lucky to have an art teacher who sees your potential.
Have you seen the drawings on Toy Elephant's page? She drew them herself too.
Brought you a basket full of choccies and home-made biccies and muffins. Enjoy.
18/Nov/07 11:30 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
Check out my page
The link is on my page now if you would like to see my daughter's page.
27/Nov/07 9:32 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
Check out my page
Gday CML, beneath the pic on her page is a link 'View this photo at Flickr', click on that and it will take you to the 6 pics she currently has up.
As for avatars, I am not the person to ask because I am puter illiterate! In the Forums pages, there is a section that answers a lot of questions and gives suggestions for sites etc. I think you could use your own pic as an avatar if you decrease its size but all the details are there. Here is the link:
27/Nov/07 3:56 PM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
Check out my page
Cheeze - I am a very OLD math teacher (57 in a couple of weeks) - I plan to retire from teaching in two years (actually one and one-half years, now).
03/Dec/07 1:37 PM
   Stella  From Saratoga, NY/USA
Check out my page
Wishing you and your family, health, peace, love, and happiness during this Christmas Season and throughout the New Year! Merry Christmas! Stella & family
19/Dec/07 11:52 PM
   Eve  From So. Oregon
Check out my page
Stopped by to wish you good cheer
Brought a little bubblie here
May your toast be great
For two thousand eight
May you have a very

Hope your Christmas was blest.
No resolutions to obsess
It is not too late
For to celebrate
Our Lord Saviour’s Righteousness
31/Dec/07 4:19 PM
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