Shelley from Ballston NY, USA

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Welcome friends! 

                          Make yourself at home.




Taken on Memorial Day 2010. I've often admired this flag as she waves on State Route 67. Thank you to the property owner for sharing her with us for all these years.

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   Shelley  From Ballston Spa
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Flickr has given me a devil of a time so I haven't been able to decorate the walls yet. Time for bed now, I'll unpack more tomorrow to make it presentable for guests.
27/May/07 2:42 PM
   Dave  From Oregon/Arizona    Supporting Member
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Welcome to this wonderful addiction....enjoy. My name is Dave and I'm a Sudokuholic....
27/May/07 3:05 PM
sweetie  From india
hi shelly welcome aboard hope to be in touch
27/May/07 4:59 PM
   Gath  From    Supporting Member
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Hi Shelley,

Glad to have you aboard!

27/May/07 6:12 PM
   Debby  From Mi,USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Shelley - to Sudokuland - We are glad to have you here. I have brought a freshly baked cinnamon coffee cake for you to share with your guests. Please come and see me some time.
27/May/07 9:40 PM
   MizTricia  From Alabama, USA
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HI SHELLY, and welcome to sudokuland. I saw that you Broke the Site when you came on, GRAND ENTRANCE, huh?

I come bringing a page warming gift of home made Apple butter. I made up a fresh batch just yesterday.

Drop by my page any time, I will be putting up new photos of my part of the world occasionally and just added youtube for your listening pleasure.

27/May/07 10:24 PM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Hi Shelley, please tell me where Ballston Spa is. I'm thinking in Victoria if you are in Australia, but I really don't know. And it's very late so I'll google it tomorrow maybe. Meanwhile, welcome to the family. Brought you some to decorate the place, and a to share with your visitors.
27/May/07 11:50 PM
MamaMere  From MD    Supporting Member
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Welcome to Sudoku-land, Shelley. I've brought you some Maryland crabcakes to nosh - hours of puzzling can really build up an appetite!
28/May/07 12:14 AM
   Dave  From Oregon/Arizona    Supporting Member
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Hi Shelley, Isn't Ballston Spa on Hwy 9 in Upstate New York near Saratoga Springs??? I believe we went through there a few times going up to Lake George for the Americade motorcycle rally that we attended for several years.
28/May/07 3:29 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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and to sudoku land. I see you have already have had some visitors so I have brought along some
for all to share.
Looking forward to getting to know more about you. If your ever down under, pop in and say HI.
28/May/07 5:41 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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seems I need to make two trips to bring in my gifts.
there, think thats it. Enjoy,
28/May/07 5:43 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Hi S H E L L E Y
Congratulation to have Your own page ,I am very pleased to visit You having With me these nice flowers.
You in My page.
You to visit 'The Egyptian Guest House' any and every time You wish.
Have3 a nice Day.
29/May/07 1:24 AM
   Kathy  From Maryland
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Shelley! Just dropping by to welcome you to your own page! I've brought a big pot of Maryland Cream of Crab soup for you and your guests to enjoy Stop by my place anytime, door's always open
29/May/07 1:59 AM
   mymare  From Naperville, IL
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Just dropping in and really enjoyed your picture - what a wonderful place - and thank you for the song for Memeoral day - have a wonderful evening, Mary
29/May/07 7:00 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Shelly, and welcome to your own page! My traditional page warming gift is a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from here in Ottawa. Hope you like sweets! Enjoyed your Flickr photos. Nice to see both the US and the Canadian views of Niagra Falls. Cheers!
29/May/07 8:52 AM
   Kathy  From Valrico, Florida, USA    Supporting Member
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Hi Shelley! Glad you have succeeded in loading some photos on Flickr - I enjoyed looked at all of them! Especially got a kick out of the startled barn!! Looks like you enjoy traveling. I do, too. Someone else in Sudokuland has a dog named Sky. I think it might be Nancy from PA. I'm going to go check on the ''Our Pets'' page. Please enter your Sky & Kala there when you have time.
30/May/07 11:45 AM
   Dave  From Oregon/Arizona    Supporting Member
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Hi Shelley, Sorry I didn't get back to you right away. Hope you get your bike out and head over to Lake George. We own a Honda Gold Wing. We have travelled as far east as Michigan and Indiana but travel in a motorhome now and carry the Gold Wing in a trailer. We went to Americade from 1998 and our last year was 2004 and sold our jewelry. It just wasn't paying to go back anymore and we got tired of the drive across country.
01/Jun/07 2:16 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Hi S H E L L E Y
Very pleased to see Your lovely comment .Now the English wording of my First Arabic song is on my page 5 and my Today photo ,hope You enjoy it.
Every week You will find another new photo and new Arabic Tube ,Hope You keep in contact.
Have a nice Day.
03/Jun/07 1:50 AM
KarenK  From N RidgevilleOhio
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Hi Shelley! I used to be a consultant for a company based in Ballston Spa - have you heard of Artcraft? (Crafts kits) They were big in the late 70's and in the early 80's and then they were gone. I had the UPS guy arriving here almost daily for a couple of years.
05/Jun/07 12:58 AM
KarenK  From N RidgevilleOhio
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By the way, I know NY wines, and so I brought Ohio wine for you to compare.
05/Jun/07 12:59 AM
   MizTricia1  From Alabama, USA    Supporting Member
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Shelly, yes, the girls in 12 girl band were not very antimated like our musicians, but i did remember thinking, much more so when playing western music than when they play the traditional old eastern music on those instruments. Very stiff and formal then.

