Patti from woodinville, WA

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Patti  From woodinville, WA
Check out my page
Patti from Woodinville

Note name change from 64slugirl .

We are one and the same !
26/Oct/10 6:42 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Welcome to the site and your own page Patti. We have a few folks who drop in regularly and/or occasionally that are from the Seattle area. Enjoy my traditional page warming gift, a double chocolate fudge beavertail pastry from Ottawa. Cheers!
26/Oct/10 8:18 AM
   Colo Jim  From the Springs
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Welcome, Patti.
Enjoy the puzzles, banter & comradarie on this site!
26/Oct/10 1:39 PM
Patti  From woodinville, WA
Check out my page
Thanks! for the warm welcomes! And I raise one of Seattles best brews to your toast! This is sure to be one of the best things I did today!
26/Oct/10 2:43 PM
   Rolanda  From Perth W Aust
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Welcome to Sudokuland Patti.

My son's girlfriend sister and her husband live and work in Seatle..
26/Oct/10 5:04 PM
Neil  From UK-Hertfordshire    Supporting Member
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Hi Patti, Welcome to the site. It does help on these pages if you are a bit mad - but you've probably guessed that anyway.
26/Oct/10 6:28 PM
   Kathy  From Maryland/USA    Supporting Member
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to your own page Patti!
I would change Neil's "a bit mad" to "totally mad"
Glad to see you joining in!
27/Oct/10 1:15 AM
   HalT  From S Carolina
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Hi Patti, (That's going to take some getting use to, my younger daughter's name is Patty.)

Welcome to Sudoku. I think you'll enjoy yourself here.
27/Oct/10 8:09 AM
   The Phantom  From Not The Opera
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Hi Patti
Re the camp bananas. Nah! I wasn't disappointed. I normally produce a summary each day and have a bit of a go at everyone. So you see I have an image to uphold.
27/Oct/10 5:27 PM
   Vibrant Vici  From California    Supporting Member
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Hey Patti!
Looks like your fitting right in here!
to your page and the site. Catch you on the puzzle pages. Cheers!
29/Oct/10 2:56 AM
   Canuk Greg  From Ottawa, Canada    Supporting Member
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Hi Patti,
I just wanted to send season's greetings to you and all your loved ones. I'm sure you celebrate Christmas, so I hope you enjoy the season and have a wonderful time, and my best wishes for a happy new year as well. Take care, enjoy, have fun and know you have Sudoku friends out there thinking of you. Cheers!
22/Dec/10 11:43 AM
Patti  From woodinville, WA
Check out my page
Dear Canuck Greg,
Thanks for the surprise and cheery greetings! Love it !
Been thinking of this part of my life and about missing Sudoku friends I barely got to know. Been working too many hours and
soon the holidays will pass......I'll be back !! I need Fiona's puzzles to keep my head on straight! EVERYONE, MERRY CHRISTMAS !
22/Dec/10 3:22 PM
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