I just happened to run across that group while changing TV channels and had to check them out, they were on the public TV channel. I wold not go to a concert, or listen to an entire album, but was interesting to see and hear something totaly new to me. Glad you decided to listen.
06/Jun/07 12:42 PM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Hi S H E L L Y
very much for your visit and inerest.
for your very kind comments.
You are to check all my Photo Stream on my Flickr of my page ,You will enjoy a lot of Cairo'Egypt/Family Photos and keep follow ,there will be more and more every day.
Hope You enjoy and have a nice Day.
07/Jun/07 2:02 PM
   CP  From Canberra    Supporting Member
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Have my map out and can see where Ballston Spa is. We visited a friend in Pittsford,NY in '99, but I can't find that on my map. I had a feeling it was out Rochester way.
10/Jun/07 2:34 PM
   jamie  From aggieland texas    Supporting Member
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Shelley - great picture of the glacier. I am really beginning to get excited about our trip to Alaska - we leave on Friday! The bad thing is that my parents had to cancel their reservations. We have told them that we (Jeanie and I) will just have to go back and be their tour guides!
11/Jun/07 11:43 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Shelley. A beautiful picture of the Mendenhall glacier on your page. I never got uo to see that, nor have I been down to your neck of the woods in New York (Lake Palcid was as far as I got). Maybe someday, as it looks like a nice place based on your photos. Cheers!
01/Jul/07 5:02 AM
   Wagdy Kamel  From Cairo Egypt
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Hi S H E L L E Y.
Very pleased that you visit my page and more than hsppy that You enjoyed my You Tube.
This music is for a very well known 'The top Of Musician in Egypt'Mr .Mohamed abdel Wahab,and it is a part of the music of a famous song for the top of songer'Um Kalthoum' this song of the Two Tops as we call it the First meeting between the Two tops 'You are my Life'
Hope these information of interest to you.
Have a nice time.
01/Jul/07 5:36 AM
   Max  From Saratoga, NY
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Thank you for visiting my page.
04/Jul/07 12:22 AM
   Beast  From MA, USA
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Hi Shelley,
Thanks for the nice welcome. Your dogs are gorgeous. I adore all animals, but my Shepherds are very special to me. Any more photos of your girls?
17/Jul/07 8:54 AM
   Sue  From OK    Supporting Member
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Hi Shelly, Thank you very much for the birthday wishes, I had a very nice day. Went to my favorite Mexican resturant, even had dessert 'flan' yum, yum.
19/Jul/07 7:33 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Shelley, go to Flickr to the picture you want to present first, get that http number, copy and paste on your update detail page where the Flickr box is. Then click on update something on the bottom of the page. Try that, it took me days to figure that one out. So I'm a little slow. Angie is a great one to ask. She even helped me to get an avatar. So I'm not far behind you! Good luck!
21/Jul/07 10:02 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Shelley, can see now I've just given you useless info, you've got it. Sorry, can I welcome you to the family instead? Here's a bottle of California wine (red, white or pink your pick) and a box of Leonidas chocolates (my favorite Belgium ones, of course)
21/Jul/07 10:04 AM
JL  From Alaska    Supporting Member
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Hi Shelley! From your message I take it you enjoyed your visit to Alaska. I am proud to say that I am indeed a lifelong resident of the state. True, it can get rather cold in the winter, but I call it home and couldn't see it any other way.
21/Jul/07 12:05 PM
   Angie  From Melb    Supporting Member
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Shelly, I have noticed that you have posted a question in regard to fliker, sorry I can't help with fliker as I don't use it. I do however use Photobucket which is very similiar to fliker, and very easy to use. I put Bobc from New Mexico onto it and he found it great, might be worth a looking at if you still have problems with flicker.
Hope you have a great day and I look forward to seeing more of your photos.
22/Jul/07 12:23 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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Hi Shelly, I thought I had been here before, but evidently I haven' glad to have you join us and I hope you have as much fun as I do. Your dogs are beautiful. Leaving you a basket of Philadelphia favoriets, steak sandwiches, soft pretzels, Twinkies, Phila. Cream Cheese,and Franks Orange Soda to wash it all down. Hope you enjoy. My door is always open, please feel free to drop by anytime.
22/Jul/07 2:04 AM
   Mamacita 2  From PA.    Supporting Member
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favoriets, should be favorites
22/Jul/07 2:08 AM
   shosho  From los angeles    Supporting Member
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Just to show you that I'm not ahead of you but just muddling along with you. I finally learned to make a smilie with the help of Ian/Sydney. My treat for you for trying and be careful of the liqueur filled ones. Don't breathe while eating or at least not near fire!
ps isn't Angie the greatest? She made my avatar for me.
24/Jul/07 1:48 AM
   Gail  From Cockatoo Vic AU
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Gday Shelley. Sorry it took me so long to get here but there's a lot of people and places to visit on this site! I love the photos of your girls, simply adorable. Must say, that photo looking straight up the middle of the Eiffel Tower is one amazing shot!!
I've brought along a bottle of bubbly and a plate of nibblies because my mother taught me never to go visiting without a gift!
Pop over to my page whenever you're in the neighbourhood. If I'm not in, just make yourself at home and meet the tribe.
24/Jul/07 4:27 PM
   Wilodene  From Utah    Supporting Member
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Shelley, thanks for visiting my page and leaving comments. Is Balston Spa in New York? We were just there around the first week of June; my granddaughters' favorite places were in the NW countryside, but we didn't make it to Niagara Falls. I had been there years ago, but didn't get spectacular photos like yours. It looks as if you enjoy flowers, so I'll offer you one of mine to add to your collection. While I admired your photos of Paris, UK, and Alaska, my personal favorite is the startled barn. It definitely adds a sense of humor! Have a great Maen!
02/Aug/07 2:25 AM
   nal  From miami    Supporting Member
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Re: Print. Yes! Please do! - and enjoy it. It might be best if you download it from Flickr.
08/Aug/07 11:16 AM
   Nancy  From Pa    Supporting Member
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Hi Shelley~had to stop in and get a look at your ''beloved'' doggies ,very handsome pets,as you know my dogs name is Sky also,my husband hates new names and has a hard time with them so I gave him a list if names I liked ans let him choose,its a easy on ,just look up! I had a long hair shepherd years ago that looked a lot like your Sky in some of the photos,I'll have to post a pic of him,he was a sweet dog but none to bright!he had a great bloodlines and pedigree a mile long but I wouldn't have past his bloodlines!
15/Aug/07 2:55 PM
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